Chapter Eight: The Celebration/ Part One

Kate looked really good, she had switched to an all red gown, with red flowers in her chalet. She looked at herself in the mirror, unsure whether or not she wanted to go through with it or not, though. I scolded her for an hour, before eventually a knock broke me from my fuss. I looked at Kate, panic in her eyes.

"Kate, Jesus," I said, taking hold of her shoulders and jarring her a little, her eyes connected with mine, "get a hold of yourself, you are not here to make lifelong commitments, remember? Stop getting so bent out of shape over this dude."

"I can't help but be nervous, he's handsome," she said.

"You look great, just be yourself and in the end in really doesn't matter what he thinks, but the Count seems very nice so just relax."

"Okay, i'm going to try," another knock at the door jarred us into action, I went to the door, opening it. Surprised that it wasn't William and Otto, I looked at the men before us confused.

The were dressed in all black uniforms in the usual style of soldiers, their faces covered with masks. The sight of them was frightening, and I placed a hand on my chest to still my heart. The men stood there for a moment before finally speaking, breaking the silence between us.

"The Duke of Cleve's would like to see the Lady Anne," the one to the left said, his voice monotone.

"Is everything alright? Should I bring my bag?" I asked, growing worried about the handsome Duke of Cleves.

"All I have been told is to bring the Lady Anne to the Duke immediately," the one on the right said, his voice more stern.

"Okay, let me grab my bag really quick, just a second," I said turning on my heels to go back into the room. One of the men reached out and caught the door and it began to swing back to place. I grabbed my bag by the bed, and walked towards the guards. "Hurry, Kate, we don't have all day," I said as I was walking out the door.

"No, the Lady Kate will wait here," stern voice said.

"Why? Why can't she come with me?" I asked, turning to go back into the bed chamber, but they blocked me with their arms.

"It is our orders to have Lady Kate wait here until after we have taken you to the Duke of Cleves, afterwords you may attend the celebration," monotone voice said.

"Alright, Kate, I won't be long," I said turning to go with the men.

"Okay, I guess I will wait here," she said as stern voice shut the door, locking her inside with a key he had at his hip.

"Is that really necessary?" I asked, feeling bad for her.

"It is to make sure she doesn't get any bad ideas. For her own safety, if you will ma'am," monotone said, gesturing me to walk in between him and stern voice.

I rolled my eyes, not liking being taken from Kate. These people were known to be sneaky, and if I learned anything at boot camp it was to never trust someone I didn't really know. I followed the men across the hall anyways, allowing them to usher me inside where the Duke of Cleves was sitting in a chair beside his bed, reading a book.

He casually looked up at me, smiling, then sat his book down, standing up and walking over to me, taking my hands in his.

"Thank you for coming, Lady Anne," he said, ushering me forward to the seat he was just in.

I sat down, and watched as he sat on the bed across from me, taking my appearance in. I have to say, the way he was looking at me was making me a bit uncomfortable, somehow it was different from before- something had changed.

"So tell me, Lady Anne, where is it you say you come from again?"

"Yorkshire, your grace."

"Yorkshire," he began.

"You see this is very interesting, because when I checked up on this, nobody seems to know who you are anywhere there.. nor ever heard of you," he said, crossing his legs.

My heart thumped mercilessly in my chest, panic rising making me feel like I might pass out. This is what they teach you to avoid in boot camp. How am I going to be able to explain myself out of this one?

"I'm sorry, your Grace. I am from Yorkshire, but my Father raised me away from city life. I had never left home, up until he died I had no reason to either. My father was not of any importance, but was a kind christian man."

"Then you are the bastard daughter of Robert Aske?"

"I am, my Lord."

He seemed to think on this for a moment, having no way to disprove what I had said. Everyone knew the story of Robert Aske and his conquests. It would surprise nobody if he had a bastard, as many men did back then.

'Then why did you lie?"

"Because my Father has been deemed a traitor, I too, would be guilty by association. The people would treat me different, and possibly shun me."

"I see," he said, thinking for a moment again.

I sat there awkwardly, waiting for him to speak again. I took this opportunity to check him out again though, his long brown hair was tied halfway up, and his beard had been properly trimmed now. He wasn't wearing anything but his shirt, trousers, and leather boots as he sat on his bed across me, a smirk on his face now.

"Would it displease you to become Queen of England, Lady Anne?" he said suddenly, taking me by surprise.

I looked at him with furrowed brows, not sure what to say. How could I do what he is asking when the deal had already been sealed with Princess Anne. Wasn't she already here? What in the hell is going on here?

"You Grace," I began, trying to find the right words to get away from this situation, "I can not become Queen of England... your sister, the Princess Anne is set to become Queen. The papers have already been signed, have they not?" I said, hearing panic in my voice and trying to calm it towards the end.

"It is true, the Princess Anne has already been betrothed to King Henry of England," he said, standing up and pacing, "I fear she is not going to be to the King's liking."

No shit, he was certainly going to be right about that. Henry would end up hating Anne the second he seen her, saying she smelled bad, and had the appearance of a Flanders Mare. He would eventually have their marriage annulled, and marry the Lady Katherine Howard. Even she would eventually meet her end only a year and a half later at the scaffold.

