Chapter Nine: The Celebration/ Part Two

As soon as the Duke left the room I heard the key slide into the latch, locking me inside the bed chamber to wait on Anne's ladies. I tested the lock to make sure there was no way it could be pried apart, not surprised when I failed miserably.

Pacing around the room I tried to think of an idea, and quickly ran over to the window after realizing I might be able to simply jump out of one. I was on the third floor of the castle though, so there would be no way of escaping by jumping.

I went over to the bed and stripped it of it's linens, grabbing them at the top and pulling as hard as I could. It didn't budge, so I gave it another shot. Nothing, again.

Damn, these linens are crazy strong, there was no way I would be able to rip them without a knife.

Oh, damn! My bag!

I spun around, looking for it, knowing that my surgical kit was inside. Seeing my bag by the fireplace had been taken at some point, I stopped in my tracks and sighed.

What the hell! When had that happened?!

I sat on the bed, growing anxious for something-anything to happen. The suspense was killing me, and I knew if I just had more options I could escape and rescue Kate.

I thought for a long while about what was going on with her; whether they had thrown her in the dungeon, or went ahead and executed her anyway. I just wished I could see her, for all it's worth, she is an asshole, but she has become my best friend since we met. Leaning on each other for emotional support when we needed it most, and always taking care of one another like we were blood, I felt a responsibility for her not just because she was my partner, but because she had become a friend as well.

The sound of keys jingling at the door caught my attention. I looked up to see the same lady who had done my hair the other day, and frowned as she walked inside the room. She was flanked by two guards, the same ones that had watched over Duke William as he was sick. They must be trusted friends of his for him to allow them inside knowledge into this situation.

She curtsied when she made eye contact with me, rising before looking behind her at the guards who were now leaving and locking the door back in place.

"My Lady," she said, coming to take a seat next to me on the bed.

"I am no Lady, I am a doctor. You know who I am," I said, growing irritated that she could ever consider going along with this. I understand she loved her mistress, the true Princess Anne, but to sacrifice another person is wrong.

"You are whatever my Master says you are," she said sternly. She furrowed her brows, looking at me very seriously; her brown hair pulled back tightly by a French Hood, the ends pinned down and covered in a velvety snood bag.

"No matter what he says, I am Doctor Anne Aske of Yorkshire, and I am no Lady. My father, was gentry as a matter of fact- a family of sheriffs and men of the law."

"You must let this person die then," she said taking my hand, "if you do not, he will kill everyone you love, including your friend."

"I will play this game for now, but only for Kate's sake. I am telling you though, someone will find out that I am not the real Princess, and I will not be the only one who suffers for it."

She was quiet a few moments before speaking again, "I am not to question my Masters orders," she began, pulling her hand back into her lap. "I am the Princess's Lady, and I will save her life if it costs me my own, as will the other ladies. The Duke will have to handle the rest if this goes awry, for your sake, and for the sake of everyone involved you must learn to be convincing though."

"And how do I do that? I can't fake an accent, and I don't know anything about being a Princess," I said, grateful I did at the very least know a lot about Anne of Cleves that if I could just sound like her, I could probably pass for her.

"The Princess has been kept away from court since she was born," she began, "she had been disfigured at birth and her parents kept her locked away from court, faking her an engagement with the Duke of Lorraine- who doesn't actually exist."

"She's disfigured?" I asked, baffled.

"She has an extended face, like that of a horse some say," she explained shaking her head, "but my Lady is the kindest most gracious mistress in all the land, and she deserves happiness. She does not wish to ever marry. It is her desire to live out her days in her estate."

"What is your name?" I asked, rubbing my face.

"Elise," she said, "Lady Elise Muller."

"Well, Elise, then you are coming with me?"

"Yes, I am to be a Lady at court until I find a husband. At that time, you will be assigned new ladies that will be English."

"Okay," I said, getting up and pacing around the bed chamber.

"Do you have any other questions?"

"Many, but for some reason I can't think of a singular one right now other than what am I supposed to do at the Celebration tonight? I can't speak to these people or they'll know I am not from here."

