Chapter fifty-nine : Authorkems

I'm sure you're wondering why this chapters title is about me.

Well , I would like to share a little story about me.

My real name is Princess Onochie Peculiar.

I'm from Nigeria ( West Africa).

I'm 18 years old .

I'm a from Delta State in Nigeria .

I've been writing all my life but I didn't have any means of publishing my book.

Firstly , I discovered my drawing and singing talent when I was six years old.

I discovered my writing talent when I was nine .

I discovered my dancing and poem composition talent when I was ten.

I started writing little and short stories but I had no sponsor and no money to make my book come to life.

My family members didn't acknowledge my writing skills 🥺because they thought it would make me deviate from my studies.😠

When I got into high school ( Secondary School in Nigeria)my classmates , seniors and even some teachers who saw some of my story books or discovered my writing abilities form essays and letters which where being given as assignment or for some competitions which I participated in , where stunned by my work and kept on encouraging me 🤩and some even told my , they've seen a little passion from me and has shown little interest in my writing.🙂

Today I can draw , sing , dance ( but not perfectly), act , write , drum ( not too well) , write poems and even my own music but I'm not ready to become a musician because my songs may not be acknowledge...let's just say the faculty of art was made just for me.😜


Now that webnovel and several writing apps has been created, it brought a new hope for me , a new Dawn .

I was happy that I could finally show the world what I'm capable of.

I thank God that I didn't throw all the books I wrote away.

Some were actually misplaced by my friends , seniors , junior and even my classmates.

My parents even threw some away but stopped later on.

Although only a few are left with me now.

I Still believe that one day , I may become a renowned literalist.

If youre a writer out there , don't give day you would actualize your dreams .

If you write your book one day , please leave the title in the comment section...I won't fail to download it and read ...I will leave comments and even ideas and correct you if you make any mistake.

Also do the same for me please , where ever my English is bad, please correct me and I would make amends....

My Virgin Baby is my first book here in Webnovel and I really hope it becomes popular and acknowledge world wide like other books.

This will not be possible of you don't support , so please do.

.....Don't stop voting and don't stop reading please

For now my book is still free and I hope you can do me a favour by broadcasting this novel , I'd be glad to see more views , more readers , more votes and most importantly more comments.👍🏼💕

I do love you all and I respect you😘