Chapter two of chapter Sixty-eight : Second Chance

Xavier ravaged Rebecca like there was no tomorrow , after several sweet and alluring rounds of love making , he dropped on the bed beside his fiancee and showered her neck and shoulders with kisses.

" Hmmm" She moaned

" Fuck! Baby , you shouldn't moan like that when we just did it countless times , I was trying to compensate you for stressing you but it seems like you're enjoying it"

" You're turning me on " He added making Rebecca smile sheepishly and blush.

" I love you " That was all she could say because , actually , she really loved this guy , he meant almost everything to her but of course God still remained number one in her life.

" Out babies are almost seven months old" She said as she rubbed her big belly.

" Yeah...I know , I've missed them , and you of course " he said with a chuckle because Rebecca failed to not show her slight disappointment at not being the first Xavier missed.

" Alright baby , let's take a bath together " He said and helped her get up as he led her into the bathroom and filled the tub with warm water and began to wash her body.

Starting from her shoulder , he never failed to give his pregnant wife to be , a gentle and soothing massage.

After finishing with her shoulder , he moved to her cute mountains that rested on her chest , he needed then , flicked her nipples with his foamy and soapy hands , after massaging and washing her upper body , he knelt to wash her legs and her thighs , he quickly gave a sweet and nice foot massage.

He took the her shampoo and poured some on his hands before begging to scratch her hair and scalp , giving her a nice hair wash and hair massage .

Rebecca closed her eyes , enjoying the sweet sensation that he loves was giving her , she'd never so loved , so pampered and so taken care of by anyone in her entire life , it was almost like she'd seen in those romantic movie she'd watched when the guy in the movie was loving and caring.

She gasped when he touched any of her sensitive and weak spots , not being able to surpress a moan almost made him loose his mind.

He was just about to rinse her body when she grabbed him and pushed him gently back into

the bath tub .

" Let me wash you" She said in her most sensual and sexy manner .

With that simple gesture form his baby , he just couldn't say no , he layed there watching , not breaking eye contact as he watched her every move , enjoying every touch and the sensations they gave him , he groaned as she teased his nipples .

Rebecca just followed her instincts and as per what she'd seen in the movies , she thought it would please him , plus all the wicked and hellish things he'd made her do in thier very beginning.

As she washed to his torso , she looked and saw that his brother was already hard . With a mischevous grin , she began wash him , she held his dick in place and massaged it , her hands moving up and down while her tongue licked his pink tip .

" Oh..God....fuck! , I'm loosing it " Xavier mustered .

She washed his body and within a few seconds Xavier captured her lips and lifted her to the shower , the kisses and romanced each other and then made sweet love in the bathroom before retreating to bed.

...Ny City Prison....




Noises and squeals of rats and several other rodents could be heard. Some people speaking in vulgar languages.

The night had come and the darkness had covered everywhere , while every other citizen was enjoying themselves at this young night , the prisoners where sleeping in a cold and uncomfortable place.

They where arranged according to the rank of their crime.

A lady whom one wouldn't even recognize if she actually had a gender unless you looked closely looked up.

Eyes ref , hair and body was so out of of place. She had tattered skin with rash and she was so thin one could mistake her for a long lizard.

She looked up with Misty eyes , as she could here strange noises at least admist the sounds of rodents and insects.

Even in the dark , she could be able to picture a shadow , with her sentitive was , she could tell that someone was coming.

Is the person coming for her?

Am I finally sentenced?

So many questions ran through her brain until she finally sensed the sound had stopped .

She looked up again with her red eyes and saw that someone was in front of her cage

She just didn't want to admit it was a prison , she rather expressed her self by calling a cage.

" Hey!"

"Who are you?"

" You don't need to know...I've been sent to bust you outta here"

" Go away"

" Pfft...don't try to fake repentance my love...just embrace the fact that you've been given 'A SECOND CHANCE' " The stranger said in a menacing tone.

" What do you want?"

" It's simple....let's make a deal"

" What can kindda fucking deal do you fucking want at this fucking hour....I ain't in the mood for this kindda shit"

" I like your style princess " The stranger aias again with a smirk and a hellish chuckle , even if she didn't see it , she knew that this person was dangerous.

" Are you in or not?" He asked

" I dunno , what kindda deal?"

" We'll discuss that once I get you out of here , I don't have time for pep talks princess "

AuthorKems :

Hey guys , like I said , I promise to give at least three or four chapters a week .

I'm still a student and I'm pursuing my career.

You see , I'm like killing two birds with a stone.

I'm studying and writing , at least once we go premium , I can gain income to support my self in College

I can't do this without your help and support guys.

I love you.

Please comment , vote , like gift power stones and whatever is in your heart to promote our novel.

I will not let you down

pls talk to me on Facebook : AuthorKems

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I love you