Chapter Sixty: I miss you

Xavier looked at the pregnant sleeping beauty on the bed and sighed .He really wanted to continue sleeping and cuddling with her on bed.

It was still past five but he was restless.

The news about that man being able to escape is not a good thing .He even felt thankful that he didn't tell anybody that he'd found the bastard, only for him to have escaped over night.


Rebecca turned around severally in discomfort quite alarming to Xavier so the man immediately flew to her .

She was sweating a bit , Xavier tapped her gently and pulled her towards him. "What's wrong?"

" The babies'

" Are they hurt?"

" They were kicking me , I think they're uncomfortable with my sleeping posture"

" It's alright , you'd be fine....just rest "

Xavier kept stroking her and cuddling her untill she finally got back to her dream Land.


Xavier took a cup of coffee and toasted bread before leaving for work.

He decided to drive by himself today as he took a quick drive to meet Raymond who was in his office taking care of the computer based screening .

" Hey"

" Come take a look"

Xavier immediately marched forward and joined Raymond on the desk.

" Here are the people who support Mr Park.....for the past two years we've been glinting money to an unknown account and if my guess is right , that was the fund Mr Park used in buying all his weapons and equipment also the transportation and any of his bribery... including groceries for his hostages and his men"

" Hhmmmm, this is bad.....who are those involved in this moment"

" Shanghai, Florence a lady and seven other members of the board are in support of him but I think some has retreated that's why they are just ten"

" Who is the tent person ?" Xavier asked curiously.

" Old Shin"

" I want them eliminated from my company"


Rebecca woke up feeling uneasy , her babies had started to get bored of sleeping.

it seemed like they were playing basketball in her womb. She laughed a little and finally decided to go take her bath

Today she had to work and she was going to show her sister around NEW YORK

She also wanted to visit her only trusted friend ever since Jennie's scheme ( Vanessa)

She also needed to make an appointment for her scan with her doctor.

She was already too eager to see her babies and know their gender.

knock , knock

" I'm ready " Azula said with all enthusiasm and cheerful mood.

She knocked severally before she decided to go into her big sisters room.

" Hey"

" I see you're ready"

" You got it"

The two young women are breakfast in a quicky and then went out.

Rebecca explained some things and showed Azuka some places as they passed by several beautiful places during the drive to Rebecca's company.

Just as the two women got into the company , all eyes where on them

" Who is that other lady beside the boss?"

" Maybe our boss has a twin , they look alike"

" Yeah they look alike but isn't it obvious that out boss is older than the other pretty lady...she sure is just a teenager , such a beauty"

The workers seem to gossip and ask themselves questions as the boss walked towards the receptionist to sign in that she was present for work.

She and her sister took he elevator.and they soon arrived at the floor her office was.



" Who is this?....I...haven't I warned you not to call me again since you're not serious"

" I know but I can't...I ... I was saying , I can't because I like you a lot Azula and I really.....I MISS YOU"Azula's face immediately flushed crimsone red and that didn't escape Rebecca's eyes.

" So who's the lucky person who managed to make my lil sis hearts fluter?"

" That's not true"

" But you're blushing , I understand....You're not ready to open your heart to him yet....take your time . Besides....why haven't you told me that you have know what I mean"

" It's not what you think big sis , he's not my boyfriend...It's just that , don't know".

Rebecca seeing how her sister was struggling just realised that she'd been distant to her sister for the year and it's obvious.

Ever since the blackmail issue between she and Xavier which eventually turned out to be a blessing In disguise for her , she hasn't been able to chat with her family members like she used too. She lost her track of time , her self consciousness and her worth. She felt devastated at that time , she felt dirty .

Like she wasn't pure and wasn't fit to talk to her family but that was no excuse .

Even Azuka that lived right under the same roof as she does , she doesn't have Time for him and for a moment it squeezed her heart.

She felt like a useless elder sister.

She felt she wasn't worthy called a big sis because she didnt perform all that she is supposed to as an elderly one to her twin siblings , especially to Azula who is far away in L.A.

" I'm sorry Azula "

" Sorry?...for what?"

" Azula I'm sorry you didn't have me when you needed me ....I'm sure that in dealing stuffs like this you would have tried to reach out to me but I wasn't there....I was busy Isolatimg myself from everyone and anyone "

" It's fine , besied you not always paying attention to me has caused me to be independent"

Rebecca's sad face suddenly beamed with a slight hope and joy.

She felt proud of her sister.

" So what's the real issue with the guy?"

" His name is Louis Bronze"

" Uh-huh....I'm listening"

" We met at General Sci class.....he helped me set my equipment which I wasn't actually used to , he taught me how to use all the gears and so on....from there we became a little but loosened and we started chatting in class , I mean...after classes "

" He seems what's the issues?"

" I opened up slowly and we started studying closely since he was good and science projects and Im great with the math....Soon we became more fond of each other and he asked me to be his girlfriend but I turned him down"

" I'm sure you have your reasons"

" Yeah but what pissed me off is that he just broke up two weeks before he asked me out"

"Hm....that's complicated...have you asked him for the full details ...I mean his reasons for breaking up with his girlfriend for you"

" I didn't , my room mate Elena adviced me not to date him , she was sure that he was a Playboy and toys with people heart and their feelings"

" Hmm....well.....just try hearing him out"

" I will...thanks"

" I'm always ready to talk "


Hey there everyone , I'm so sorry for the late updates.

I'm having network issues but I'm glad to tell you guys that I'm resolving the issues.

I want to thank you all for reading , commenting and supporting me .

I love you all but w can do better.

let's keep telling more people about our book.

it's free

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I live you😘😘🤗🥰