Chapter Fifty-five : From Grass to grace

The whole kidnapping and war between Xavier's men and Scorpions men had made every one to be security concious which included Xavier increasing his baby's bodyguards and that of Azuka and Peni.

It's been two days and there's been no news of Mr Park's whereabouts in N Y.

Peni was already discharged and immediately resumed school , not just that , Azuka pleaded on her behalf for safety so she got to have her own room.imside Xavier's mansion. It made the family bigger and more reason for Xavier to come home and at least deduced food wastage.

.... Chen's Mansion....

" Hon....I'm thinking of making things right with the Quins "

" too, I've considered the post of managing director for Jeremy and hand him five shares of the company"

" That's sweet of you hon....but I think I heard right when Rohée talked about their bakery in Chicago "

" It doesn't matter , she could just sell it off and rest like you while her husband works and receive salary over nothing"

" know that it won't work like that.....she not working in the first place was what made it difficult for them when Park messed up"

"so're right...sigh....well....I'd discuss with him first "

" Meanwhile .....I want to go visit my son and my grandchildren , I'd be gone for a month " Mrs Chen said grinning

" What?!!!!, then what about me.....even my bro down dare can bare letting his partner go" He said pointing to his already erected groin .

" You're always so horny , no wonder we have grandchildren"

" What do you mean?"

" Your son inherited your sexual disorder that's why his first try already gave him a football team " She said laughing as she strikes him where he wanted and she got the response she needed.

The two got engrossed in their lovemaking immediately after a brief foreplay .

Mrs Quin knew this , that once her husband handed over the company to their son , she was gonna get sore all over and here it was , her most dreaded anticipation had come .She moaned as he entered her hard and withdrew gently.....oh....she loves it when he teased her like that , it makes her inner muscles ease .

After the second round , the old man on top of her finally retreated after his release but he didn't pull out , he just rested there causing her to wonder.

For some time now he's been doing it , releasing and letting all of himself I to her so she finally asked " Why are you still inside , I want a drink you know.....I'm exhausted already , you've drained my energy '

" Oh....just a little bit longer okay darling....let me rest "

After a few seconds , he finally got up after feeling that all of his seeds are safe in her then he kissed his wife and then took her into the bathroom bridal style.


" Jeremy , you have a mail" Rohée said as she received a small later from a mail man which read ' To Jeremy Quin '.

" What's this?" Mr Quin asked as he took the letter.

" Read it first"

The man read it and was shocked to see the details , unsure of himself he read a countless times more before laughing loudly and gave his wife a sweet brief kiss.

" All , my love , all my labour with the Chen's has finally yielded fruit...didn't I tell day , we would rise form Grass to Grace"

" I know love that's why I never left you and stuck with you...and even gave you kids "

" Kids huh....weren't they my hand shy little peach..."

Mrs Quin blushed and immediately ran away from him to their small Cafe(bakery) where she kept herself busy and also to earn money