A new beginning

How did I end up in this situation? 

I always thought that life would be much easier after college, but I was wrong. 

Every day, my money slowly runs out, selling every piece of furniture and appliances I had to the pawnshop. 

What's left of me is my cell phone, some kitchen utensils, a futon, and a couple of clothes. 

I only wished that I had a job, so this would never happen. 

It's been a few months since I finished college. I came barging into every job interview I encountered but only to be rejected. 

Sometimes, I felt that I've been a failure to the point that I could kill myself. 

But, I always remembered my promise to myself that's embedded in my heart.

To never give up on such situations like this. So, tomorrow I'll do what I can, or I'll go home as a disgrace to the family. 

Now, I'm about to pawn my laptop to the pawnshop, when I came across the landlady of the building. 

Her name is Kobayashi Yui, she's forty-five years old and is beloved by all of the tenants for her charmy and kind attitude. 

She had blond hair, a fair figure even in her forties, and is wearing a fitted t-shirt and knee-level shorts. 

She greeted me with a smile and noticed what I was carrying. 

"Are you going to pawn your laptop Kazuya?"

I nodded and replied 

"Yes, I do. So that I could pay you ma'am, and buy food for myself."

She looked at me in pity and think of something, while she clapped her hand on my shoulders. 

"You don't need to worry about that, for I found the perfect job for you." 

'W-wait hold up. I…. I can't believe this is happening! Is this real?' O-ouch, I pinch myself to know if it's real! Ooh, my heart. It's pounding so fast that I want to hop in joy. 

I looked back at Ms. Kobayashi, and she gently giggles at me. 

"Hahaha, well you better get ready, otherwise that spot will be taken from you. 

"Yes ma'am, I'll be back for a moment!" 

The opportunity has come, I shouldn't let this pass. For this will permanently change my life and those people who believed in me.

"Ok see you later."

She let go of my shoulders and went upstairs, while I returned to my room and looked at my closet to find my best clothes. 

'Aaaaaaah!! I can't believe this is happening!! Thank you, Ms. Kobayashi, thank you very much!!' 

After a minute, i'm now wearing a pink polo, blank pants, and blue-orange rubber shoes. 

I fixed myself while looking at the mirror. I brushed my hair, covered my face with powder, and massaged my cheeks because it hurts after smiling for so long...

While waiting, I eat my freshly cooked cup of ramen. 'Hmmm… nothing beats a good cup of ramen, for It's been my comfort food ever since.'

After finishing the ramen, a knock came from the door. 

I opened it and saw Ms. Kobayashi, all dressed. Wearing a black and white dress, black heels, and a beige sling bag. 

"Well Kazuya, are you ready?" she asked. 

I brought along my bag filled with the necessary papers as I step out of the room. 

"Yes ma'am, all set ."

"Ok, let's go."

The two of us went downstairs and left the apartment. I followed Ms. Kobayashi, and along the way, she asked questions. 

"Well Kazuya, the job I found is a service crew for a small family diner. It serves both eastern and western delicacies so this might be good for you," she said. 

"It's more than enough ma'am! Thank you so much, I am truly grateful."

'Oh boy, calm down me.' Im getting so pumped up that I can't stop smiling in joy! 

"Your welcome, it's the least I could do. After all, you helped me so much when I needed it."

"Your welcome ma'am."

Then, something went over my head. I asked ms Kobayashi a question. 

"Ma'am, what did you do to own that apartment?" 

She looked at me with a surprised look. She then had deep thoughts about it and replied. 

"Well, there was one time that I entertained a group of rich businessmen. One of them was my suiter, and now we are engaged."

Woah, so ms Kobayashi is an entertainer. No wonder she has that kind of attitude. 

"But why would your suitor give you the apartment?" 

"Hmm, well he didn't have much use of it since it was also given to him. He gave it to me and I used the building to earn money." 

'Woah, ms Kobayashi is so amazing. I wonder who that businessman could be, maybe I know him.'

Moments later, we arrived at the family resto. The establishment's name is 'Hinata family resto'. It's a one-story establishment is with a capacity of 20 to 40 people more or less. base on the size of a building it's a full basketball court 

We entered the establishment, and we are warmly welcomed by the waitress of the restaurant. 

"Oh hello, mom, what are you doing here?" 

'Uh… wait mom??'

"Hello my dear, how is work today?" 

"It's doing great, mom. here, have a seat."

We both sat at a nearby table. Still, I was confused at the time. 

"Oh my apologies Kazuya, she is my daughter Sayuki," said ms Kobayashi. 

