Chapter Fifty-seven : Let's do it

The old man wailed and wailed for some time before trying to stand up but was shocked by an electronic device and then he passed out.

It wasn't really easy find this powerful evil man . Most especially in a slum area like this .

The agents , including some of Xavier's fighting force gathered him up and placed him a truck , heading back to the main City.


The family was having a hearty dinner which includes some sweet chatting especially with Azula since she was the newest around.

It was going on steadily with Xavier feeding Becca in everyone's presence which mostly astonishing to Azula when his phone vibrated.

The ringing tone was soon heard , he didn't want to take it before but after two rings he knew it was important and immediately answered the call after seeing the caller ID.

" mmmm"

"That's good news , so where is the bastard?"

" Are you sure he's safe in there , I think he should stay in my premises where he would be on better watch....I don't trust those cells...someone could bail him or rather still..

He might escape"

" Okay "


The whole family stared at Xavier as he answered his phone call with utermost seriousness.

Immediately he picked up the call , he was eminating a dark aura and immediately turned cold.

Becca was the first to feel it.

She looked at the father of her six months old babies in her womb and immediately placed her small but chubby hands on his rights and caressed him , giving him a sign to calm down.

" Is everything alright?"

"Yeah....I'm sorry if I startled all of's ... business"

The dinner went on in silence and then the family said their evening prayers before everyone dispersed to their various rooms.

Since the first two floors where the only places Xavier could spare , Azula had to stay in the same room as Peni.

Peni was actually glad since she'd always been alone all her life.

Azuka kissed her cheeks before telling her 'goodnight' and then retreated to bed.

Xavier locked the door behind him as he entered the room after.Becca who had just finished changing into free clothes .

" My baby " He said as he walked up to her and wrapped his strong arms around her stretched waist.

" Hmm" She moaned at his intimate and sweet gesture.

" Ehem" He cleared his throat because he wanted to say something.

" Say it " Becca said , it seemed like she knew him too well already.

" I...I was thinking, wou-would you let me in tonight?'s been months..and I'm.starving"

The lady chuckled before turning around to meet his burning black pupils which radiated desire and passion.


He didn't touch since the doctor confirmed her to be pregnant and that she was sore all over and needed rest and blood.


It's so adorable .

For your man to withhold himself for six months just for your health.

Not everyone gets a loving, doting and caring man these she thought .

But what could she do , she was already tired and she wouldn't like Xavier consuming all the energy she gained from eating...but.... he's held himself for too long

Now that she thought about it , she's sure she's given him countless blue balls in the past five months.

" Baby...please I'm begging , it's killing me....not being able to taste you is maddening"Xavier begged as he planted butterfly kisses on her face and neck and the girl shivered and trembled under his touch...still not saying anything.

" Baby"

" Hmm."

" Please answer me.....tell me if I should go ahead "

" Hmm."

" I'll take that as a yes" He said and in no time he continued his onslaught and brought it to a higher level.

He made her lie against her back on the bed as he his hands roamed about her chubbier body and kisses followed.

He really needed this , he needed to cool off , ever since he heard that b* stard was busted , he just couldn't control himself.

He felt like killing the man to end it but a part of him wanted him to suffer.....and also, he's gonna stain his hands with blood which was a sin and he wouldn't forgive himself if Becca found he'd better let the Government handle this since he wasn't the only one on the man's neck.

Becca moaned as his hands caressed her inner thighs and pulled her panty .

He was already impatient for his favorite food.

" Uhhh...Xavier wait" She said stopping him

" What's wrong baby?" He asked trying to surpress his anger and frustration from her as she made him.halt his movements.

" Please I don't want you to hurt our we do another style....I mean , another position that would be comfortable and won't cause them"

She said shot as she blushed making Xavier marvel at her simple but sexy request.

Eversince he concluded that he'd fallen in love with her , he stopped making love to her on different positions except the missionary style.

He didn't want to take her as a sex slave anymore so he tried being decent and now she's awakening the sleeping tiger that he was again.

" alone know how mad and crazy I can get if I should try different positions"

" Then let's not do it then" She said and turned to sleep , leaving the man with proud loins confused.

Xavier couldn't believe that Rebecca just openly left him with blue balls.

' God please , I'm dieing ' Xavier exclaimed as he turned over to his fiancee .

" Baby"


"Love , okay , I'm sorry....I'd do as you say...please I'm sorry for being greedy....I would obey your instructions from now on so please ....just let's do it this once please it's been six months already"Xavier said pleading as he glanced simultaneously at his rock hard groin and then at his fiance who was faking to be asleep.

After a few minutes which seemed like years to Xavier , the girl finally turned over with a serious face as she stared at Xavier who beamed excitedly as she looked at him.

" Are you still mad at me?"

" Yes....but I'd let it slide and your punishment is for us to do it only once like you said while begging....Only one round because j want to rest"

Xavier could not believe his ears . Only one round ???.

Was that even possible for a very sexually active guy like him. The only time he had held himself was because he didn't want to cheat on Annastecia when they were dating in college.

Ever since their break up and parting ways , he satisfied his hunger by sleeping with high classes sluts or even going ahead to serve a sex slave contract for sex and money and the contract only ended when the time is due or when the girl ends up making advances at him or she confessed her love to him.

Noticing that her fiance was lost she snapped her fingers and the man jolted back to reality.

" Are you in or not're wasting time , you're the horny one here not me and I've got work to do tomorrow as long as Azula is here my work has doubled because she'd want to visit places and I'd need to buy her new stuff's that she would need for her second semester "

" O..okay , I'd take your proposal for just one round"He said and sighed in defeat as he kissed her , he would make sure that the one round would count.

The young man was pretty good with his hands as he quickly started exploring his own wonderland which was Rebecca's body.

The way he touched her was like he was carving her body with his own hands and worshipping it.

The lady moaned into his mouth as he didn't want to let go .

Xavier kissed her until she was breathless before his lips traveled to her neck and kissed her as he sucked hard , giving her a hickey. He smiled at his art work before removing her gown revealing her naked body with only a g-string panty on.

His lustful gaze at her made her shiver as she blushed , almost anticipating his next move.


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