Chapter Fifty-two : This is gonna be fun

Peni struggled all to no avail to free herself from scorpions men grip.

She started to sniff , she knew what was coming for her.

She'd seen those people , whom he'd turtoured before her , some he killed instantly no matter what , she knew that nothing could save her.

She started having second thoughts , she'd never disobeyed scorpion before and now she'd foolishly fallen in love with a powerless guy....ugh!!!...get a grip of your self Peni....don't give up on Azuka ...She consoled herself inwardly as the men brought her back to Scorpion whose eyes were red and his dangerous menacing loook was bloody.

" You dare me little daaaaaa...dare" He said and slapped Peni hard on her face .

" You ungrateful b*stard.....I made you, you hear me?...huh?!" He said and bit on her ear hashly and the young lady could only scream and wince in pain.

Her ear was hot now and marks of his teeth were so damn visible

" I....I do not want to be part of your evil.....haven't I paid you enough for your rotten kindness?" Peni spat in his face as she said that and the old man roared with evil laughter ." This is gonna be fun!!.....I will show you who I am"

"No need , ive already seen how much of a beast you're evil.....worse than the devil!!"

" least you have a glimpse of who I worries....I know you're not afraid of death.....I'd suffer while you live.....take her away" He said with a calm but tormetous tone and his men flew into action at once.Peni yelled , scream and fought on vain. " We'll see who'll laugh last..... we'll see what would become of you , you beast , devil!!!" She yelled until his men took her into a dark room .The flung her harshly to the ground and locked her up..Peni sobbed hard and held her ear which throbbed in pain. She will uod surely love to see this wicked man get punished for all his wickedness....oh....Azuka please don't be dumb and have Xavier fight for what is right...after movies....good always prevail over evil....

That was why she don't deny her feelings for Azuka anymore because she knew that one day would come where scorpion would beg for mercy which he won't receive if the idiot was obvious the man's not ready to quit being stupid..


Xavier listened to Fred

" Apparently they hide in a low lame street inside an abandoned church building "

" So much for an old scumbag...get the detectives ...we can't handle this alone"

Xavier said and faced Azuka who was pacing back and forth in his office like a mad man, he'd warned him not to mention anything to Becca , he doesn't want his babies and of course the love of his life to be distributed.

" Calm down Azuka , she's gonna be fine , we'll find her and bring those evil people to their knees .....Ray , you'd handle the case...I'm sure these evidence are enough to put him behind bars"

Ray nodded but then his eyes flicked with hatred and a glince of pain and vengeance could be observed closely from his aura . " I wanna make him suffer first "