Chapter 41 – Why Did He Unbutton?

"How does it taste?" Xing Luo smilingly asked.

Ye Lixiao: "It is okay….."

"Hold it by yourself." Xing Luo stuffed the ice-cream into Ye Lixiao's hand.

When the surrounding people saw the scene just now, they also felt as if their eyes gonna be blinded! It was only eating an ice-cream! Do you need to abuse the single dogs also! These two people simply had their own luminous effect!

After they finished eating the ice-cream, Xing Luo bought balloons and some small toys for the little buns.

It seemed like this was their first time being exposed to these kinds of things and they were very excited.

They only left the amusement park when it was already noon.

Ye Lixiao took the three of them to a restaurant. After they finished with the lunch, the two small little buns became sleepy and fall asleep on Xing Luo before they even leave the restaurant...

Xing Luo carried them into the car. The two little buns were lying in her arms all the way back to Ye Family.

Half an hour later, the car entered the main gate of Ye Family's villa.

Ye Lixiao got off the car first. The housekeeper Lin Sao stepped forward to welcome him home. Right when she wanted to speak, she was stopped by Ye Lixiao's gaze.

Ye Lixiao coldly said: "You withdraw fist."

Lin-Sao: "Yes." She stepped aside,

Ye Lixiao opened the back door and carried Ye Mu out. Xing Luo also carried Ye Rong and got out of the car.

They walked side by side as they entered the villa.

Not too far away, Lin-Sao frowned when she saw this scene. Why was it that woman again? Did her Young Master like that woman?

After they carefully put the little buns in their respective beds and covered them with a quilt, Xing Luo and Ye Lixiao left the room…..

Xing Luo: "Master Xiao, it's late already. If there's nothing else than I'll leave first."

Ye Lixiao: "I'll send you."

Xing Luo pretended to be polite, "Then, I'll have to trouble you."

Ye Lixiao: "Since you know it will trouble me, then you better invite me into your house to sit."

Xing Luo: "....." Why didn't he play the cards according to rules and logic?

Xing Luo replied in deference: "Master Xiao, don't worry. Even if you don't say anything, I will also invite you in for a cup of tea."

That's what Xingluo said, but Xingluo refused in his heart!

Even though this was what Xing Luo said, but she was actually against this idea in her heart!

But what else could she do when she met such a shameless man?

The corner of Ye Lixiao's lips lifted slightly. It seemed like he was in a good mood.

They got into the car and left Ye Family...

"By the way, Master Xiao, I live in Mirage Land and not at Mu Family." Xing Luo didn't say much about the reason.

Ye Lixiao didn't ask much, "You should be very clear that Rong Rong and Mu Mu both also like you very much."

Xing Luo nodded.

Ye Lixiao: "Can I bring them over to find you if they miss you?"

"Of course can!" Xing Luo smiled brightly.

A ray of light flashed in the depth of Ye Lixiao's eyes, "Then, I'll have to trouble you."

Xing Luo: "You're welcome!" Xing Luo was flattered by Ye Lixaio's sudden politeness, but she did not think too much about it.

At this moment, Xing Luo was completely unaware that she had quietly fallen into the trap that Ye Lixiao had meticulously prepared...

Not long afterwards, the car stopped at the gate of Mirage Land.

Xing Luo: "Master Xiao, thank you for sending me home. Please come in and rest for a while before you go."

"Sure." Ye Lixiao was not polite at all!

After getting off the car, Ye Lixiao walked to the entrance as if he was the host while Xing Luo who followed from behind was the guest.

She really felt like… cursing him!

After he entered, Ye Lixiao sat on the sofa. He looked like a very graceful aristocrat, just like a true blue blood prince.

Just when Xing Luo wanted to start to prepare the tea, she saw Ye Lixiao started to unbutton his shirt…..

He unbuttoned them one by one…. starting from the top….

Why did he unbutton them?