Chapter 17 – Believed In His Evil

Ye Mu asked in his childish voice: "Then, when is it convenient for Auntie Luo Luo to meet us?"

Ye Rong raised his head and expectantly looked at Xing Luo.

Xing Luo: "Anytime that Darlings want to meet me also would be convenient for me~"

Although Xing Luo didn't really want to have any close contact with Ye Lixiao, she could not resist the charms from the two small little buns.

For some unknown reason, Xing Luo was very reluctant to part with them. As soon as she thought that she would no longer be able to see them in the future, she would felt as if her heart was turned into a pincushion, being stabbed by multiple pins.

Inexplicably, she did not wish to be separated from these two children.

Even if the consequences meant that she needed to be in contact with Ye Lixiao, Xing Luo was also willing to accept it as long as she could meet up with them.

"Auntie Luo Luo~ I love you~" Little Ye Mu happily leapt into Xing Luo's arms.

Little Ye Rong also held onto Xing Luo's arms and wanted to act like a spoiled child.

These two small little buns were just too cute! She really didn't know how a man like Ye Lixiao could have two children that were so cute! They must have resembled their mother!

"Well, Xing Luo still have things to do. So, don't pester her anymore." Ye Lixiao coldly interrupted them.

Xing Luo: "..." What an impersonal man!

The two small little buns obediently let go of Xing Luo.

Ye Mu smiled: "Auntie Luo Luo, you must always keep in touch with us~ Me and brother will go and find you~"

Ye Rong pursed his small lips: "Auntie Luo Luo, bye bye~"

"Be a good boy and next time Auntie will take both of you to go out and have fun." After she rubbed the head of the two small little buns, she raised her head and looked at Ye Lixiao, "Ye….Ye Lixiao, then I will leave first." She still wasn't used to calling his name.

Ye Lixiao: "En."

Ye Rusi waved his hand and evilly smiled, "Xiao Xing Luo~ I will also go find you to play~"

Once the words were spoken, Ye Lixiao's ice-cold gaze immediately swept over.

Ye Rusi shrunk his neck and obediently shut his mouth.

Ye Lixiao stood up, "Let's go."

Xing Luo was stumped. Did he plan to send her off?

Xing Luo nodded and turned around to go. Ye Lixiao walked side by side with her.

Once they reached the villa's entrance, the man did not show any sign of stopping at all.

Xing Luo: "You can send me until here."

Ye Lixiao turned a deaf ear and entered the front yard. Then, he walked towards a Bugatti Veyron and started the car. He gently opened his thin lips but his tone was overbearing, "Get into the car."

Xing Luo raised her eyebrows. Since Ye Lixiao took the initiative to send her home, she would happily accept it since deference was no substitute for obedience!

[TN:恭敬不如从命 – deference was no substitute for obedience; to follow someone's precepts is the sincerest form of respect ]

Xing Luo obediently sat down in the car.

Ye Lixiao entered the car and they left the Ye Family's house….

Lin-sao saw this scene in the yard. Her eyebrows pursed into a frowned. She then picked up her phone and called a contact with the name 'Old Madam' to report about what happened.

On the way.

After Xing Luo informed him of her address, she exchanged a few pleasantries due to courtesy, "Ye Lixiao, usually you should be very busy right? I'm really sorry to have trouble you to send me home."

Ye Lixiao glanced at her and coldly said: "So, how did you plan to thank me?"

Xing Luo: "...…" She was just being polite! Polite!

Xing Luo: "How about you let me know. How did you wish for me to thank you?"

Ye Lixiao narrowed his eyes, "I will tell you when I have thought about it."

Xing Luo gritted her teeth: "….. Okay."

Ye Lixiao just sent her home once but she ended up owed Ye Lixiao one thing.

No matter how this transaction was being calculated, it was still a loss to Xing Luo.

Ye Lixiao was too black-bellied!

She really didn't want to deal with this man…..

No matter how Xing Luo thought about it also she felt uncomfortable.

Today she had saved the two small little buns and no matter how she calculated it also, it should be Ye Lixiao that thank her! How did it turn around that she ended up owed Ye Lixiao!

Damn! I actually believed in his evil words!