Chapter Thirty_five : I like you

Becca couldn't take in what Xavier just told her. He just said she was 'pregnant?!'.

Xavier noticed Becca's uneasiness and he squeezed her hand gently " Baby....I know it's too sudden but you don't notice it's actually a result of our first night.."

" oh" was all she managed to say as many thoughts rushed through her brain.

' how would I tell my parents , Azuka and Azuka too?'

' How would I face God?' , yes she'd sinned against God and against her parents. As if Xavier knew what was In her mind her kissed her fingers tenderly " I wanna met your parents....I wanna take responsibility"

'Oh no!'

This is not what she wants , she doesn't want to tie him down in this manner it's not what she wants. " Are you saying this now because you feel that I'm gonna ruin your name with my pregnancy? "

" No , love... actually...I was coming to confess to you about my feelings when I saw some ( Bastard ) worker with you unconscious in his arms " Xavier said and gritted his teeth. He hated when other men looked at his woman not to talk about her in another man's arms apart from his , it vexed his soul.

" So...will you let me get acquainted with your parents?" Xavier asked as he started peeling an apple for her too eat .

" Hmmm" She said and nodded meekly as she ate an apple being fed to her by Xavier.

He looked so ravishing and heavenly now that he was pampering and taking good care of her like a good husband . ' HUSBAND?!!!'

Xavier caught her blushing and she hid her face but he'd already seen her so he leaned into her and pulled her into his mighty embrace as he whispered huskily into her ear " What are you thinking baby? "

" N..n_nothing..Xavier stop!" She couldn't help but bite her lip as she felt his closeness and his hot breath against her skin. She stammered and Xavier chuckled at the effect t he had in his chubby little baby. " Eat more fruits dear...the doctor said you're not eating any "

Raymond opened the door to meet his elder bro and friend in a lovey_dovey position . " Can you guys at least get dignity??'re being al so...argh!!...forget..just stop clinging into each other like that "

" If you're feeling uncomfortable you can leave us you can see....I'm trying my best in taking care of my woman " Xavier said.



Azuka sat at a table with Peni , for the few days that he'd started schooling here he'd grown a special bond with her. She was the only one who didn't laugh at his rare and uncommon name or his red spots in his face. Yes he was proud of his philipino_American nature . He loved his kind of beauty. " Peni...I....i_ive been trying to talk to you about how I feel for some time now but I could t come up with anything "

' What's this guy doing.....I'm trying my best to not put you in a delicate situation and now you're confession ?' Peni panicked inwardly.

Since her master would not tell her why he hated the Chen's so much she decided to dig the information out by herself and she wasn't pleased . Her master was just angry over nothing. At least Old Chen was kind and grateful enough to give him 15 percent shares of his company but yet what could she do?

She was loyal to her boss and she had to serve him. Peni was picked up from garbage by Scorpion and she saw him as her saviour and father from then on but that doesn't mean that everything the man did was right. He was involved in underworked just because he wanted to eat back at Chen for nothing's.

Peni was brought back to reality form her thoughts when she felt Azuka hold her hands. " Peni , I want us to be best friend....because....I.....I like you....Peni... alot , I wanna take things slow....I don't wanna rush us....I know we're still in first year but I gotta admit...I admire..and like you "

Peni froze

Why was this Azuka guy making things hard for her and her boss was definitely hearing her as he'd given her a necklace which the pendant had been wired to give signals and record all her days conversation a d she's sure that when Scorpion hears this line , he's gonna execute his devious plan