Chapter Forty : Planning a surprise

After the brief English language class with Peni and Azuka's hands intertwined as they paid rapt attention , the class finally came to an end and they both bade ' good-bye' to each other.

Azuka got into the car and was about to start it when his phone rang.

" Hello" He said immediately after picking up the call. It was Xavier calling.

" Azuka are you done with lectures?"

" Yes.... why?"

' Oh... this little guy is still playing hard to get whereby Azula was so thrilled to have a soon-to-be brother-in-law.

" Come to my office , we need to talk " Xavier said and hung up before Azuka would protest or say anything.

" Take me to Chen's Enterprise " Xavier said to the car's monitor .

Although he'd learnt how to drive , he's still a novice in New York City and only goes about through the phone's monitor by telling it where he wanted to and the automatic car takes him there by instructing him.

This would be the first time he's entering a big company like Xavier's. He really loves firwyard to the company. It didn't take long before Azuka arrived at the company's parking loft.

Azuka got down from the car and walked to the front of the company ' Woah '

The company was really big , a sky scraper for that matter . He took a deep breath before entering. He was immediately greeted by the receptionist " Welcome , young sir...please this way "

It seemed like Xavier had sent information to the staffs that he'd be having a guest .

As Azuka walked and followed one of the receptionist , all eyes were on him trying to guess who he was or what business he had with their CEO.

At last they got on elevator " Once the elevator opens , just walk straight to the CEOs office " The lady said and left Azuka.

It seemed like this elevator was meant for the CEO only.

Azuka arrived at Xavier's office and was welcomed by his secretary immediately.

" Azuka " Xavier said immediately Azuka walked in.

He dismissed the secretary and fell the blinds before gesturing for Azuka to take a seat on a comfy solfa . " I called you here so that we can have a brief talk "

" Okay" Azuka said.

" I've explained to you how your sister and I met and I would love tm share this good news with you.....your sister asked me not to disclose it yet but anyone with observant eyes would notice that she's changed " Xavier said.

" Yes.... she's glowing...thanks to you " Azuka said honestly

" I'd take that as a compliment "

" Hmm"

" Well , the reason. behind the glowing is that your sister is officially three months pregnant "

The ice broke

" It can't be "

" Yes....she is....I know it's alot to take in....the pregnancy is as a result of our first meeting " Xavier said and observe the you g guy.

Within a few seconds Azuka had come to realization and accepted the fact that he'd be an uncle Soon.

" I would love your consent for us to go in a the our relationship but first I'd like to give her the best birthday ever in New York "

" Hmmmm, okay"

" I know she likes mangoes , .....cookies... food , yes my elder sister is not picky like my twin " Azuka said.

" What about flowers"

" Oh and that too.....I could just saw she's like all those women in movies and cartoon's..... she's appreciative , whatever you give to her she would love it "

" Alright so let us begin planning a surprise....I don't want her to know we're gonna celebrate her birthday for her.....I already have a list of her few new friends here so that we can do a little garden celebration at the house " Xavier said

" That would be nice with her best rose flowers and white flowers...just make it red , green and white " Azuka said trying to picture his imagination.

" You k ow she's pregnant , I don't want her to eat something that would make her sick....." Xavier said with a worried face as he remembered one afternoon where he gave Becca food and she threw up .

" We would definitely need the chefs at home to make it edible for her " Azuka said and Xavier bought the idea .

" Thanks Azuka..... we'd plan the rest later...I have a meeting with someone " Xavier said as he walked Azuka too the door .

He was definitely serious in planning a surprise for his Baby.

.......... .

Hi dears

I'm so sorry if my daily updates are too slow.

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