Chapter Sixteen : I've already seen you

Xavier stared at his mom and then at his dad he knew the game they were playing but he knew he wasn't and is never going to dance to their rhythm . He already knew their aim to trick him or force him into marrying Vallerie but that wouldn't work, he won't make it happen. " Fine " Xavier said and then took Becca's hands and led her upstairs to his room." We're , we're gonna stay in one room? " Becca asked as she saw him taking off his coat. " Why?, you've got a problem with that ?" he asked looking rather irritated.

" No.....sir.., I...i... it's just's not good for us to stay in one room you know..., we both need our privacy " Becca said.

Xavier pretended like he didn't hear her. He stroded towards the door , twisted the door knob and left the room for her. Becca immediately took off all her clothes and walked towards the wardrobe naked . The sea glass that reflected her sore skin in the mirror was extremely magnificent and radiated wealth, she had been tortured in that dark room and the marks were showing on her hands and legs. She sighed and tears fell down her eyes , things are getting worse by the day. She walked into the bathroom and let the water flow for her head down to her toes . She needed to cool her mind , she needed to think positively.

After washing and rinsing herself , she walked out of the room to meet Xavier's half naked figure before her eyes , she gulped and ran back but she wasn't swift enough as he immediately pulled her . " Why run ?, I've seen you before" he said and slammed her lips with his.

To be honest he'd missed her maddening taste for three weeks , since that night he tried looking for her. He actually thought she was a knew slum in the hotel but he couldn't find her. Until the blackmail. Thanks ugh their first sex wasn't intended , he had to admit it , he wanted her more , though it wasn't with his clear eyes . He remembered how it was to taste every part of her skin . He remembered waking up the next day to meet only him on the bed with a warm empty space that was quite convincing that someone was there before but what was morw fascinating and interesting but also surprising was the blood stains on the bed .

Xavier pushed his tongue deeper into her unskilled mouth. Her taste , like citrus . It was driving him crazy , when she was chewing the food at the dining with uttermost tenderness , he imagine her eating him . He wanted that lips , he owned it now that she was his pet. He finally drew away from the kiss , leaving the girl hanging unto him , her knees were weak and she gasped for air as she wobbled unsteadily.

" I've already seen you , so there's no need to shy away now that you're my pet . You belong to me and most obey me and we would do it anytime I want it " Xavier said and entered the bathroom leaving her dazed and confused.