Chapter Twenty_One : I'm on my period

Immediately the car got into the estate, Xavier grinned widely . He had a that mischevous smirk on his face.

Becca sighed as she saw how Xavier was looking forward to torturing her. Just as she was thinking of a way to escape Xavier's onslaught , her stomach crumbled and I he pain was really obvious as she had to held unto Xavier for support.

" Are you alright?" he asked looking at her crumpled face. Fred stopped the car at Xavier's gate as the security guarded gate scanned the plate number in fro t and then opened for them to pass. Immediately Fred parked the car in front of the house, Becca ran inside . She took it the mini elevator straight to Xavier's room. She went into the bathroom and sighed. " I knew it" she exclaimed and quickly took out her sanitary pads from her black hand bag. She quickly cleaned up herself and wore the pads, she'd stained her dress so she put it in a spare bucket and filled it water, as she was about to put some detergent into the sailed cloth , Xavier held her wrists and pulled her " What's going on ?" .

" I...I , um....Sir I'm really sorry ....I didn't expect to see it today" she said in shame as she bowed her head. Xavier was still in a daze as he couldn't understand what she was talking my about. He is the only child and he doesn't want know anything that pertains to women as his ex girlfriend never told him anything. " What do you mean ?" he asked curiously. " I'm sorry...I'm on my period" .

Xavier left her alone and she quickly ran into the bathroom and continued what she was doing. ' is she for real?, on her period when she practically promised to give herself to me today ' he mused inwardly.

Well , he wasn't fully educated with this period thing , he had only learnt about it in highschool and has heard a few guys complain about how mad they get when they want to have fun with their girls and the girl says she's on her period, he definitely would wait for her to finish and then explain how it works.

Becca blushed as she recalled telling Xavier about her period , she'd never had to mention it to anyone except her mum and a few friends she had including Jennie. Now that she thought about Jennie her face darkened for a while before she shrugged over it. God had avenged her already but she still couldn't believe that Jennie was dead.

She went out of the bathroom finally and met Xavier sitting on the couch. " Come here " he commanded and she obediently followed. " Do you think you can get away easily by just telling me about being on your period ?, huh?" he asked as he shut down his laptop. He'd waited for her but she didn't come out early so he had to check the internet about female periods and it seemed like he was satisfied with the results.

" I.....I dont know what to do sir" she said. " Call me Xavier " he said irritated with the way she always called him sir as if he were an old man. " I'm just 27 so I don't see why you should call me sir....Besides , you're going to be my woman from now on so grow the habit of calling me Xavier....but I'd still prefer if you call me sweet names like 'honey' or 'love' " he said with a smirk as he saw her blush.