Chapter Fifteen : I love you Xavier

Old Chen looked at the girl closely and tried to figure out whom this girl reminded him off oh yes....there was a resemblance to Quin Jeremy , he was his former secretary at Los Angeles one of his clothing enterprise and they became friends , together with Mr Park , they helped him in many ways to keep his company stable and maintained good legacy from his father.

That was were Becca got her fashion and cosmetic influence from. Old Chen looked at Becca for a while and he was astonished at the exclusive beauty that the lady on his son's lap had , maybe it's not that hard for Xavier to find a partner after all , maybe Xavier had a very nice taste in women , oh he remembered how Xavier was devastated and turned cold after his first heartbreaking relationship with his first love , he now thanks God inwardly that Xavier is finally ready to settle down , at least that's what the old man thought. But who the hell was this young lady? .

" The food is ready sir " Warwick said into Old Chen's ear. " Okay " He said and nodded.

" So , Xavier where did you get this young lady from ? " Vallerie asked.

Xavier pretended not to have heard her and didn't want to give her a listening ear. Becca was so embarrassed she couldn't take it anymore so she stood up from Xavier's laps and sat on the sofa close to Vallerie . Xavier gave her a stunned but pissed look which said ' Why did you leave my lap?, huh, did I ask you to?' but the lady just ignored him and his piercing glares as if she was unfazed by it.

After 15 minutes Darwin and Monic , Old Chen's cooks serve the food on the dining table. the old man gesturer for all of them to go to the dining room and have lunch , it had been a long time since he had a nice lunch with Xavier .

Two minutes later a young man and another woman entered the house and joined Xavier and old chen in the dining room to eat .

" Hey Dad !" Raymond said as he scanned the room. His eyes met with Becca and he looked at Xavier with piercing eyes. " Oh Raymond , how nice of you

After the lunch a brief chit chat between the family , Sonia , Raymond's girlfriend excused herself to the bathroom and left the others eating fruits.

Xavier's phone buzzed so he went outside to attend to whoever was on the phone . " Sir we have some photos of the woman " A voice spoke on the other line. " So it's actually a woman huh?, keep me updated. Let me know if you find anything " Xavier said as he noticed arms wrapped around his waist. The person scent was feminine , smelled like strawberry. This wasn't Becca's arms , the woman was too shameful to do something like this so he turned around to look who it was.

" Xavier , honey please don't be this way to me , you know I've loved you since my youth. Why do you bring another woman to disgrace me. I love you Xavier" Vallerie said shamelessly. " I love you Xavier "

Xavier flung the woman's hands mercilessly and walked into the house. " Baby , lunch is over . Let's get going " he said faking a smile.

" C'mon dearie , it's been a while since you visited . Just stay for today " Joycelyn Xavier's mum said as she joined them.

She had heard all the conversations and saw them eat . She didn't want to destroy the father son chit chat.