"Then why offer her to the King in the first place?" I asked, trying to understand why he would be telling me all this. I sat in the chair in front of him, looking down at my hands. The intense look in his eyes would be enough to make any woman uncomfortable.

"If I deny the hand of my sister to the King of England he will be insulted, especially after the lengths he's went through to secure her hand."

"So it's about war then?" I asked.

"Yes, I suppose so."

"But what's this all got to do with me, my Lord?"

"It is my desire, for you to agree to go in her place," he began, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"That's not possible your Grace, I am not suitable to be Queen, plus I am English, he will hear it in my accent that I am no German princess."

"The Princess Anne has never been seen by the court, or anyone outside of her household, surely you can fake a slight accent, and lose it as the years progress?"

"Your Grace, no, I have a family back home, brothers and sisters that I wish to return to as myself. This plan would never work with me, perhaps send another Lady in my place."

"No," he said simply. Taking a seat across from me, his eyes boring down into mine.

"No?" I said, feeling the conversation turning, "your Grace, I said no, I am sorry if I have offended you, but I can not take your sisters place. My family, sir-"

"Your family, yes-" he began, reaching into his trouser pocket and pulling out a small purse. He leaned over slowly, offering the bag to me. I looked at him confused, but proceeded to open the small bag to see what was inside.

To my shock it was full of small, glittering diamonds in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. I spilled them out into my hand, looking back up at the Duke. "Sir I am afraid I am confused once again-"

"Take those diamonds and give them to your family. Surely the Queen of England would be able to sneak out occasionally to visit her family."

My heart sped up inside my chest, I was flabbergasted and unable to speak for several moments. The Duke continued to stare at me, judging my reaction. There would be no turning me away from my mission though, no matter how many diamonds he flashed in front of my face I would never take his sisters place. No matter how sad her future turned out to be, it was not my place to test the laws of time travel, and changing something that massive could have some serious consequences.

The Duke stood up, pacing the bed chamber now, his hands behind his back and eyes on the floor.

"I can see I will not be able to change your mind then," he said, careful not to make eye contact.

"No, sir, but I will, as my profession dictates, be discreet about your plans to help your sister."

"Then I am sincerely apologetic that it has come down to this," he said finally. My heart speeding up to a speed that hurt my chest.

"Your Grace?"

"If you do not comply, we will behead your companion."

By this point it felt like my heart would beat out of my chest, and blood poured into my face and ears. I couldn't believe what I had just heard, and out of the same man that I had just saved.

"Will you agree?" he asked.

"I..I-" I stumbled, trying to find the words. I needed to think of something quick, or Kate would lose her life.

"The only answer is yes, Madam. There can be no solution in which the both of you leave the castle free now that I have revealed to you what I wish to do.

"I swear I wouldn't tell anyone your Grace, please. I saved you from the fever, remember? Surely, to repay me, you could spare our lives and let us go home."

"No, my Lady. It is my way, or not at all."

I pondered this for a moment, trying to think of a last second idea but could think of none being as cornered as I was at the moment. Slowly, I managed to calm myself down. Surely I could escape at some point in the near future, all is not lost. I just needed to survive this one moment, and get Kate out of here too.

"What would you have me do? I do not know how to be a Princess, let alone a Queen."

"I will send with you Anne's ladies, they are her most trusted friends and will work to ready you."

"And what of the real Princess Anne? What of her?"

"She may go back to her estate and live out her days in solitude as she has always wished."

"Then it all works out for you then, doesn't it."

"That is the idea," he said putting his hands behind his back. "Then are you ready? You must make an appearance at the celebration tonight, or people will begin to talk. I have held this off as long as I can, you must do your best and try not to speak."

"Why wait so long to do this? And why me though?" I asked, my hand coming to my chest as I tried to work it out.

"When you came here, I thought you were a dirty, stinky, common girl, and paid you no mind. Even as you began to save my life, I still disregarded you. When I came two afterwords though, you were bathing," he began, his gaze going to the wall. I gulped, not having thought that he'd remember anything he seen during his delirium with the fever. "You were bathing before the fire, and the light caught you so perfectly that I was able to see you right for the first time. To me, I had seen an angel bathing-I thought I had already died and was in heaven- but the pain of my fever reminded me I was not."

I watched him from my seat, taking all his words in. My training had taught me not to argue or fight with people, it caused drama and unnecessary violence in some cases. I was to remain meek, watch my surroundings and then jump at the chance to escape. Absorbing whatever information I could, I listened as he finished listing of his reasons.

"Like I said though, my sister was born deformed, the king would never take her to wife in her current condition," he looked back at me, brilliant eyes gleaming. "You are beautiful though, and you will give him what he desires."

"Out of all the women at your Grace's command and you are to force me to go? Wouldn't it be easier to have a German girl go instead?"

"No," he said, "God spoke to me as soon as I seen you, he is the one who gave me this idea the second I regained my mind back when the fever broke, and I knew there could be no other."

I nodded my head, still reeling from the fact that he had come to me with such a plan. Of course, I should have known better than to bathe in front of someone else. He was my patient though, and if I had left him and something had happened how would I have reached him on time? That's what I get for trying to be a good doctor, all this time in the 16th century and I haven't learned that women can't just do what they want. I had to get away. It seemed impossible for me to do, but I knew I had to try. It was the only way to ensure that Kate and I both made it out of this alive.