Chapter Sixty-One : This is bad

The two sisters chatted more about thier college experience and Rebecca had finally come to conclusions that her little sister was okay and that God was indeed protecting her.

" So when are we gonna go shopping?"

" Next week , why? wanna leave so you can patch things up with your admirer?"Becca said with a smirk and it got her sister pissed , she stared at Azula whose face was red like pepper and it seemed like smoked oozed form her ears.

" You're so funny"

" So this is your office?" Azula finally broke the silence as the elevator stopped in front of an office with a title heading which wrote ' C.E.Os OFFICE '

" does it look?"

" It's cool , I can't wait to see some stuff" Azula said squealing as she entered her big sisters office .

" sure have lots of work to do ".

" It's not easy being a C.E.O's fun, yes to the outside but on the insurance de , look at all the work I have to do ....I do the reviews , check presentations and my company's progress so's exhausting , especially the boring meetings , signing of papers , making sure that my image is stable enough to make my company grow and have a high standard...especially the clothes that we make here ... they must be of good texture , the materials must have quality and has to fit in to every class..That's why we stand out"

"'re born to do this sis...look at the progress you've made within six months , you've transformed an empty building into a's pretty fascinating"

" I guess....don't worry , once you're done while the school , I'd make sure to help you secure a job"

" But I deal with science!"

" I the manufacturing department , science is needed especially the cosmetics parts so I'm sure you can be of help to make our company that we can have a name of our own"

" That's good"

" Take a tour around , my secretary would show you around while I attend to this work".

" Hm....alright , see you later "

Immediately Azula left with her sister's secretary, Rebecca bowed her head to pray for strength to finish this work because today was just so busy....lots of files where on her tablet , she had to read everything accordingly and with patience so that she can correct flaws and remove anything that doesn't dim fit to her


Azuka took Peni out for a drive , the girl seemed to have adjusted well for the past six months , their relationship seemed to have progressed .

Azuka squeezed her hand gently and with love and affection he kissed it while he focused on driving. He wanted to take her to a garden to have a picnic , at least no one was around now they could have some private time and at least hang out.

As Azuka was trying to park his car , Peni quickly kissed his cheeks and turned her face away.

" Stealing kisses huh , that's great" He said not bothered .

Peni blushed , she didn't know what push her to do it but she just found herself kissing his cheeks.not that it was her first time kissing him but it felt different , she felt butterflies in her stomach , flapping their wings and she could only hide her face from being noticed by Azuka but she ended up being late because the young man had already taken the joy of seeing his girlfriend blush for him.


All the workers at Chen Enterprise froze as they heard the fierce voice of their CEO making an announcement from the loud speaker.

Master Xavier had never done this , usually even if he wanted to pass an important information accros to his workers he sent someone .

His voice was firm and cold almost making the employees turn into ice .

They all assembled at the main meeting hall which was big and wide enough to contain all his staffs which were over hundred people.

" What's going on?"

" Are you asking me , if I knew would I be sweating ?"

"'s so obvious that Master Chen is angry and mad at us"

" God please don't let him fire me ".

" Oh , that would be my worst night mare"

" We better keep shut....look Sir Raymond is here which means Mr Chen would arrive soon"

Xavier arrived in the hall wearing a blue suit...

it was royal blue and jade black , he seemed so mesmerizing like a devilish beauty as he walked up to the main stage and put on the speakers so that when he spoke every one of his workers could hear him.

" This is not gonna be good"

" Can't you all be positive for once , whenever the CEO comes around , you all think he wants to cause havoc"

" We're not blind , we can clearly see that Master Chen is very angry and his rage cannot be calmed , only God knows how many people are gonna get fired today" another worker said , fear was evident in his eyes.

"Yeah...the last time he did this was when he newly took over from his father that he'd removed people who he seemed to believe or feel were unfaithful from the cabinet and directors" A female staff said and cleaned the cold sweat in her forehead.

" I'm sure I scared alot of you or maybe all of you by my impromptu meeting"Xavier began with a straight face and great posture. He cleared his throat and continued

" I'm hearing that many of the workers working under my roof as traitors!!!"Xavier said with a Stern look and a hoarse and firm voice , his menacing look was enough to stir the people present .

The whole workers gasped.

This is not gonna be good at all

They looked at themselves , they began to start murmuring and saying things that Xavier could not hear dew to their noise.

" I'm going to severely punish who ever betrays me , I will make he or she suffer...It's a pity that the people whom you trust the Most t are the ones gonna be used to bring my company down but it only failed.....Today , we're gonna do a proper screening of every worker in this company , we would see your charisma and your diligence toward work...Only those who are debited and honest would remain in my company.....I'm seriously gonna make many lives miserable, especially you old hags!!!! " He roared out of anger , making the people sweat and wobble , their knees where weak and they where scared .

It seemed like the temperature in the hall was increased and they where shivering in fear. No one wanted to loose their jobs, other companies wouldn't pay them the salary that they received in Chen's Enterprise.

" Come to think of it , who would betray master Xavier.....isn't the person comfortable with the way they are living?"

" They really deserve what ever punishment they recieve , that's greed"

" Yeah...but let's wait for judgement from the king"

" This is bad"

" Yeah , very bad

." Who are those damned traitors anyway...making the boss to be angry...if he's too mad he might clear the whole company workers and employ new ones after all there are many people who are dying to get a job here"

" Yeah. you're right...but first , let's here what he has to say"The workers all anticipated judgement but still feared .