Chapter Forty-two : Let's get married

Thinking about it now , he and Rebecca had gotten far , even if it's just three month now....he could tell that he really loved Becca dearly and he was sure that he didn't feel this way when he dated Annastecia.....It was just for her looks and to be among. At that time he felt wierd not having a girlfriend but he couldn't say that t he didn't love Anna but the love he had for her could be compared to what he felt for Rebecca . She is different and she's special.

" Why would you say such a thing? " Becca asked out of the blue , making the man jolt back to reality . " You've been post poning our meeting with your parents or at least introducing me to them when I have practically done mine " Xavier said

" Xavier you introduced me to your parents two months ago when you wanted to escape getting acquainted with Valerie and of course to show me how powerful you and your family is if I dare run away or break our can you calm that an introduction?"

" Fine I admit but why do I always have this feeling that there is danger some where between us ?" Xavier said

" Xavier , I love you and I love our babies.....I would never leave no matter what....You promised to never let go remember?"

" I know love.....I'm sorry for panicking " Xavier said and embraced Rebecca . Her face was buried in his chest and she could hear the loud thuding or should she say she could hear his heart beat pounding so hard .

" What's wrong?" Rebecca asked as she looked into Xavier's eyes

" Nothing ".Xavier replied and kissed her Hazel eyes which showed and expression that he couldn't phantom.

" Xavier....are you nervous?, say....what do you want to tell me "

It seemed like she knew him well , Xavier's heart only beat like this the first time he wanted to confess to her so she'd notice that his heart pounded this way when he was nervous about saying something.

" Let's get married "

" What? , so sudden?"

" Do you love me ?"

" Yes of course're scaring me "

" Sorry if I'm scaring you love but just feel I want us to be joined already.....I want us to get married , I'm tired of waiting okay.. " Xavier said " So that nothing can keep us apart ... including my I know this is sudden and unexpected but trust me we have a lot of enemies, we are in seeing them now or should I rather say they aren't attacking now but I just want us to get married in court so that nothing can do us part..... or would you rather marry someone else ? " He said at first with a convincing look which expressed love , want and need but when he stressed the last statement and smirked he received a hot slap on his hand .

" Idiot!!! , I've told you severally to stop teasing me about being with another man " Becca hissed.

"'re violent " Xavier said with a small smile and then he opened his mouth to say another thing which shocked Rebecca

" But I like violent people , they usually last long in bed " Xavier said and received another snack on his chest and he laughed .

Rebecca looked at him , wasn't he the violent one ?..... he's the dominant not her .

" So....sweetheart would you marry me ?"

" That's not how I pictured my proposal Mr Chen " Becca said chuckling at Xavier's gesture

" So if I'd marry me and then we can do the registration right , right?" He asked with an amused and expectant face

" Yes ".