Chapter two of chapter Sixty-One: Rebecca's remembrance

Azula looked at her sisters face as she said those words .

It was obvious that her sister didn't meet Xavier like all those romantic movies she's watched , it seemed like her meeting with Xavier was a bad one but later turned out to be fruitful as well , she shouldn't interrupt her elder sister so she decided to keep shut and just listen and learn from her sisters experience.

" Well , on that faithful day , I woke up by 7:30 I hurried my ass off just to meet up but I was late .We held the meeting at a very nice hotel .".

Rebecca paused and looked at her sister , she didn't know if it's gonna be too much if she said everything in detail , well her sister is matured.

She's sure Azuala is reasonable and won't leak her secret.

" I wasn't given a chance to read the contract that day but I also lost the chance to go through it when I had the chance , I was given some cosmetics which had rapid effects , it was actually a nice product that I used for just two weeks and then Jennie took me shopping and I had a make over , my job was to market some cosmetics to a man using my body...I didnt understand at first and I didn't want to go but when I remembered dad and you guys I was determined to do the job , I tried my best to steal quick glances but what my eyes saw wasnt good , I remembered seeing some words like' sex' , ' submissive' , I was dazed but I didn't want to think negatively"

" Okay"

" Well , it all happened swiftly , Jenifer took me to buy an elegant dress and I had a nice and sexy make up to go with the masked ball soon as we entered the hall where the party was going on , I only remembered being offered a drink by Jennie , I woke up the next morning naked and sleeping beside a naked man with my ripped clothes on the ground....blood stains on the sheets and marks all over my body , I didn't need anymore information from anyone to tell me that I was actually used as a bait to satisfy a man , I thought that's what she meant by advertising with your body , I felt stupid but I couldn't change what had happened to me "

A tear dropped from Becca's eyes , it hurt her to remember how her virginity as rubbed off her in that manner , she didn't regret meeting Xavier , she only felt stupid for being used by her fellow women.

Azula was shocked and surprised.

She looked at her elder sister who just shed a tear. She stretched her hand , with a handkerchief , she wipe her elder sister's tear and caressed her cheeks.

" I...I didn't know it was like that, I'm so sorry if I made you hurt with my curiosity".

" No , it''s fine , telling someone about my predicament is okay , at least I've learnt now that the only person I can trust is my family.....I trusted Jennie and looked what happened but I thank God that he didn't shame me , meeting Xavier was just like fate but I suffered to capture his heart"

" must have been pretty hard , so how did it go , how did you and Xavier's love life start"

" On the first day that i signed the contract , he took me to see his parents....I guess he used me to ward off the lady that his parents had wanted him to marry" Becca narrated.

She exhales as she remembered how embarrassed she was , she sighed and continued " One evening , after we returned from the Chen's Mansion...Xavier came home drunk...At that time I was heavily under his supervision...I was still into the contract of being his sex slave " .

The story goes thus


Xavier staggered as he flung a bottle of whiskey to Fred who immediately dodged it and the wine bottle shattered .

Fred helped Xavier walk into the elevator , he knew how risky it was for one who is drunk to climb a long stairs without getting injuries.

Xavier pushed opened the door after staggering from the elevator as he wobbled in his steps.

Stunned by the sudden bang of the opened door and the cold breeze that blew on her skin , Rebecca looked up and immediately covered herself .

She'd just finished bathing and was drying her body with a towel when Xavier banged the door open. Feeling his cold and domeneering aura the girl had to move backwards as the man moved forward with his red eyes never leaving hers.

" uh..xa..Xavier....why didn't you knock? startled me " Rebecca said .

" Bullshit!, why should I knock? , huh? " He said as he took a strand of her wet hair and his eyes swept over her with a menacing and lustful gaze.

" I ..I "

" You what?!! , now listern " , he said as he pulled her towards him . " This is my house not yours and until you confess clues that are useful , I will make your life miserable for making me stressed"

Xavier pulled her hair and dragged her to the dark room , all her cries and plea's fell off on deaf ears as Xavier hasteningly pushed her into the room.

The lady landed hardly on the ground and her towel loosened and fell on the ground , she dared not look into his eyes as she bowed her head in shame.

" think I'm gonna believe that you're a victim huh? , making good people from my company to get answers concerning the scandal , do you think I'm a fool??! , huh?"Xavier slapped her hard across the face and dragged her body .

He flung her on the bed and tied her hands and legs , he pulled his clothes in a haste and took a horse whip from a drawer and whipped her thigh.

Rebecca dreamed and moaned at the same time , it was a painful but pleasurable feeling that she got from his flogging.

" Please , I beg you....I'm innocent, i,,,, ahhhh"

Xavier used a cane to penetrate her entrance , he use it to fuck her hard and made the girl shutter as she experienced a very painful and heated orgasm .

Xavier stopped and lifted her legs in the air and placed his already throbbing manhood and shot into her vulva .

The angry and drunk man fucked her hard not listening to her cries as she begged and pleaded for him to stop but he didn't he bruised her vagina and bit her clitoris hard , leaving a mark as the girl screamed .

When he was done with her , he shot all his cum into her womb and the untied her and pushed her to the ground .

Rebecca fell flat on the floor and stayed there for God knows how long as she sobbed and cried . She didn't know how all this started , if only her family weren't in a desperate situation, maybe

Just maybe

She wouldn't have met this wicked man.

Was this why he was feeding her and making her enjoy? she had a free life and go to work , so that she would fatten up and be healthy enough for him to perform his onslaughts.

Does his parents know about all this?


Rebecca gazed at her sister who was already shedding tears as she heard the narration from her.

Rebecca's remembrance of how she and Xavier met wasn't something she would have loved to share with any one.

" It's fine now , Azula....I'm not bruised , see I'm fresh , I'm okay , it's the past"

" You mean , you suffered all these? "