Chapter Seventeen : Don't be shy baby

Rebecca sat there transfixed . What did he mean by they would do it any where and anytime he wanted it?. She was tired and her head was aching , she needed to rest from all today drama .She quickly took some inner wears and wore them ,applied Xavier's powder and body spray and then laid in the bed to rest .

Xavier took a quick bath and met the woman lying on bed in her briefs. It seemed like she'd dozed off. He moved closer to examine her. Becca was putting on a crop top and shorts that reviewed her skin and her delicate body.

Xavier gulped as he saw how sexy she looks at the moment. unconsciously he caressed her skin and trailed his hands from her shoulders down to her abdomen. She turned

" Hmm" , she moaned in her sleep. Xavier looked at her , 'she's indeed pretty ' , he mused inwardly. Wait! , what's that smell.

He sniffed her like a hungry dig and then smiled.

She was wearing his shorts and his perfume was on her body.

She used his body spray and his powder , how dating she was.

Xavier's glorious body glowed as the evening sun radiated on his skin. He was wet and his hair was damp because he'd just taken a shower. He heard a knock on the door and he cursed . He opened the door to Sheila , the maid in charge of laundry. She handed him some clothes for Becca. He dismissed her and went back to finish what he started. Lately the woman had been tempting him. Though he wanted revenge and wanted to make the woman experience hell, he also couldn't phantom the feeling of sympathy he had for her. He was her first and it wasn't really a good sex because he remembered smacking the hell out of her ass and aggressively squeezing those innocent breasts of hers which had marks when he saw her naked.

Xavier starred at her for a while he didn't know when his body took over and felt his lips collide with Becca's own.

The girl opened her eyes dizzily but with shock as she felt some firm but smooth lips connect with hers. Xavier took over and pinned her down as he probed into her mouth further by piercing his tongue through. He kissed her tenderly unlike their first night. He too was surprised with the kiss he just gave her now , his body seemed to betray him as he kissed her like a passionate boyfriend. The kiss got Becca crazy , soon she responded to Xavier's kiss. He could feel that she was trying to copy his system. Her unskilled tongue tried playing tag with Xavier's then a moment as if coming back to her senses she pushed him away gently , breaking the kiss and she turned her baffled face away but he already knew she was shying away. She felt ashamed of herself for kissing him back in the same passion. " C'mon baby don't be shy you just kiss me back remember?" Xavier said in a husky tone.

" But your family members are around, this is your family house and I do not want my image tarnished to your father. Please maybe we can do this in your house but not here I beg of you Xavier " she said and quickly ran into the bathroom and shut the door leaving Xavier astonished. She couldn't imagine she just said that , only God knows if the man would mark her words and take it to heart.