Chapter Sixty-two : The Screening

While Rebecca was getting ready to take her younger sister in a tour , Chen's Enterprise was in chaos .

All the staff members where in a dilemma as their CEO was making them stand while he interrogated unfaithful workers .

Xavier looked at his staff members with an angry and domeneering look, they where all scared to their bones.

" It seems I've made great impact on them" Xavier said and chuckled , obviously he said that for only Raymond to hear.

" Great impact scared the shit out of them... especially those old people...well, if you're not too busy watching your workers faint and wobble , you can give a go ahead to me , let me start the screening"

" Yeah....right away"

Raymond smiled and then motioned for silence in the hall , he put on his laptop in which he had store all the data of all the investigation that he'd done for the past two weeks without Xavier knowing.

He put on the projector and the big T.v , after making sure that everything was perfectly connected , the whole screen was on , showing to over 100 workers of the company's statistics for the past five years.

After explaining briefly on some things which didn't escape him challenging the board of directors for some of the few and minor flaws which where going on even when Old Chem was still in control and Xavier was just training to be the head.

Apparently most of the staff where shocked at the databased results showing on the screen.

" It seems like most people have been faking results , especially the old staffs " One of the staffs said to his fellow colleagues.

" mmmm...this is mind blowing , I never knew the director finance had been faking results....flaunt supplies and lie about the quantity and quality of materials for projects so that he could have double money in his hands , when the job is done , all the money left becomes his...this is not good "

" I really looked up to him , turns out that he's not a good person....if they keep stealing money , this company could collapse , where else would they find a good job with such nice pay at their old age , people are really ungrateful " One said.

" No wonder his children all afford to attend one of the wealthy and prestigious schools "

" This screening is a serious eye opener , it has made me to be more concious and not to trust people , most of the trusted directors and other respectful people are the ones involved in this evil"

" Yeah...I....agree , but why is it now that the CEO is screening "

" You that Old Chen was trying to teach his son to be great , then he was still under proper supervision from his was only since last year that he gained full access and authority over the company "

" Yeah...their old brains wouldn't let them.think that they could be betrayed "

" I think so too, it's actually for the best...this way we can appoint new young and charismatic leaders to take over empty posts and then employ fresh staffs who are willing to work thier ass off inorder to gain a fat pay"

" So...Mr Donald , so you have any explanation for this?" Xavier asked with a cold deep and angry voice.

" I...I was in a critical and , it wasn't voluntarily sir , ai happened to be in a thightened situation

..Master Xavier please , I was in a tight situation..." With a his innocent face and his drama made the man think he was gonna get forgiven

" Tight situation?....for over five years?...Who do you think I am? , huh?, I'm 27 doesn't mean I'm an idiot or a child , I didn't start this now , I didn't acquire knowledge , education and power for nothing....Mister so get going with it before I LOOSE my Mind!!" Xavier said as if threatening the man.

" I accept that what I did was wrong but as at that time , Mr Park was making things difficult for me....threatening me and my family....most of the money that was illegally collected and embezzled went to him "

" Most , also took some money" Xavier said and snorted, he'd expected that Mr Park would have been planning all his scheme for years so that he could either take over the company or over throw Xavier...what a wise and foolish decision.

" Very well" , Xavier said as long f given the man hope only to burst his bubble " You're justified , but you also took some of the couldn't even report to the management , me or even the're guilty sir , but I would pardon you "

" Thank you very much sir"

" But you can no longer work here , Mr Donald please pack your things and leave my company...your dew salary would be transfered to you immediately" Xavier said and then called on the next people for their trials , the screening was really dreaded by many because Xavier not only sack traitors , he also fired people who where considered to be incompetent and slacking or not diligent to their work or several task assigned to them.


" Hmmm, this one is yummy , taste it" Azuka said as he placed a spoon of fruit salad in front of Peni's lips , the girl seemed shy and embarrassed for some time before she finally opened her mouth and ate it.

" So , what else do you wanna try?"

" It's kind of hot here , did you bring some ice creams?" Peni asked

" No....I didn't expect the weather to be this sunny , why don't my we go buy some ice cream?"

" No , don't worry let me go, we both can't leave here....this place is a park, I'm sure there might be several rodents lurking around"

" Okay, here ...this would be enough to buy us Macho ice cream"

" Yeah"Peni said and left with the money to buy the ice creams .

Peni walked to the vendor where several types of ice creams where being sold.

She decided to buy the ones with straws , they really had good flavours and toppings .

" Miss , a man over there asked me to give you this" A young girl of about six years old said as she handed over a small paper to Peni.

" Where?"Peni asked smiling , she thought maybe Azuka just couldn't let her go so he was watching her from afar but yo her surprise she caught a glimpse of Scorpion smirking with a small knife intertwined in his fingers.

" O..ok...okay thanks little "

The six years old girl still stood there with puppy eyes .

" You want some ice cream?"

" Yay!, yes please.....thank you"

When Peni payed for everything she bought she walked towards the direction that the little girl had pointed bit to her dismay , Scorpion wasn't there anymore.

Peni then walked back to her picnic only to see that Azuka was gone .

She broke down immediately , her heart flew to her chest.

" Oh , God please , please"

Peni kept the ice cream on the ground as she remembered the small paper that she put into he pocket, she knew that Scorpion wouldn't come there for nothing .Peni began to sob knowing that Scorpion had taken Azuka away, how was she gonna tell everyone that Azuka had been kidnapped.


Why couldn't he just let go?

She decided to he good and quit evil, couldn't he just quit evil or leave her alone , she'd promised not to expose him and to mind hwe own business but yet he wanted her life to be miserable by hurting the people dear to her.

" Where were you ?, I thought you left"

Peni turned to find Azuka standing behind her .

"'re alive , he didn't take you" Peni said as she envelope herself with Azuka , she hugged him like never before as if trying to enter him, she didn't want to loose him.

" What are you saying?"

" I saw , I saw him....he was in the park, and when i---i came here and you weren't here, I thought, I thought he'd taken you"

" I'm sorry I got you worried but I also got worried when you didn't come back on time from buying ice cream"Azuka said and kissed Peni's head , stoked her back and kissed her again.

" It's alright"