Chapter Sixty-three : I will never let you get hurt

Rebecca finished her work and handed everything to the management office for proper review and they where to summit to her the next day.

Azula couldn't hide her excitement , she really couldn't wait to visit fun places , I not like Los Angeles wasn't a beautiful place , it's just that she lived to explore and she didn't like being alone for fear of being harrased or disturbed by thugs .

" So where do you wanna visit first?"

" How about streets , I like street foods "

" Okay.....thats a good idea , I know some pretty fun places to see in the streets"

" Okay sis , lead the way"

The two sisters got into Rebecca's Porsche car and Becca's driver drove

Rebecca doesn't know how to driver and Xavier never had the chance to teach her or assign anyone to teach how , especially now that she's pregnant, he doesn't want his baby stressed out. She's carrying not his child but his children.


Azuka pinned Peni on the picnic blanket that was laid on the smooth carpet grass if the park.

His kisses grew quiet wild and possessive making Peni breathless as he broke the kiss.

He looked at Peni's round sweet and innocent but sexy face and the crazy guy in him was awoken .

Azuka's hand roamed about her body as his hunger was increased.

Azuka captured her lips again and pushed open her mouth with his tongue. He twisted his tongue and came in contact with hers , Peni was still learning in all these kind of stuffs so she took long before finally responding to his kisses and she was so damned slow as if she was turtoring Azuka.

Azuka finally ended the heated kiss slowly and was surprised to see a disappointed look from his girlfriend.

" What?, you wanted us to go all the way?"

Peni bowed her head and blushed in embarrassment from Azuka's words , it's true what he said but she didn't know why.

Just as Azuka captured her mouth and kissed her she became someone else , her body was hot and all he senses shut down.

She started moaning and embraced him tighter , she also explored his body not until he pinned her down and raised her hands above her head , the look in his eyes awoke her hormones .

she's in her early youth , of course sexual urges would come once in a while , she's also gonna be attracted to the opposite sex which her body had just proven a moment ago by wanting him in an open place like this , she felt shameful.

" No...I..I...I "

" It's fine dear , I understand....don't worry we won't do it here , if you want it we can go home"

Peni hit Azuka's hand as he said those words shamelessly.

" You pervert! "

" What?, weren't you the one giving me that sad look like you wanted me to make love to you a while ago?"

" You're the one having perverted thoughts not me "

" Hm....says the one who is still griping my torso" Azuka said and smirked.

" I was just scared that you were gonna get hurt.....and maybe used as bait to hurt me " Peni said as a tear dropped from her eyes as she remembered how devastated she was when she thought Scorpion had taken Azuka so that he could use him as bait to hurt her and make her life more miserable that she almost started regretting falling in love with Azuka and living with him but she immediately brushed those thoughts as Azuka placed a strand of her hair behind her ear and kissed her temples lovingly .

" I will never let you get much as you trust me , I would try my best to protect you , I know I'm a nobody now and powerless but I'm glad you chose a nobody like me , I won't let you down " Azuka said and then captured her lips .

This time , his kiss wasn't demanding and possessive like the previous.

His kiss was sweet , tender as if he was making sweet sweet love to her mouth, she felt loved by him through his kiss which passe the message ' I will always love you and keep you safe '.

Peni felt moved by him so she wrapped her arms which where on his torso on his neck and kissed him back.

... Chen's Enterprise...

" Please sir , I don't have any where I can get any job as good as this....I promise to be better " A man was begging as Xavier's esco's where dragging him

" Take him away , you're lucky I didn't Sue you for embezzlement of company's fund , don't you know it's a crime you scumbag?, don't test my patience sir and with all due respect , get out of my company before I loose it!!" Xavier barked and the whole staffs froze , now their master had returned to his beast like self , oh how are they gonna escape his ruthlessness.

Raymond seeing that Xavier had finally lost it and was walking towards the man , he was sure Xavier was ready to prove how mad he was by beating that middle aged man and fining him .

" Xavier that's enough"

Xavier turned his blood red anger filled eyes to look at the person that had the guts to call him by name and hold his hand .

" Stay out of this "

" You wouldn't have known all these if not for me , just let it slide and let's move in the next person" Raymond suggested .

" Fuck!., You're telling me to let it slide , if we hadn't known this my company would have fallen in the next two years ...and you , you're asking for mercy , would didn't have mercy on me that my company would fall if you continued your scheme, you didn't remember that there are other people who feed themselves , pay thier rent and their kids school fees from their salary?, huh?...if I open my eyes and still find you here , I will make sure you pay every single cent drop penniless " Xavier roared and the man finally stopped begging and allowed himself to be dragged out of the company.

The whole company was in shock , about 25 workers has been sacked today , 10 had been sued due to the heavy money stolen from the company.

Especially those linked to Mr Park's ( Scorpion's) evil plan.

The only staffs left where those from age 22 to 35 , only a few 40 to 65 where left , only because of their deligence and strong opposition of Scorpions evil plan against his company .

The Chen's Enterprise was made by Xavier's grand parents , at first it was just a small business and telecommunication enterprise but when Victor took over the company , with the help of his wife Joycelyn accompanied by Jeremy and Park, they made the company great .

Park having fallen in love with Joycelyn wlwas jealous of Victor and decide to destroy Victor's image .

That led to Victor chasing Joycelyn to her home town to clarify things , she told him everything but Victor chose to forgive Park , just for the bond they share but he didn't end there , he used all his efforts and supports from his men who we loyal to him to chase Jeremy Quin from the company .

Park wasn't satisfied with everything Victor gave him, he still wanted the company for himself .Thinking about all these Xavier grew more mad , he glanced at his wrist watch, it was already 6 o'clock.

" That's all for today , I hope the remaining 88 workers has learnt something...from now on there would be a screening every six months to know every workers level of competence , realiability and diligence towards work , including your commitment . Have a nice day " Xavier said and stormed the it of his company with his guard guiding him .

Raymond was happy that Xavier didn't unleash the Coyote in him today ,if not , he wouldn't know what to do .