Chapter Thirty_nine : My confession

Just like that , everything was back to normal after the heated test the scholars received from their profesour and received their scores.

It was just a test to see how far they know about history since the semester began. Since Azuka wasn't studying the same thing as Peni , he only gets to see her during combined lectures like : General maths , English language , literature-in-english and history .

Today he focused on the class like never before because history was a very important grade degree needed course and no distractions got his way until he heard the school's siren .


It was time for a brief lunch break before he goes for another class.

' I need to call Azula , it's been long we spoke ' Azuka said inwardly deliberating in wether to call her or not when he heard a familiar feminine voice with a similar familiar scent behind him say ' hi'

" Oh , hi " He managed to say as he beheld the stunning girl before him " I tried talking to you in class but she didn't notice me "

" Really! , oh....I'm sorry Peni..I ..I got a 'c' during our last tests so I decided to pay extra attention during history class that's why I didn't shift my gaze from our profesour " Azuka said.

Peni pulled him towards the vendor and ordered snacks for two , she paid and handed his lunch to home before he could hesitate or decline. " Peni , your so unpredictable " Azuka said as he stared at the mass burger and smoothy before him . " You've paid for my lunch twice , so it's my turn now " Peni said.

Ever since she disobeyed scorpion , she'd been thinking of ways to tell Azuka , she likes him , yes! and she's not ashamed of him. She wants to tell him how she feels .

Hearing now that he decided to put more attention in his studies seems like a sign to her that Azuka doesn't want to be with her anymore because she didn't reciprocate that love...uh... love?!!!

She's not sure yet ( about love ) but she knows she likes him.

" Um...A..Azuka?"

"Hmm" he said while munchig his burger as he drank his smoothy from the straw . " I know you're trying to distant yourself from me...lately you don't text me like you used rarely even chose to not pay attention to anyone but your books....I'm not saying you shouldn't pay attention to your books " She began

' Oh ,Penelope you're so clumsy' She mused inwardly as she summoned more courage to finish off what she'd started. " I like you , Azuka.....I realized it now.....Whenever you're online and not talking to me , it hurts right here " She said as she placed her hand on her heart . " That's ' My confession' , once said you won't force me or pressure me into telling you if I'm ready but now....I'm ready....I like you and I would love to be more than friends with you " Peni said almost breathlessly as she looked at the stunning but shocked face of Azuka.

" I mean it Zuka " She said with a sweet voice and the next thing she knew was that she was buried into him. Azuka yanked her into his embrace as she said she meant everything she said. " I like much Peni and I. glad you feel the same " He said as he let go of her a little and the girl raised her head to look at him but the other overwhelming thing she felt again was a soft lips crashing into hers as Azuka sealed their new relationship with a brief but sweet kiss.

It was his first kiss and he couldn't go further than just pecking her lips At least that would be okay for now , he would learn how to kiss properly as their relationship grows .

*********Chen Enterprise**********

" So this is the report for our progress in sales for the past five months....huh?.....quite impressive" Xavier said as he snapped his finger and his secretary bright in some papers and shared them to the board of directors.

" This is my new aim for the next three months....look into it and lets see if we can achieve this... our company is known for greatness and I would love my family name to be glorified...This proposal was drawn by Ray " Xavier purposely said even when Raymond had warned him not to say it.

The directors were shocked , they never believed that Raymond had that much talent in business . Raymond was the Chief attorney of their law firm and also contested for the COO of the company. " We have the deal with Yangs men clothing and Fashion Industry.....I presume that our project would go well "

" Yes sir " One of the directors finally voiced out

" If Mr Yang could co_ooerate with us well , we would surely get a high ranking at this year's company promotion and award "

" Good point sir.....we must make sure that Mr Yang comply our rules for us or better still we do some check and balancing "

" So....sir.... Raymond is contesting for COO"

" there any problem with that?"

"'s just that , that position has been empty for years with no one capable of should I saw ready for it "

" Yes.... you're right.....I don't think anyone is

more capable and ready than Raymond " Xavier said.

" We would surely see to it during our election"

" Alright....we have come to the end of this meeting....thank the proposal...and lets see if we can aim higher this year " Xavier said and left

After he left all the directors sighed . It was obvious that Xavier , their cold blooded CEO was quite in a very good mood for him to talk to calmly and politely and even being patient as to give them time to review his proposals for the years company progress.