Chapter One: You're late

" Rebecca Quin it's 7 am"the great wizard of Oz clock spoke simultaneously.

The great wizard of Oz clock was placed on a table beside a lamp . The room was small but looked comfy, the sun shine brightly piercing through the small window and Shone directly on the mirror glued to a wardrobe which reflected on Becca's cute white chubby face.

It was a small room painted blue and pink , the chubby damsel lay on a crinky bed payed with blue sheets and pink comforters around her. The lady looked like she wasn't ready to quit her slumber.

On the walls of the room were pictures of different models and some cosmetic calendars which displayed models too. On a small shelf was arranged neatly different types of novels and a trophy. The second layer of the shelves was arranged different colors and designs of Snickers and canvas. The last line was arranged sandals and heels .

The lady in bed groaned as she turned left and right several times before finally opening her eyes to reality.

" Fuck! , it's morning already" The girl cursed and dashed into the bathroom , she sighed when she saw the drool on her face . " Urgh!"

The lady quickly washed up and rinsed before coming out of her small bathroom.

She dried her body and applied her body lotion , her make up and wore a straight gown which hugged her body on the right places showing off her exquisite figure.

Rebecca heated up yesterday soup and rice and ate in a flash. She had an appointment with a rich lady whom she knew nothing about , her best friemd Jennie had Introduce her to the woman.

She locked the door to her small condo and headed for the bus stop to board a cab which she had to do within 15 minutes.

The young 23 years old lady sat in the taxi as the driver drove without taking his gaze off her for a second " Damn! she's so pretty" the driver exclaimed Inwardly before finally focusing on the road.

** Ring Ring **

" Oh no! , umm... Hello?" Becca said after picking up the phone call as she glance at the caller ID. It was Jennie

" Where the fuck are you?, You're Late !"


Hi there

I'm AuthorKems....

I just wanna let you know that this is my first book and I hope I can meet your expectations....For those of you that are reading for the first time , thanks for downloading this book and reading , I hope to see comments and votes for this book🤗

Just to keep us on track , I would like to give you guys a hint on some of the important characters that contribute to the development of the plot of this book.....I hope you don't mind.

The danger behind the deal.



Victor Chen( Also known as old Chen)& Joycelyn Chen( Xavier's parents)

Jeremy and Rohée Quin( Becca's and the twins parents)

I'm not gonna mention the twins here , I would like to keep you busy on suspense...hahaha..





Jennifer (aslo called Jennie)

Penelope ( Known as Peni)

Felicia( you'd get to find out who she is)

Fred( Xavier's chief guard)


Doctor Ben

Taylor(Xavier's driver)

Warwick( Old Chen's p.a )

Darwin and Monic( old Chen's head of staffs and cooks)

Qin-Qin( Becca's p.a and secretary)

Mr Park.....

I do hope I'm not a spoiler and hope you'd follow me to the end of this novel.....

Don't hesitate to let me know my flaws and mistakes in the comment section 😘

Please vote and invite friends to join webnovel and get to read our free book.. hahaha