"Fear not then, as for the accent you keep speaking of, surely you can mimic me? Your German is excellent, it is hard to tell that you are not from here unless you listen closely. Don't say much, but do speak. You will be alright. The Duke of Suffolk has come to fetch you, so he may speak to you, but make sure you mention you have been working on your English, so that your subject may understand you better. This way when you slowly drop the accent there will be a reason for it."

"Okay," I said, but deep down I knew there was no way I would be staying here for a long time. There's no way I won't be able to escape before we set off, but once I get to England this is going to be a different story.

Then that's the plan. If I can manage to get Kate to go with me, I can escape even if I make it to England. If not, then it has to be before the ship sets sail in 6 days time. After that, it would be a whole different ballgame trying to get away, especially if I end up married to the king.

Married to the King.

I shivered, gaining the attention of Elise.

"What fears you, Princess?"

"I am no Princess, Elise."

"You are now," she said, "you must get that into your head. You must be her in every room no matter who is there, or else you will slip up."

I sat down, shaking at the thought of not being able to escape before my wedding. That's not how I wanted to lose my virginity.

"What bothers you, Princess?" she repeated.

"The wedding night," I admitted.

"This is something we can worry about tomorrow. Tonight, we must get your veil on so that we can go downstairs to introduce you to the Duke," she rose walking over to the dresser and getting into one of the draws. I couldn't see what she removed, but when she turned I noticed she had 3 packages.

Walking over to me she unwrapped one, pulling out a beautiful sapphire ring surrounded in white diamonds.

"Hold out your hand," Elise said, as I did so she settled the ring onto my left hand. "This is from the King," she explained. I looked closer at it, surprised at the intricate details.

"It's beautiful," I said turning my hand to get a good look at it from all angles.

"Wait until you see what else he sent you," she said with a smile, before turning to open the next package. In it, was a matching necklace, the sapphire and diamonds on a much larger scale were set in gold.

"Oh wow," I said, shocked that I would be wearing something so exquisite.

"The King is very anxious to get his new bride," she said, "and I hear he is handsome for his age."

"How old is he?" I asked, knowing that he grew rather fat once he got so old- mostly due to the ulcer in his leg.

"He's 49 I believe," ugh that made it worse, that meant he had around 7 years left to live. So he wouldn't be passing anytime soon enough.

"It won't be so bad my Lady," she said, "are you a maid?"

"I am, and yes it will be. I expected my first time to be with someone I loved, not a 300 pound tyrant."

"I hear he is quite attractive for his age," she said, "and you will bear his handsome children."

"Woah, that's a lot to put on me right now don't you think?" I said suddenly, not appreciative of her comment.

"I'm sorry, I won't mention it again until you ask."

"Thank you," I said, as another knock sounded at the door.

Elise and I both stood up as the door swung open revealing Duke William and the two guards from before.

"Are you prepared to go downstairs, sister?" he asked, holding out his hand to me.

I gulped, nerves making me shake in my velvet and silk slippers. Somehow I reached out and took his hand though, grinding my teeth together as his cold fingers wrapped around mine and pulled me to his side. I turned my panicked gaze behind me to Elise, who was dutifully behind us with her he'd bowed and hands before her.

Her presence somehow made me feel better, and suddenly I found myself thankful for her kindness. I know it must hurt her to leave her mistress, the true Princess Anne, behind and serve me. The fact that she is capable of such loyalty is heart warming though, and I felt like in time I might be able to trust her.

I could never tell her about my coming from the future though. That's for sure.

The Duke led me along the hallway and the a flight of stairs to an even longer, carpet lined hallway with 6 doors altogether, 3 on each side. I looked at the white and gold trimmed doors- rounded and twice as tall as I was, they groaned when they opened- revealing a party within.

"The Princess Anne of Cleves," the announcer yelled from within the golden room.

Duke William led me by my arm forward, the crowd splitting as we entered. I held my head high, looking directly ahead, careful to not make any eye contact. As we entered, I couldn't help but feel my eye twitch in strain from staying so still- so upright.

