Chapter 25 – Fail To Show A Degree?

Hah, what a 'everything was no longer important', what a 'Yiren was innocent'.

Pei Qingzhan totally did not believe in Xing Luo at all.

In these four years, how could she had lived well…..

"You….." Pei Qingzhan's complexion was somewhat ugly.

Xing Luo really had changed. In the past, she used to follow everything he said. But now, she went against him in everything.

Xing Luo glanced at Pei Qingzhan in cold contempt, "Pei Qingzhan, what you said was right. We are over. Therefore, base on what do you think that I will listen to you? You do not have the qualification to criticize me. I hope you can recognize your own position."

Having said that, Xing Luo left without looking back.

The person that she desperately loved in the past, now that she looked at him, she only felt disgusted and loathing.

It's already been four years. Things still remained the same, but the people had already changed.

Based on what did Pei Qingzhan think that they could still get along like how they used to be?

Did he overestimate his own charms? Did he really think that Xing Luo could not let him go and still kept him in her heart?

What a joke!

Xing Luo returned to the villa after she finished her walk around the backyard.

As soon as she stepped into the villa, her phone rang. It was a call from an unfamiliar phone number.

She picked it up.

"Is this Miss Xing Luo?" The person on the other end of the phone asked.

Xing Luo: "Yes. You are?"

"Hello, I am a staff member of the crew of 'Army's Spirit'. The drama's opening ceremony will be held on the day after tomorrow. I would like to inform Miss Xing Luo that you must be there at the scheduled time."

'Army's Spirit', It was the name of the drama that Xing Luo auditioned for.

Xing Luo: "Okay, I understand. Thank you."

A ray of light sparkled in Xing Luo's eyes as it turned grave. The character of Lu You could be described as the soul of the drama, which was extremely colorful.

When this drama is done, it would definitely be on fire!

This opportunity was very important!

When Xing Luo went back, Yan Fan had already prepared dinner, "Luo Luo, you come back just in time. Dinner is ready, quick, come here and sit! I have prepared your favorite dishes, come and have a taste."

Xing Luo sat down as she looked at the table that was filled with food. As long as she thought Yan Fan was the one who made all these foods, she didn't have any appetite at all.

"Luo Luo, what major did you study for the past few years abroad?" Mu Jiangchuan asked with an afterthought.

As a father, his own biological daughter had been living alone in another country for four years, but only now that he thought of asking?

Xing Luo: "Studied medicine."

Mu Jiangchuna: "There are many majors in medicine. I'm asking you what kind of major?"

Xing Luo: "...." Could she say that she had already studied all the major? "Medical science."

Mu Jiangchuan frowned, "Medical science? What's the use of this major? Now that I think about it, it was impossible for you to be able to get any good degree. Forget about it. I sent you to study overseas was just for you to get some certificate. Not like I'm hoping for you to be able to achieve anything great. In the future, I can just arrange a position for you in the company."

"Dad, don't say like that. Luo Luo is actually very smart. She just likes to play and don't like to study. Maybe she knows how to study hard after she went to university, Luo Luo, you say correct or not? I know you are very serious when you study. You must have come back with some academic qualification. Quickly tell us about it and let us be happy for you!" On the surface, Yan Yiren seemed to be protecting Xing Luo's dignity but in reality, she was clearly wanted to embarrassed Xing Luo.

It had to be known that Xing Luo rank in the whole class used to be counted from the back.

Such a poor student, how would she be able to get any advanced academic qualification in overseas universities.

Yan Yiren praised Xing Luo highly but she was unable to take out any qualification to show others. This would only make others to feel that Xing Luo was a useless person that didn't have any good point.

However, what Yan Yiren said was actually correct.

Xing Luo was not stupid. That year when her parents got divorced, she had also fallen in love. With things occupying both her heart and mind, how would she still have the heart to concentrate on her studies?

With her IQ, if she was really serious, she could easily get her hands on all kinds of degrees.