Chapter Twenty : Not going through

**** Somewhere in Chicago ****

Mrs Rohee Quin stood perplexed outside a surgery room. Her husband Jeremy was about to undergo surgical heart transplant. She was scared , she didn't want anything to happen to her husband. She sighed as she remembered Becca . Becca had really wiped away shame from their family. Immediately Becca transfered the money to her , she paid all the dents that family was owing. She paid for the surgery and bought their dream house. It was a nice duplex in a very peaceful estate.

She paid for the forms to UCLA for the twins . Azuka and Azula. A boy and girl that God gave her five years after Rebecca was born through Cs. She took out her new Samsung phone and dailed Becca's phone number , she wanted to brief her daughter that the surgery is already in motion and would take 4 hours. Right now she needed her daughter's comfort and assuring words.

" The number dailed is out of reach please try again later "

She sighed and put the phone back I to her bag. She saw the twins walking towards her so she ran to meet them sobbing. " What's wrong mum ??"

" Your dad's surgery is taking place now....I don't know what to do....I'm scared "

" It's okay ma....daddy would pull through okay?.... he's a strong man" Azula the girl aid hugging her mum.

They'd actually come to share good news with their mum. They'd passed the first round of the recruitment , they only needed to do the written exams and then orals which Included interview. Rohee smiled , she was finally relieved of her tension. She saw the big brown envelope in their hands and then she freed from their hug " What are those ?" She asked .

" Don't worry about these .... we'd share the good news later....right now , let's just pray that dad overcomes this surgery" Azuka said .

***** Chens Mansion****

Xavier and Becca walked towards the car which the driver opened for them. They entered the car and sat quietly. Becca's heat wasn't at ease . She needed to speak with her mum , her dad would undergo surgery today or tomorrow. Xavier saw beads of sweat on the girls face and she seemed lost in thoughts. " Penny for your thoughts " He said and smirked mischevously.

" Can I contact my family ...please sir .....I dad is meant to undergo surgery and I need to speak with my mum " She said.

Xavier felt bad for her , he knew what it was like for a member of your family to be in bad health not to talk of critical situations like surgery.

" Yes you can but must not disregard my not speak to anyone about us " he said and the girl smiled and hugged him tightly " Thank you so much...ehem...." She said and straightened up before dialing her mum's number. She knew her parents and siblings phone number off hand .

" Hello?...mum... how's it going ?" she asked in a rush.

" Oh.... finally , your number wasn't going through .....well he is already in the theatre" her mum said on the other line if the phone. " " Heeey big sis ..... " She heard her younger siblings say .

" Oh hey there trouble makers.....howre you guys doing?" she asked. " fine ..... we've actually got good news for you " Azula said.

" Hmmm.....tell me about it " She said smiling ."nah , not until dad passes his mission " they said in unism and Becca laughed and agreed. That banted for a while before she hung up.

Xavier was amazed with the way the girl had a connection with her family. He found himself smiling