Chapter two : Making the deal

" I'm on my way to the hotel , I'd be there in 10" Becca said trying to assure Jennie. She had to get there in time , she dared not miss this opportunity to become rich. " umm... can you drive any faster please?" she asked the driver who nodded and accelerated the taxi .

Rebecca has just finished her internship three months ago but was not lucky to find a job in the company.

She was a normal poor girl who cherished all the little things she had been granted in life by God but right now things are in a crucial state.

Her dad had suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized , he needed a heart transplant which causes millions , her mum's restaurant business collapsed and her twin siblings who just finished high school couldn't futher into the university

Her parents struggled all the way just to make she at least graduated and of course she didn't let them down as she graduated from NYU with second class degree but unfortunately hasn't gotten a job.

The woman Jennie Introduce her to had promised her 20 million if she did well and that was enough and more to solve her problem so she definitely needs the job.

Becca paid the man and rushed into the hotel , she spotted Jennie in a blue gown with black heels seated close to a woman who looked like she was in her late 20s . " Sorry I'm late " she said and took a seat.

" Well ..., the woman began as she scanned Rebecca from head to toe , " She'll do" she said mainly to Jennie . " I told you she's a nice catch " Jennie replied.

" Just in you'd know , if you mess with me young is pop you up . I'm known by my Nick name ' Wildcat ' . You fuck up?, I'd deal with you. Understood?" The woman asked and Becca nodded as she swallowed.

Becca looked at the woman , she looked beautifully fierce , she was slender but had a great physice she had a scar which was drawn from her eyes to her chin in a slant form. A part of her was screaming at her to leave and quit before things got worse but she couldn't. She needed the money . She trembled but she raised her head to look at wild cat in the eyes as if bracing herself .

" You wanna try modelling , huh? " Wild cat asked and Becca nodded.

" All you have to do is advertising, you use your body to advertise my product to one of my clients at his hotel room and if he like it and takes it you get the money and get to keep the job" the woman spoke dryly

" Tha....That's all I'd do?" Becca asked amused but smelt something fishy with the offer

" Yes. Got a problem with that?"

" No"

" Deal?"


The shook hands and drank coffee before leaving.

Jennie face her a hug and a high five " You nailed it girl "

Becca smiled but her mind was not at peace with the deal she made . She only hope the deal will bring her joy because from the looks of wildcat , she wouldn't want her face torn like the fierce lady.

" What is it?" Jennie asked plainly concerned " The lady seems scarry , the deal seems off" Becca stated

" Don't think about it dearie , just go for it okay . We both know that you need this money what do you say ??, deal?"

" Deal!" Becca said and chuckled at Jennie fierce look , she was imitating wild cat.