Chapter 40 – Master Xiao, Share One With You

The two small little buns stuck to Xing Luo and rubbed against her.

Ye Mu: "Auntie Luo Luo~ Mu Mu misses you~"

Ye Rong: "Miss you~"

Xing Luo's heart melted when she heard the two milk buns, said that they missed her with their adorable voice!

They were like two little angels! Two cute little angels!

"I also miss both of you~" Xing Luo kissed the two babies.

The young female teacher came forward and said, "Hello, I'm the teacher of the two children. Are you the parent of the two children? I received a notice that said the children's father had come to pick them up. If he didn't come out, I would not be able to let you take them away."

As soon as the female teacher finished her words, sounds of footsteps came from behind...

Ye Lixiao stood beside Xing Luo.

"Daddy~" The two little buns turned to look at him and obediently called out to him.


"Mr Ye." The female teacher's face turned red and she shyly peeked at Ye Lixiao, "Since you are here, I'll hand both the children back to you."

Ye Lixiao: "En." The man's gaze swept past the female teacher and landed on Xing Luo.

"Then, darlings, let us all go now. Where do you guys want to go play? Auntie will take both of you go~" Xing Luo asked as she carries both of them up into her arms.

Ye Mu replied as his eyebrows curved into a smile, "I want to go to the amusement park~"

Ye Rong nodded with his small little head.

"Okay~ Then we will all go to the amusement park~"

Looking at the 3 people who looked like mother and sons, Ye Lixiao gaze softened. If they continued to be like this, it would not be bad also.

Looking at the silhouette of them leaving, the female teacher couldn't help but sigh in her heart. The picture of these people being together was simply too picturesque.

They were just too perfect! Making others felt endlessly enviable…..

After they got into the car, Ye Mu was chatting non-stop while Ye Rong was very quiet, only occasionally opened his mouth to talk.

Although both the small little buns, one liked to talk while the other was much quieter, however, the degree of their cleanliness was equally matched.

Looking at the warm scene thought the rearview mirror, Ye Lixiao's gaze sank…..

There was no doubt that Ye Rong's personality and looks follow him.

As for Ye Mu…..

Ye Lixiao suddenly realized that his younger son seemed to resembled Xing Luo a bit.

Between Ye Mu's eyebrows, there seemed to have Xing Luo's shadow when he smiled.

They seemed to be similar in terms of character too.

Maybe it was just a coincidence…..

When they reached the amusement park, Xing Luo lead both the small little buns with one in each her hand. As for Ye Lixiao, he was automatically ignored by Xing Luo…..

Ye Lixiao just followed from behind and protect them.

Xing Luo took both the small little buns to play some non-dangerous rides and games. She also bought ice-cream for them.

She bought four ice-creams and gave one to Ye Lixiao. She did not know if the Patriarch of Ye Family would eat such a childish thing.

"Master Xiao, this is for you." Xing Luo walked to Ye Lixiao and handed the ice-cream to him.

"...…" The man's face seemed to stiffen for a moment.

This kind of thing, don't even say about eating it. He never even come into contact with it before.

For people like him, this was also his first time coming to the amusement park…..

Looking at how Ye Lixiao didn't pick it up, Xing Luo did not feel surprised. For a distinguished person like him, things that he eats were from the highest level of cuisine. It was normal for him not to be able to accept ordinary people's food.

Xing Luo: "You don't want it? Then I'll get to eat two ice-creams."

Just when she wanted to withdraw her hand, Ye Lixiao grabbed her wrist…..

After that, the man lowered his head and took a bite on the ice-cream in her hand…..

Xing Luo blushed, feeling as if being teased!