Chapter 14 – Can Call Me By My Name

Xing Luo breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Ye Lixiao was only trying to scare her. If they really fight, she still would not be Ye Lixiao opponent no matter how strong she was.

When the crisis had ended, Xing Luo went to the refrigerator and took out some ingredients. As she washed the ingredients, she asked, "Mr Ye, I saw in the refrigerator coincidentally had eggplants and tenderloin. How about we make stewed eggplant with meat slices?"

Ye Lixiao was startled, he couldn't help but to deeply looked at Xing Luo, "....En."

Xing Luo: "What kind of dishes did Little Ye Mu and Little Ye Rong like to eat?"

Ye Lixiao: "Whatever you plan to make, is what they like to eat."

When Xing Luo heard that, the corner of her mouth curve into a smile, "What a coincidence! My favourite dish is also stewed eggplant with meat slices!"

[TN: I also love to eat stewed eggplant but I love to eat them with minced meat instead of chunky meat slices XD]

Ye Lixiao secretly judged her. From Xing Luo's manners, she didn't look like she was pretending...…..

Perhaps, she just happened to have similar preferences with his two children.

Ye Lixiao rolled up his sleeves and exposed out his strong arms. He then proceeded to helped Xing Luo to cut vegetables.

This was obviously their first time to be cooking together but the two of them unexpectedly had a tacit understanding. Without much effort, they soon finished preparing two dishes...….

Looking at how proficient Xing Luo was at cooking, Ye Lixiao fell into deep thoughts. Only people who live alone all year round could master the cooking skill to such a level…..

Ye Lixiao unconsciously thought of the skills that Xing Luo has shown during the audition.

The secret that this woman kept, seemed to be very deep...…

After prepared a pot of soup and a vegetable dish, Xing Luo only start to make the stewed eggplant with meat slices at the end. This dish needed to start with deep frying the eggplant. If it was cooled, it would not be nice to eat. Therefore, it had to be cooked at the end.

Xing Luo picked up the prepared raw meat and put it into the boiling oil. The boiling oil immediately splashed out and even if she avoided it immediately, her hand was nevertheless had been splashed a bit.

Xing Luo: "Hissss——"

Ye Lixiao frowned slightly, he stepped forward as he grabbed Xing Luo's hand and lifted it up. He carefully inspected the area where it was splashed by the hot oil.

As soon as Xing Luo raised her eyes, she saw Ye Lixiao's handsome and exquisite face. He really was an outrageously very good-looking man...…..


Her little heart unexpectedly increased its beating speed.

Xing Luo felt a little bit uncomfortable, so she tried to take back her hand, "Mr Ye, it's okay. When we cook, it's normal to be splashed by a little bit of oil. It can't be avoided."

Ye Lixiao turned a deaf ear to her. After he personally confirmed that she was alright only he let go of her hand.

Right when Xing Luo wanted to continue, a hand suddenly appeared in front of her. Ye Lixiao had a tone that did not allow her to resist, "Let me do it."

Xing Luo: "Mr Ye, it's better to let me do….."

Ye Lixiao's voice was ice-cold and domineering, "Don't let me say it for the second time."

Xing Luo: "Oh!" She obediently stepped aside.

Ye Lixiao continued to cooked finish this dish.

Xing Luo's eyebrows twitched. She had never expected that this high-born beautiful and aloof man would have a gentle and considerate side…..

Xing Luo: "Mr Ye, then I will take the cooked dish out first." She took the dish and turned towards the entrance.

"Stop." Ye Lixiao stopped her.

Xing Luo turned back, "What's wrong, Mr Ye?"

Ye Lixiao's expression was faintly unhappy, "You can call me by my name."

For some reason, when he heard Xing Luo addressed him as 'Mr Ye' that sounded so distant, Ye Lixiao felt somewhat unhappy in his heart.

This title made him uncomfortable, so he didn't like it.

Xing Luo didn't react for a period of time. Call him by his name? What did this mean? She seemed to recall that they were actually not very close to each other.

Furthermore, since when did Ye Lixiao became so amiable and approachable? All his rumours also said that he was a cruel and ruthless tyranny.....

Ye Lixiao squinted both his eyes and there was an ice-cold light within it, "Is there a problem?"

Xing Luo shooked her head quickly, "No!"

Ye Lixiao: "I will also call you by your name."

Xing Luo fiercely nodded, "Okay!"

He is the Big Boss. Whatever he said goes!