Chapter Fifty-six : Woah!

Soon , the semester came to and end and the youngsters where expecting their results while Xavier and his wife to be where expecting their babies.

They'd set a date for their wedding and just waited until Rebecca gave birth safety before getting married.

Today , Rebecca closed early from work because she had to pick up her sister T the airport.

Azuala couldn't attend her birthday and engagement party so , she would be glad if she would be around for their wedding and of course for Christmas.

" Big sis!!!!!! " Azula shouted immediately she spotted Rebecca and ran to meet her , she wanted to give her one big hug but her sisters tummy was a hindrance.

" it's true??"

" Hmmm"

" WOAh!!!....Is that the ummm...Mr HANDSOME and FATHER of my soon to be niece and nephews?"

Rebecca looked back to see her sweet husband..... husband??....not yet ..... at her back.

" Nice to finally meet your Mr Brother in law "

Xavier smiled and hugged his little sister in law

" You seem nicer than the articles"

" Thanks to my wife "Xavier said with a wink to Becca and that didn't escape Azula's eyes.

.... Xavier's Villa...

The whole house was full .

Mr and Mrs Quin had moved to New York three months ago with Jeremy resuming the post given to him by Victor and Rohée finally having a break from stress which she actually deserved and of course , taking care of her daughter.

Peni still lived with them and now that more adults where around , the two had to reduce thier clingy acts and mostly hang out or stay in the garden to gain some privacy and intimacy.

As expected , the whole house awaited the female twin of Azuka.

The limosine arrived and the whole house held their breaths as to see if Azuka's twin looked beautiful and most especially for the Quins , if she changed.....what changes would she have?.....

" Mum....Dad!!! " Azula yelled as she ran to hug her parents before getting Acquainted with the remaining people in the house and most of all , her brothers so called ' Girlfriend '

" You look beautiful in person " Peni said to Azula .

" like beautiful " She said clearing her throat.

" So... how's college in L.A?"

"'s amazing actually....its taught me alot that I didn't have time to learn or observe in high school"

" I see ...oh...I think it's time for dinner"Peni said and the dou left for dinner with Peni leading the way since she was familiar with the mansion than Azula.


Park walked as though he was being followed . Since he ran away three months ago , he'd been on a hideout at one of his late brothers apartment in a remote area in New York.

He'd just gone out to buy groceries with his last cash as he had not been working and only wore big hoodies and baggy clothes just go fit among the people and of course not to attract attention because he was being haunted

Not just by Xavier but the government sought him since he's committed other crimes and had bad record connected to the underworld.

Just as he was about to enter his house In peace that he wasn't caught just as usual , he noticed some strange foot prints on his entrance , before the old man could figure out what was going on , a drone appeared before him and started beeping.

The man panicked .




All these where his feelings as his brain shut down on what to do .

When the stupid old man came to his senses and began to run away , he got shot on his leg and he fell instantly.

The man groaned and screamed in pain.

Oh wicked people don't know pain until they're fed from their own soup.

This devil had shot people , turtoured them and even kill some on the spot and just a bullet on his leg be wailed like a child who got lost n the market.

" Gotcha".

....Authors note.....

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I'm sorry if the updates are late but I promise as long as I feel better , I wouldn't hesitate to update you with intense and interesting chapters.

I love all of you😘😘😘