Chapter 16 – You Feed Them, I Feed You

"Elder Brother, you tell me the truth. Are you interested in her?" Ye Rusi started to gossip.

Ye Lixiao coldly glanced at him and ignored him, "Xing Luo, come and eat."

When Xing Luo heard the words, she picked up both the small little buns, "Darlings~ let us go eat~" She went to the dining hall and put them down on the seat.

Xing Luo sat in between them so that it would be easier for her to take care of them.

Looking at this scene, Ye Rusi had an expression that said he could not stand it anymore.

They were obviously two little geniuses and they had long stopped needing any assistance during mealtime since they could eat by themselves. However, in front of Xing Luo, they both pretended to be a retard that needed feeding!

These two two-faced little foxes had definitely followed their father's footstep.

While she was eating, she fed the two small little buns in between her bite.

Just when she decided to feed them with some meat, a few peeled shrimp were put into Xing Luo's bowl.

As soon as Xing Luo raised her eyes, she met with Ye Lixiao's ice-cold and deep gaze.

Xing Luo: "This is…."

Ye Lixiao's face did not change, "You feed them, I feed you."

Ye Rusi: What had he actually done wrong that he had to sit here and eat dog food!

Xing Luo was stumped: "...No need, Mr…..Ye Lixiao. I can eat by myself"

Perhaps because they heard what Ye Lixiao said, the two small little buns also noticed that Xing Luo only preoccupied with feeding them and she, her own self didn't eat much.

Ye Mu opened his mouth and said in his childish voice: "Auntie Luo Luo~ Me and Big Brother can eat by ourselves~ You don't need to feed us~ You should eat more~"

Ye Rong directly took a big piece of fish meat and put it into Xing Luo's bowl. He then beckons her to eat more.

Xing Luo looked at the fish meat in her bowl and she felt as if her heart was filled with the complete gamut of all five flavours….

[TN: 五味俱全 – a complete gamut of all five flavours(every flavour under the sun); sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty]

The two small little buns were just too sensible. They were so sensible that… made her felt sad.

At their age, they should be innocently enjoyed their parents' hugs and pampering. They were not supposed to be so understanding and considerate of other people's thoughts.

Xing Luo felt distressed and she rubbed the heads of the two small little buns.

She ate finished the fish meat while the peeled shrimp that was peeled by Ye Lixiao, she won't eat it at all!

Right after finished the last shrimp meat, a mobile phone's ringtones were heard. It was coming from Xing Luo's mobile phone...…

[TN: Even when she said she won't it eat, she still need to eat it cause Big Boss is looking. hahaha]

She could guess the call was from whom.

When she took out her phone, on the screen it was written——Father.....

Xing Luo walked to somewhere to answered her phone.

An unsophisticated voice could be heard, "Luo Luo, I heard people said that you have returned to the country. Why did you not return home?"

A touch of sarcasm flashed within Xing Luo's eyes. Home?

That kind of place, was it still worthy to be called home?

From the time when Xing Luo's mother left the Mu Family and the mistress entered the family with her daughter, that place was no longer worthy to be called home.

Xing Luo's tone was very cold, "Dad, is there anything?"

Mu Jiangchuan sighed, "You had been staying abroad for four years already. When you come back also you didn't come home for a look. You have a home and yet you didn't come home. How would it look like to the outsider? Qing Zhan knew that you are back and would be here to find you later. You come back right now."

Xing Luo: "Oh, I see, I'm ending the call now."

Mu Jiangchuan: "You….du…" Xing Luo had directly ended the call.

It was time for her to confront some of her matters…..

She returned to the living hall and hugged the two small little buns. She was really reluctant to part with them, "Darlings, auntie has some matters and need to leave first."

Ye Rong and Ye Mu pitifully looked at Xing Luo.

Ye Mu: "Auntie Luo Luo, when can we meet again next time?"

Ye Rong: "Are we going to meet again very soon?"

When Xing Luo was faced with the two small little buns' innocent eyes, she did not know how to answer them.

The two small little buns were the Ye Family's Little Young Master. Even if she wanted to meet up with them, it may not mean that she could meet up with them.

Ye Lixiao coldly said, "As long as Xing Luo is convenient, you can meet her whenever you want."