Chapter Forty-three : Planning the surprise

Xavier and Azuka went out later to continue planning the birthday surprise for Rebecca.

" Do you think your parents would get mad if they're invited to the birthday's been long she saw her family and friend s at Chicago so I would like to send for them " Xavier said while they were picking flowers .

" That would be great but the flight....."

" They would all be flying in my private jet " Xavier said interrupting Azuka .

" In that case all we need is to tell them tonight.....tomorrow is Friday, the garden has to be arranged over night but the remaining preparations would take place after her check up at the hospital " Azuka said.

" I like your have a very creative mindset.....I would like you to work in my company when you're done schooling , how's that ??" Xavier asked.

" Brilliant , I would love to....thanks bro " Azuka said smiling from ear to ear.

" Your bill sir " The cashier said showing Xavier the screen of her monitor after calculating everything they chose to buy . " Here " Xavier said giving the lady his master card to the lady .

All eyes were on them , the handsome and cold CEO of Chen Enterprise but who was this teenage guy beside him?....

"And who's the lucky person that Mr Chen is buying these flowers for but come to think of it these flowers are for celebration?" One lady asked

" Do you think he's buying these for an engagement party?"

" No...the only woman rumored to have been with Mr Chen was the lady he kissed after their court trial....good thing they were heart was tensed during that period " Another woman said

" Yeah me too "

Funniest of all was that all their bantering were ignored by the main character of the talk. " Let's go " Xavier said leaving all the goods to his me to carry while he and Azuka got into his Lamborghini truck .

That night Azuka gave Xavier his parents phone number .

Xavier spoke to Rebecca's parents about his surprise and that he would love to officially propose on that same day to Becca so that they can go for their marriage registration as son as possible and he would also love for the both parties parents to get acquainted.

He doesn't want his parents to be caught off guard so he would use this medium to make his relationship known so that they would know that Xavier is serious and then they could consulate their engagement party as it is accustomed by Chen family to always broadcast and celebrate their engagement party.

Xavier also invited his cousin Maximus who is in charge of the Chen's news and magazine making market. It was a small company owned by the Chen's and Maximus was running it . His mother had died when he was a baby and Xavier's mum became a mother figure to both him and Raymond that was why their bond was strong .

" Thank you very much dad... mum....I'd be glad to meet with you on Saturday " Xavier said and he soon heard the phone beep indicating that Becca's parents had cut the call.

Just as he finished making sure things were in order and taking he felt some fragile but puff hands encircle his manly waist and the feminine head rest in his back gently as he felt a belly touch him slightly.

"'ve been in the phone for ours in this balcony , aren't you getting cold ?" Becca said as she raised her head to look at her breathtaking boyfriend.

" I'm sorry I got you worried my love...I was just clearing my head so that I can come in " Xavier said as he drew her into his embrace , he wanted to make everything perfect for her. She is his virgin baby and he would make her happy as long as he had the ability to.

" Hmmm, ah!" Becca exclaimed and the next thing she saw was Xavier's panicked face " are you hurt? , what's wrong ...should we go to the hospital ?"

" think the baby kicked me " Becca said because she felt the little one inside her move and it gave her a slight sharp pain.

" Oh.... hahaha" Xavier laughed heartily. He was glad his baby was sound and healthy.

" Oh , it's too cold out her love.....let's go inside " Rebecca said as she took his atm and the man allowed himself to be dragged by her into their room.

" Go shower first before you sleep " Becca said as she noticed that his sweat from work had dried in him due to the cook breeze from outside . " Okay love " Xavier said because he couldn't argue with his wife to be , her sense of smell had increased since she got pregnant and her emotions too so he dared not get her angry .