Chapter Sixty-seven : My one and only

Xavier sat in his office reviewing reports , normally , the manager should be the one doing the work but eversince he learnt about the conspiracy against him and had cleared all the disloyal workers , he'd started paying lots of attention to his business.

" Hey bro " Ray said as he stepped into the office with a funny look , only to meet Xavier looking like he'd been bombarded with lots of work to do.

" Hey" Even his voice sounded damn tired and the black circles under his red eyes and pale looking skin.

" You...." He just couldn't speak

" What?" Xavier asked with a cold domineering aura that was kind off weak but enough to send a chill down Raymond's spine.

" You seriously need a make over , a hair cut and , damn bro you need to shave and take care of're so thin" Raymond said , although he'd actually planned on meeting Xavier for advices on how to coax Sonia and make his relationship progress but s ring the way Xavier looked , he needed to save it for another day.

" I know" Xavier said dryly

" Have Rebecca seen you?"

" Nope , it's been a week now I haven't gone home....I take short naps in the room" Just then Raymond's phone rang and his panicked expressions almost made Xavier puke.

" Hey babe" Raymond said in the most sweetest tone than Xavier has never heard even when he flirts.

" Of course not , I didn't forget , I'm already one the way , oh....that....I stopped by to have coffee that's why you can't hear the road noise....You know you're the only one....You're my one and only Sonia believe me....okay give me 45 minuites....yes I promise...okay"

Xavier looked with mouth agape as Raymond spoke those words to his girlfriend.

" Your relationship is sure hetic , why don't I grace you with two weeks holiday to have some , alone time with your " ONE AND ONLY" Xavier said with air quoted and laughed like a demon.

Although his laughter was terrifying , Raymond was glad that he cheered up a bit.

" I think you're the one who needs it , spend time with you fiancee bro , and need to shave before going there , pregnant women could be.a pain in the ass....and you know she's heavily loaded" He immediately ran way to fulfill Sonia's wish as he said those words.


Hey guys , when I started this book , I was glad that I had people who where gonna read it but unfortunately , no one pays attention to the books anymore.

Can we discuss this at my discord server, let me hear your opinion and right my wrongs , I promise to do better and give mind-blowing updates.

My user name is AuthorKems#0344

Please don't give up on me. I've spent so much money and almost neglected my exams just to write this book...ease I need your supports votes and comments , without it , all my time , money and hardwork would be in vain😭