"Sayuki, this is Akihito Kazuya. One of our tenants in the building." 

"glad to make your acquaintance." said Sayuki 

We both exchanged bows, and I continued to observe her. From the looks of it, she seems friendly and very approachable. 

"The owner of this restaurant is a close friend of mine, that's why my daughter also works here as a full-time waitress," said ms Kobayashi. 

"Oh, I see. Hopefully, I could pass the interview." 

"Oh come on, don't be so negative. She needs more employees now, so I doubt that she'll reject you," she said enthusiastically. 

"Don't worry ma'am, I won't fail you."

She softly giggled while I bowed my head to her. I'll make sure to repay you, ma'am. 

"Well, I'll call Ms. Niko, so we could start the job interview mom." said Sayuki

"Of course dear, we'll be right here."

Sayuki stood up from her seat and walked to the office. 

I and ma'am Kobayashi on the other hand talked about how I got rejected in job interviews. She wished to know about my family, and what I wish to achieve. 

She listened to me thoroughly and gave a deep thought about it. 

"You're still young Kazuya, so don't worry too much. For life has many surprises along the way." 

"Thank you, ma'am."

"your welcome."

In the corner of my eye, I saw Sayuki calling me at the door. I left the seat and bowed to ma'am Kobayashi before heading to the office. 

"Are you ready Akihito?" 

I nodded back at her while removing my anxiety about getting rejected. 

On the table, was a middle-aged woman who seems too busy over a stack of paperwork. She looked at us and stopped at what she's doing. 

"Hello, Sayuki. Who's this young fellow?"

"Hello Ms. Niko, this is Kazuya Akihito. He wants to be interviewed." said Sayuki. 

She gave me a long glance, and it seems that she's reading me through her eyes. 

"I see, well hello Mr. Akihito. I am Hinata Niko and welcome to the Hinata family diner. Would you like to be interviewed for the waiter position?" she asked

"Yes Ms. Niko, for I longed to have a job."

She kept silent for a while, as she closed her eyes. After a while, she looked at me with a straight face. 

"Well, Mr. Akihito. Why do you want to have a job."

Hmm, an interesting question. Mostly they would ask why you want to work here instead of that. 

"Well, I wanted it so that I could give myself a better future, for myself and my family. Even though my family can hold on their own, I would still gladly repay them for all that they have done for me. Also, I have promises to fulfill, so wouldn't dare to go out the easy way."

Ms. Niko remained silent for a while, giving a deep. Thought to what I said. While I look at Sayuki, she was astonished. I didn't say anything good, yet she gave me that look. 

"Mr. Akihito, I will take your speech into consideration, but ... May I ask when you want to start?" 

Haaaa… Wait, wait. So this means that I'm already accepted? Isn't t this too quick?! 

"Why do you ask maam?" 

"Well, we are short on staff, so if you are free, you could work here starting tomorrow as I process your papers."

I-its a miracle! My prayers have been heard! Thank you so much, my life can now start anew! 

"Sure ma'am, I can work tomorrow."

"Good, I expect great things from you, Mr. Akihito." 

I wanted to shout now, for I am so grateful for both ms Niko and ma'am Kobayashi. I promise that I'll give my best. 

"Thank you, ma'am ." 

"You're welcome, see you tomorrow." 

We both bowed at Ms. Niko and returned to the table. 

"I got accepted." 

Ms. Kobayashi is so happy that she hugged me after hearing the news. 

"See, I told you. You shouldn't worry too much." 

"Thank you again, ma'am." 

"Your welcome."

After saying goodbye to her daughter we exited the restaurant and walked back home.

"Kazuya, don't let me down to Niko. Show her what you got and you'll be right on track in no time," she said joyfully. 

"Thank you, ma'am, I truly appreciate it."

No words can describe how happy I am now, for im also lost at words. 

Along the way, Ms. Kobayashi brought food to a nearby convenience store, and moments later we arrived at the apartment building. 

"I'll be going to work now. See you later Kazuya."

"See you to ma'am."

I bowed to her, and when I was about to enter she gave me that bag of food she bought at the convenience store. 

"Oh, I almost forgot, this is my treat. Fill up your tummy for you'll start your official workday tomorrow."

"Thank you, ma'am, this is already too much."

"Nah, as long as I help, nothing is too much." 

We said our goodbyes to each other and I entered my room. 

Haaa… I'm so excited about tomorrow!! But first, I'll enjoy this meal to my heart's content, and I'll make sure to repay them back

End of prologue.