I continued forward, allowing William to lead me to the two side by side thrones. Surprisingly, I made it up the stairs rather gracefully- turning quickly on my heel and sitting down. I looked out at the crowd before me, their eyes on me.

"I would like to introduce my sister," Duke William announced, "the Princess Anne of Cleves, and soon to be, Queen of England," he turned to me and smiled, clapping loudly. I smiled back at him, finding this to be the easiest part so far.

The room erupted into cheers and claps, and I turned to them and smiled looking into the crowd.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

My heart felt like it would beat out of my chest, and I felt light headed. Never had so many people turned their focus on me before, and it was making me anxious. I continued to keep my happy demeanor up though, not having spoken the first word yet. I looked out at the crowd, looking for Kate but seeing a familiar face instead.

The man I was supposed to go to this celebration with- shit! Duke William of Liechtenstein!

"Please, everyone, enjoy the night!" Duke William shouted, pulling me along with him by my hand.

The Duke of Lichtenstein made eye contact with me, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion, and I couldn't help but make a face- trying to show him I was sorry without saying it out loud. Whether he understood, and was forgiving me- I couldn't know from his expressionless face as he watched me intently.

Beside me, the Duke gestured at someone from across the room, gaining my attention. I looked out at the guests, seeing a tall, brown haired, and bearded man coming closer to us. I looked at the Duke of Cleves, judging his expression. He seen me look at him, and leaned over to me whispering in my ear, "sit there and look pretty, say nothing unless you are spoken to."

I smiled slightly, and nodded my head, sitting up slightly as the man got closer to us, weaving his way through the crowds of dancing people. The music played cheerfully in the background, and I found myself tapping my heel slightly nearly immediately.

Damn, music. It always got me, no matter what situation or mood. If its good it's good.

"Your Grace," the man said as he bowed before us, "my Lady," he said, raising back up, and then bowing again for me.

I nodded my head at him, acknowledging his respect.

"Mr. Brandon," the Duke of Cleves greeted him, "I would like to personally introduce my sister, the Lady Anne of Cleves."

Mr. Brandon looked me over, and I couldn't tell if he was impressed with my appearance, or disappointed. Then he turned back to the Duke of Cleves, his hands behind his back.

"I think his majesty will be very pleased with his new bride, and I look forward to presenting her to him myself," he said locking eyes with me. I could tell he was trying to judge the situation, no doubt being a smart man he was probably picking up something was amiss here.

"I am glad to hear this," the Duke- my brother-said, "when he sent Master Holbein to paint her last, she was so sick, there could have been no way to have sent a more accurate portrait of her without infecting everyone. Luckily, she wore a veil and we were able to safely send his Majesty a portrait of my sister.

"Yes, the portrait left his majesty highly impressed but I am afraid it doesn't do her justice, the veil was obviously hiding so much."

"Alas, your Grace, it was the only way, and my sister is no whore- should she have posed naked for his majesty as well?" the Duke said, feigning disappointment.

I had to fight not the roll my eyes, knowing that if I did Kate could suffer for it when this was all said and done.

"Of course not, your Grace," he said his eyes narrowing, "I would like to ask if I could invite the Lady Anne to speak with me tomorrow," he said, "this way I can inform her on what to expect when she arrives in London."

"With chaperones of course," the Duke said.

"Of course," Mr. Brandon said.

I looked back and forth between the two as their dialogue played out. Beside me, Elise stood with her head bowed and hands folded in front of her. When I looked her way she turned and smiled at me when we made eye contact.

Mr. Brandon bowed and backed away, leaving and disappearing into the crowd. I hoped that it was the last conversation I would have to be present for, not wanting to hear talk of my "future". It would surely come with some repercussions- since this isn't supposed to happen according my every history book i've ever read.

This is sure to have consequences, I thought to myself taking a deep sigh. I sat back into my chair as the Duke had done, listening to the music, and watching the pattern like dances of the people before me. I wish I could dance with them, and be merry. If I had had my way about tonight, I would be watching from the side- learning for the next dance so I could join in.

Too bad for me there would be no fun, or dancing for a while.