Chapter Fifty-one : Fifty-fifty

Xavier was about to end the brief meeting with all directors and managers in his company when his phone vibrated , he was flustered in his heart already thinking that his baby might probably be missing him or craving some fish or craving the impossible and his mischevous smirk did not escape the eyes of the people in the office but that smirk faded when Xavier saw the caller ID on his phones screen. He was annoyed and disappointed that his expectations where cut short.

He reminisced a tyrant and cold aura as his face turned serious with a Stern expression.

" What does this guy want?" Xavier asked himself.

" With that , we have come to an end of this starts by 10 a.m tomorrow and closes on Wednesday next week " Xavier said and stood leave together with Raymond

" What's the matter?"

" Pretty boy called during the meeting"

" so?, is that why you looked like a depressed elephant back there because it wasn't your whatever that called? , answer him to know what's wrong"

The phone rang for the second time and he picked up " What's wrong ? "

" I'm so...sorry for bothering you but I need your help and influence"

" Hmmm.....what for?" Xavier asked as he smiled inwardly, the panicked tone of the caller was quite thrilling to him. After playing hard to get huh.

" girlfriend is missing"

Raymond almost choked on his coffee.

He hadn't even balanced Xavier's love madness and now pretty boy form the family also has a chick... wow!!

" Is...there a problem....she broke up with you to something?"Xavier asked curiously but with a smirk which made Raymond elbow him instantly .

"No..... she's missing"


" She's an orphan bro and she was adopted or should I say taken in by a man named Scorpion....that's all I know about her....but the man... is very evil and wicked according to all I know for now and ...I think he is related to you and sis's scandal"

"Hmmmmm, Azuka I understand your undeniable love for that girl but the identity of the man behind her is not clear enough for me to send a search party ". Azuka almost fainted at that statement but immediately came back to let me when he heard a 'but'.

" But i will try my best , id see what I can do but I'm not assuring you that she would be found...I just wanna let you know that this operation is ' Fifty-fifty'....and your sister must not hear about know she's pregnant" Xavier cautioned

" Yeah....thanks alot bro....I really need to find her ".Azuka said happily , at least he was 40 percent relieved , even though he wasn't guaranteed that Peni would be found , he could still hope on God and trust Xavier. At least that's the only way for now.


Hi there everyone 😘, please don't be mad at your author for late updates and small content chapters .

it's not my fault , I'm not feeling well , I hope you guys are not mad 🥺

I promise to do better once I'm perfectly fine and I will give mass release

Remember , don't stop voting and spreading our book worldwide , Still continue to tell your friends about this book and please keep voting , posting and commenting .

I love you so much

Please pray for me to get well , I believe in Faith.


I promise to do well once I get better.