Chapter One of chapter Sixty-One : Rebecca's remembrance

Rebecca indulged herself in her work because she knew that she had to fulfill her promise of telling Azula everything that she went through and experienced.

Immediately she signed the last papers , Azula walked in with a set of paper bags on her hands.

" Hey...sis...I brought lunch, you know you're tired and eating for four"

" You sure love teasing me huh?"

" Are you done?...where can we eat and talk?"

" Here....let me walk you to my chamber" Becca said and took her sister to her inner Chambers in her office which had a minibar , a small dining and a bed and couch with some t.v sets in case she felt bored.

All these where Xavier's making.

Azula arranged the ordered fishes neatly.

It consisted of rice , beef stew and broccoli , vegetables sauce and grilled meat , fried Croaker's and french fries with mango juice and some mineral water .

" You sure we can finish this?"

"'re pregnant , you won't even realize when you'd finish up all these dishes"

" Yeah"

Azula blessed the food and the two Christian sisters dug into their food.

" So , how did you get to meet prince charming?"

Azula was obviously not gonna quit asking Rebecca how she got acquainted with a rich and handsome bachelor billionaire like Xavier and if she's not mistaking , the guys networth would reach trillions soon.

" we met in a very akward way sis....I don't think you're gonna like it"

" I don't care about the past , you're together now and I am clearly see that the guy is sincere about his feeling for you...he loves you , so get going....I wanna hear the whole story "

Rebecca sighed , she'd actually told herself that she wasn't gonna let anyone win her family know all that she suffered with Xavier , all the turtore , sex games and .....she doesn't want to be reminded of such but what could she do , her sister is her best friend and they've shared each other's secret for years now and nobody knew Bout it , what's the harm in letting her know this one?

Rebecca thought for a while as she chewed her meat and ate her rice , she didn't want to hide it from Azula as long as she was the one who said she wants to know about how her sister got to date Xavier.

Finally Rebecca agreed to tell her sister the story , obviously we could say this is Rebecca's remembrance of the past .

" Well , when I arrived at New York City....I was lonely and has nobody. "

" Just like me in L.A". Azula said and gulped down a glass of juice

" I can already seen to guess how tough it is not to have anyone in a strange Land"

" Yeah.....but don't deviate from the topic , continue...I'm all ears"

" Alright.....well , in my first year as a student in NYU , I was alone. I suffered lots.... sometimes I sleeping people's bars and restaurants, I did part time jobs just to earn a living, seriously dear it was really really hard for me to be in New York City and have no one"

Azula felt so touched , she couldn't imagine what it was like to sleep in bars or restaurants and even in the streets because there was no money.

" I was working in my second year when I met someone at a bar she offered me another job so that I can earn more money to buy some textbooks and hand out at school and she also offered me to stay in a house with her since she felt lonely it was just like god answering my prayers to get a roof over my head" Rebecca paused , oh now she remembered Jennie , one whom she thought of as a sister to her , now Jenny is gone , life is really so unfair .

" So how did you meet him , was it when you where studying?"

", Xavier studied in UCLA...your school apparently he finished schooling before me "

" Okay , so what happened?"

" Stop interrupting"

" Oh...uh...alright , I'd go with the flow"

" well , I started to work part-time I worked in two places at the same time 1 in the afternoon and the other at night it was tough for me and stressful but at least I managed to have some little time left to hang out and also to read my books"

Rebecca drank some juice and ate the last rice before she continued her narration.

" I managed to finish school with good grades I managed myself and finally rented a house of my own.....the house want all that good looking but it felt homey and comfy"

"'ve really got story., sorry , I wo t interupt again"

" When I rented a house and finished school , my certificate helped me maintain a better position in a bar that I worked in while I applied for my internship"

Rebacca coughed and drank some water , she tried to calm herself down.

She had told herself to be strong and explain her story well and not break down in front of her younger sister .

" I managed to get an internship in ELSA DUMOREÉS FASHION AND CLOTHING ENTERPRISE , after my internship, they didn't employ me , they said I had low competence "

" That's sad "

" I know , but my life didn't end there , while I was job hunting my friend Jenny introduced me to someone her name was 'wild cat', at least that's what I still know her as "

" So , was she the bridge between you and Xavier?"

" Kindda ,. just let me tell you okay....stop interrupting unless it's Important "

" Alright"

" Great....well , You know how much I love modelling and fashion which includes cosmetics "

" Yeah...what about it?"

" Wild cat and Jennie use that to trick me and I stupidly and ignorantly fell for it"

" WOAh , this story if yours is getting heated , I hope you're not making this up sis" Azula immediately regretted her statement because of the deathly glare she decieved from he else sister , inside this e grey cat eyes of her sister where pain and sadness mixed with sorrow and a glint of hope and satisfaction.

Azula was amazed at how many emotions her sister portrayed at the same time with her eyes and her facial expressions.

" It's fine , so. you want me to keep going or not , we still have to your round NEW YORK"

" I'm sorry , forgive me , you an continue "

" Good , so as I was saying..



" Let me go check"

Rebecca walked towards the door and opened it to find Qin-Qin , her secretary was there.

" I'm sorry to disturb you miss but you have an unexpected meeting with Slyvester Yang next tomorrow , I just hope I didn't bother you boss".

" It's alright , accept the meeting...I can clear my schedule and met with him during lunch , next tomorrow"

" Okay ma-am"Qin-Qin turned to leave but was called back by her boss

" I don't want to be distributed for the next one hour"

" yes ma'am"

Rebecca returned to her inner Chambers and ate some fries and fish , she drank some more before she decided to continue narrating how she and Xavier met.

" Sorry , well .....Lets get going with it "

" Yeah, I can't wait to find out how you and Xavier met and fell in love"

" We're almost there "

" Really? where did you met , a bar?, mall?, street?, job hunting?"

" Patience dearie...well , we met in a quite akward and devasted manner"

" Hmm, I wanna hear it"

" Well. When Jennie introduced wild cat to me , the lady said the three of us would hold a proper meeting to discuss basically in the details of the job she wanted me to do"

Rebecca paused for a while as she recollected how desperate she was at that time to earn money and save her dad.

" That was the period dad's health was at risk , The strange lady offers me a huge amount of money just for modelling , being a novice that I was. I thought that that was the actual way most models were paid and that's why they became stars and stinkingly rich so I blindly agreed to met again and discuss the terms"

" Hmm. ,I'm already starting to feel like the journey wasn't smooth"..

" Yup , anyone who knew how it was for me before Xavier and I fell in love would doubt if we are really in love or just pretending"


I'm sorry guys if my updates are slow but I promise to update once networks here in Nigeria is better ..... in the meantime I would live you all to know that this story isn't all that complex , I hope you're enjoying it so far.

Well , regarding Vanessa and Slyvester , I won't elaborate on the characters much because they have their own story which I would soon begin to write once I get my contract with WEBNOVEl.... please watch out for : The C.E.Os mystery

Originally by me , I don't copy people's books .

I hope you guys aren't mad at me for slow update but I have a request , please vote for to book, leave more comment

it encourages me to write more when I see comments .

Don't stop reading and keep telling more people about this fantastic love story of ours .

I love you all 😘