Chapter Thirty_six : New Designs

Becca soon resumed her work after a week rest and pampering from Xavier. He made the maids prepare meals that were only good for pregnant women and she was over joyed.

This new company that she's working in , it was Xavier that have her the opportunity and she intends to not let him down.

" How're you now Becca?" Vanessa, Becca's superior asked. " Better now director , thanks for your concern " she said as she handed over to her director some designs that she free personally during her leisure time at home when she was in leave. She was just imagining herself and Xavier in those sweet and cheesy couples clothes that she normally saw in t.v .

" My,my...Rebecca I never knew you had this much's pretty and do unique.....I'm gonna add it to the new Designs for the company's auction " Vanessa said in delight.

Becca seemed gratified. She never thought that her director would accept her designs but yet she gave a try. To hat day , the board of directors meetings were held together with the CEO of Yang's men clothing and fashion enterprises and his co_workers. They agreed on the clothes to be produced , advertised on magazines and chosen for the fashion show and auction.

Since Becca's design was also unisex , she would be chosen to do the auction and magazine front page view. Becca was glad that things were working in her favour , she was grateful to God. Now that she thought about it , it's been long she went to the chapel , she'd try visiting the chapel every Sunday.


" When we talk about romance in literature, we are taking about nature.... Nature has to with natural occuring things be it living it non living " The professor was talking and to he scholars paid adequate attention to him as he talked about several things pertaining to poems in literature. American literature was really unique.

' See how handsome he is.....why do you have to be chosen for my Master's wrath?' Peni mused inwardly as she drooled over Azuka .

" Peni are you okay?" Fiona , Peni's course mate and buddy asked as she helped Peni wipe the saliva that was already threatening to talk on the large desk. 'f*ck!'....

" Yeah , I'm just fuzzy " She replied and tried focusing on the lectures.


The class was over and it was launch break before history class .

Peni was buying her lunch when she felt a warm masculine presence beside her.

' Mm.... so warm' she inhaled that familiar sweet and refreshing scent before turning to meet Azuka's handsome and mesmerizing face.

" Oh , hi " She said and smiled sweetly and the guy smiled back.

' Good....keep him occupied ' she heard her secret microphone speak. it was definitely her boss , ' can't this man just take a break from monitoring my life?'

" Here " Azuka handed the money for his lunch and Peni's to the vendor .

" You didn't have to do that " She said not knowing how to start a conversation. " She how did your class go?" Azuka asked. He saw Fiona wiping Peni's face . " Fine , just tiring " She said as she bit her susage in a way that her eyes never left his . Azuka gulped an invisible siliva as his minds started going nuts . She was so sexy with that little act if hers ' is she a pro?' He asked himself.

" You live here right? , I mean lie New York is your home " He asked and she nodded . " I would have loved to your around with someone who's familiar with New York.....I came from Chicago but I'm half American and Philippino " He said .

" Oh ..okay that's not a problem....we can your after our evening class ....I know a place where we can see the city's lights in a tall building " She said.

" Thanks Peni " He said and continued , they are e their food in silence.Peni was so focused in her food that she didn't notice when Azuka took unaware pictures of her and he smiled at how cute she looked

He remembered asking Azuka if she'd ever had a crush and she said yes. Azuka , his prying sister continued pestering him to send her photos of the lucky lady who caught her brother's eyes within a month stay in NEW YORK.

Soon history class came and went and they were given assignments which Azuka doesn't like taking home so he went to the library accompanied by Peni , Fiona and another guy named Illus .

They all did their assignment , assisting each other with ways in which they could. " We'd be going first " Fiona and Illus said and left Azuka and Peni

" Are you done?" Peni asked Azuka and he shook his head. " Almost....sorry for the delay " He said honestly.

" Don't worry ....we are actually buying time for the city's lights to come on " Peni said.

Later in They boarded a taxi and Peni took him on walks around streets and zones. Sometimes they stopped by to buy grilled meat or chocolate , candy , icecream or other junks and sweets until they got to a building that Peni lead him through the back u till they reached the too balcony and Azuka looked at the breath taking view before him. The city was indeed beautiful. Peni stood beside him and they enjoyed the view before then while eating their stake which they bought from the streets. " It's beautiful right ?" She asked . " Yeah , but not as beautiful as you " Azuka said without batting an eye as he noticed the lady's face turn crimson red an he smiled." I like you Peni but it's fine....if you're not ready.... I'll wait " Azuka dad and held her hand and squeezed it gently but he let her go because of her akward look .

The stayed silent as they both savoured their precious moments.

' I like you too Azuka but I have to do my job first before I can reciprocate the feelings....all I need is valid information if your sister and her boyfriend.....that's's not like I'm evil' Peni said sadly inwardly


Hey there reader

I'm deeply sorry for the late update ....I'm sorry , something happens with my phone and my webnovel wiped out , good thing I had it in my laptop do I was able to retrieve it today ....I hope you're not angry with your Author 😭😭😭

Anyways good news ....I promise to try my best and update the novel with mind blowing chapters 😛

Who wants to take a look at our sweet but confused young couple with their City lights

Check on my Instagram or Facebook : Authorkem


I love you dear