Chapter Sixty-nine : I will never

Seasons greetings from AuthorKems :

Heyy guys , my lovely family of readers.

I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas

Well I did

I'm sorry if I didn't update the book the way you wanted

I'm sorry for makimg you guys wait but I hope you don't ditch me

I'm a student and it's not easy to balance my education and my passion

I hope you find a place in your heart and forgive this author of yours for not living up to your expectations but I promise to at least give 2 to 4 chapters a week

Is that okay????

I love you all

I Wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year in advance










The lady looked up to see the face of the man who just came to free her.

Of cours she wanted to be free but was this the right path??

Or was God giving her another chance???

She just glanced at him as he magically and skillfully unlocked the cage.



She would definitely not call it a prison because , she felt like an animal in this God forsaken place.

She had less food , very little water and has seriously lost shape.

" Oh....what about my boss??" She suddenly mustered the courage to ask.

She doesn't know how to work without her.

All her life , she's taken her boss like an elder sister, even though they are almost age mates

she respects her and only follows her advice and instructions.

Thinking about it , where has it lead her to??

She kept on listerning to the wrong person , who didn't plan her things rationally.

She had a second chance to make things right or a second chance to finish the mission that her sister had already started.

Although she has no business with the Chen's but as long as her sister is not in good terms with them???

So is she.

" Deal " She uttered again with a little more strength .

The man looked at her and he was sure he could see a glimpse of fire , determination and fearlessness in her eyes and he liked it.

She's a strong woman and from what he'd seen.

He definitely feels that she's the one for this job.

In this life, the decision and deals you make and involve in will either make you or mar you.

She's just made a deal

A deal that might shown her life if she chooses or may destroy her totally which is also her choice.

They both walked towards the head office and then went through the window , climbing up the building life human.spiders.

Being careful not to get caught by the each men and also CCTV cameras.

As soon as they reached the roof top, the man jumped and landed on a smaller building and she followed.

He tooled back and was stunned to see that this woman is really as fearless as she looks.

Other girls would have freaked out at the thought of jumping for building to building but she didn't which is great right??

We'll see about that


Raymond stepped into a well built and ever so beautiful duplex as he opened the door and let the lady inside

She was blind folded and she seemed to be very enthusiastic about what was gonna happen , which she was obviously not aware of.

" Can I come it now?"She asked

" Yeah"

He let her untie the tiny piece if clothe she shook her head and rubbed her eyes inorder for her to see well.

Just as she held her face high , her gaze landed on the table for two dinner set .

Red candles were lit , there was food and wine with glasses and two bottles of mineral water on the table.

A vase of red roses.

She turned around to look at Raymond who was obviously hiding something behind him.

She looked at him lovingly and then with scrutinizing eyes.

He seemed so nervous that the girl in front of him almost wanted to burst with her held laughter which she was trying so hard to surpress to not worsen the situation.

He finally gave her.a.bouquet of roses with a note which said " are your u still mad at me?"

He looked at her and she smiled before she hugged him tightly

" No"

" Really??"

" No...why would I be mad at you??....I WILL NEVER ".

Raymond finally bent and captured her red painted lips .

The kiss was brief but it shared alot of emotions.

The duo finally reconciled with a heart warming dinner.

Raymond kept trying his best to romantic and sweet enough , even if he knew that he had to act fast to not loose her because he was aware that the war has only began.





Heyy guys

i hope the chapters that im uploading is keeping you guys going.??

I'm trying my best not to let it be too long


I dunno...

The story writes itself not me

I hope you guys can bear with me


I'm really trying my best and I hope you guys will support me to the end

We can do this
