Chapter Sixty-eight : You're my all

Author's notice ; Hey guys , I'm so sorry if I haven't been living up to your expectations that you abandon me like this .

I'm truly sorry , but I hope you guys have some sympathy for me , I've been trying really hard to settle all my issues at hand and write this chapter updates , I promise to at least release three or four chapters in a week....Please don't give up on me

let's give our book a second chance We can do this please don't forget to share this story with others and also comment and vote for me too.

We can do this










Raymond dashed out of the office after teasing Xavier and immediately went to fulfill Sonia's wish.

Xavier stayed rooted on the spot as he thought deeply , honestly it was hard for him to stay in the office to supervise everything going on in his company and not have the ability to spend time with his soon to be wife and honestly the reason why Raymond's relationship was becoming more hetic was because he failed to propose and marry her on time like he'd promised during their young days.

Thinking about it , he wondered where his own relationship was heading to , was Rebecca ever gonna get this mad at him to push him away??

He sure needed to see his soon to be wife and spend some time with her so that his relationship wouldn't have problems before they get married .


Some where in a dark place

"Hey , you seriously think your idea is great?"

" Yeah , those girls are better than most men that I send to do my jobs , I trust my daughter"

" what's the plan?"

" We burst them out , tonight!!"


Rebecca was seated in the park Ving room , eversince her second trimester began it seemed like her eating had increased to power 5 , she was sitting on the couch watching a drama series and eating grilled meat and salad when she noticed the chilling of the room.

She shrugged at it but after noticing the freezing quietness she decided to check what's up.

Just as she went outside , she noticed the maids all bowing their heads done greeting someone , following where the chill was eminating from , she found her long lost bunny.

The one she's been missing for the past few days , she moved to him and immediately wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him to her as she smacked his lips with hers , giving him a mind-blowing ' welcome back ' kiss.

Xavier was stunned and wanted to protest but his body immediately betrayed him as his suitcase dropped from his hands which immediately wrapped around her slender waist and answered her kisses , he moved closer but her Baby bump was a barrier for him to explore her mouth and ravage her senses properly .

The maids and servants all immediately left their master and his wife to be as they probably seemed like they where in their own world.

By the time Xavier and Rebecca finished their heated kiss , they where breathless , Xavier bent down to reach out for his suitcase but to his surprise his suitcase and all the servants where gone.

" Hey , didn't you miss me at all?" Rebecca said with a small but painful punch on his chest , he winced in pain and then smirked as he saw her panicked look.

" I'm so sorry , I didn't....I , it's the babies" Rebecca blurted and immediately covered her mouth as she realized that she just blamed her unborn children for her actions .

She met Xavier's scrutinizing gaze and immediately swallowed, her Xavier was really mad at her.

" Baby , how could you say that?" Xavier didn't wait to scold his fiancee

He was mad at her , thinking of the punishment to give her , he lifted her up , bridal style and took her straight to the room.

He of course knew that he needed to be careful with her to not jeopardize the safety of his triplets.

As he entered their room, he shut the door and placed her on the bed , he looked into her eyes and saw the longing and desire which turned him on the more.

He took a swift look round the room , his baby had really changed the domainor of the room while he was away at work.

He didn't waste time as he immediately captured her lips , not letting her lips go , he began to take off his and her clothes , he didnt want to stress her or maybe he wanted to enjoy the fun of doing the striping work.

He looked into her soul as he captured one of her mounds and kneaded the other.

" Oh baby , they've grown really big" He mustered in between his kisses.

He licked , flipped , sucked and bit on her nipple making her gasp and moan in pleasure.

" Oh, God....I want you inside me now love"

" Patience baby" He said as his hand lifted her legs and divided it to give him an entrance.

Thinking that he was gonna enter her , she reached out her hand as she found his hard member and began to run it gently making little moans and husky groans escape his lips.

After enjoying her sweet hand work , Xavier lifted his finger to her thighs as he carreses her folded lips and her clit , moving in circular motion.

Not getting enough pleasure and the reaction he wanted , he decided to use his tongue.

Rebecca was still coming back from cloud nine when she felt his hot wet tongue on her core.

" Oh....fuck......God...yes....ahh, ahhh

....ohhhh, Xa.....Xavier .....yes ahh , yeah that spot....uh_huh.....ohhh" Her moans and words were not just satisfactory to his ears but they made him hella hard and his member felt like it will soon burst from lack of attention as he was dripping wet and dying to enter her sweet cave.

Just as she started moving , following his rythm and jerking up to meet his mouth, he knew she was about to cum then he halted.

With a dissapointed look, she reached out for Xavier but he didn't oblige.

" How much do I mean to you baby?" He asked

" Everything ,Xavier , you mean everything to me...YOURE MY ALL "

That last statement made Xavier's chest leap as joy was allover his heart , he immediately captured her lips and took her , ravaging her but carefully , not to hurt her or his unborn children.

He would never get tired of her , after all She was also his everything.