Chapter 26 – Just A Few Doctorate Degrees, Too Embarrassing to Show

The whole family line of sight landed on Xing Luo for a moment.

Mu Jiangchuan lack of interest was obviously because he didn't think that Xing Luo would be able to bring home any degree like what Yan Yiren said.

Yan Fan cooperated with Yan Yiren completely and blocked Xing Luo's escape route, "Luo Luo, don't be shy. What kind of academic qualification have you achieved? Tell us about it so that we can also be happy for you."

Although this was what she said, however, Yan Fan's eyes were filled with mockery, waiting to laugh at Xing Luo.

Xing Luo helplessly smiled, "Auntie Fan and Yiren-jie look up to me too much. My education, there's nothing much to see there."

Hearing this, Mu Jiangchuan coldly snorted as he had expected this.

Yan Fan and Yan Yiren looked at each other triumphantly. Right before they wanted to put on an act to said a few words of comfort and hit someone when they were down, Xing Luo opened her mouth again...….

"Just a few doctorate degrees, I'm really too embarrassed to show them. I definitely can't be compared with Yiren-jie. Oh, that's right! Yiren-jie, You must have a lot of degrees and honours. Tell me about it also and let me be happy for you." Xing Luo calmly looked at Yan Yiren.

"..." Yan Yiren expression suddenly became very ugly and her eyes were filled with disbelieved. How was it possible for Xing Luo to be able to graduate with a doctorate degree? And she had even completed a few of them! She must be lying!

Yan Fan was dismayed. The person that she thought was useless unexpectedly said that she had a few doctorate degrees. She really dared to talk big!

Both Mu Jiangchuan and Pei Qingzhan were also very shocked.

However, Mu Jiangchuan expression soon sank and he sounds very disappointed, "Xing Luo, have you developed a new skill? After four years overseas, it was okay if you have achieved nothing but now you have learned to tell lies also?"

Xing Luo raised the tip of her eyebrows, "Whether you believe it or not, have nothing to do with me. If this is what you want to believe in, then so be it."

"It's okay, Luo Luo, I believed in what you said. I'm not as good as you since I only just have a master degree. As your older sister, I really feel so proud of you." Yan Yiren tried to smooth things over with a smile that yet not a smile.

Although what she said seemed like she was giving Xing Luo a way to retreat, but the tone that she used, sounded like she was just coaxing a child, it was full of scorn. Yan Yiren totally did not believe in what Xing Luo has said.

"Luo Luo, you're so amazing that Auntie Fan here also believed in you!" Yan Fan was smiling but her eyes were filled with disdain and contempt.

This useless person was still so incompetence. According to Xing Luo current conduct, she would not be able to threaten both her and Yan Yiren's position in Mu Family…..

Xing Luo didn't explain anything. She didn't even mention that she had a few more academic degree and they already had this kind of reaction. Even if she continued to say more, they would still not believe in her.

Anyway, time will prove everything…..

"By the way, Yan Yiren said that you went to the audition for Yao Junzhen's new drama?" Mu Jiangchuan asked.

Xing Luo: "What about it?"

"Reject it. You're not allowed to go." Mu Jiangchuan ordered, "Yan Yiren was a graduate from an Opera School and highly educated. That's why she should join the entertainment circle. What are you going to do over there with your medical science? It's okay if you don't have an academic qualification, but you had a dark history. Although we had already made all efforts to conceal the matter about you having given birth before, we could not guarantee that it will not be dug out by other people. When that moment comes, then the whole Mu Family will lose face! I can't afford to lose my face!"

"..." A ray of cold and dangerous light flash through the depth of Xing Luo's eyes, "My surname is Xing and not Mu. If someone really digs it out, I will say that I don't have any relationship with Mu Family. You will not lose your face."

"You!" Mu Jiangchuan suddenly slammed the table and stood up. He points his finger towards Xing Luo in anger, "Bastard!"

Xing Luo had an icy-cold expression on her face, "I will make my own decision for my own affairs. About this drama, I definitely will not reject it!"