
Today is workday. Well… rather, it's workshop day. 

Even though it's just an assessment of my skills in work. I can't help but burst in excitement as I hop around my empty room. 

Before leaving, I ate the remaining food from the plastic bag that Ms. Kobayashi gave. Like ramen, eggs, and some bacon. 

I looked at the mirror and now, I'm wearing a blue polo, black pants, and rubber shoes. 

I left my apartment, and suddenly. I bumped into Ms. Kobayashi on the way. 

She was wearing her usual attire. A slightly oversized shirt, knee-level shorts, and sandals. 

I bowed at her and apologized 

"I'm sorry ma'am! I didn't notice you."

"haha, don't worry about it."

I look back at her, and she looks proud as she smiles at me. 

"Are you ready for your first day of work?" 

"Yes ma'am."

"Then go get 'em tiger hahaha." 

I waved goodbye to Ms. Kobayashi as I left the building. 

From here to the restaurant, is a fifteen to twenty-minute walk. I was relieved because I didn't need to commute on the way. 

And after a few minutes, I arrived at the restaurant. 

"Oh, good morning Akihito."

Sayuki greeted me while she entertains the customers. 

"Hello… um."

"What is it, Akihito?" she asked

"Well, can I call you using your first name?" 

"Oh, I see. Well, you can, and I'll call you Kazuya if you don't mind."

Aaah, she agreed, what a relief. I'm starting to get confused if I also call her Kobayashi. After all, they are mother and daughter. 

"Well Kazuya, are you ready for your assessment?" she asked. 

"Yes, I am. Also thank you again, to the both of you."

"Your welcome."

The both of us laughed softly at each other. We enter the restaurant as we head to the manager's office.

From there Ms. Niko is busy doing paperwork again, and I notice that my name is on it. 

She looks at us and greets us. 

"Good morning, Sayuki, and Kazuya," said Ms. Niko. 

"Good morning Ms. Niko," said Sayuki. 

"Good morning ma'am."

Ms. Niko signals us to sit down. 

"Mr. Kazuya, today will start your training. whether you can pass or not, is up to you. Are you ready?" 

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, then both of you, follow me."

The three of us went outside of the office. Ms. Niko led us to the kitchen sink where many plates were stacked. 

"Our first trial is dishwashing. Let's see how fast and clean you are when it comes to dishwashing."

"Yes ma'am."

"Also sayuki, here is the stopwatch. When I say go, you start the timer."

"Got it."

"And, start!" 

The timer starts. I immediately took my station and thoroughly cleaned the plates, mugs, spoon, and forks, with haste. 

While cleaning, Ms. Niko continues to observe me. while Sayuki on the other hand is looking at me with her face saying 'go Kazuya, you can do it!'

"Stop," said Ms. Niko. 

I backed away from my station as I finished washing the dishes. Ms. Niko steps forward and looks at the dishes, inspecting every crook and cranny. 

"Impressive display of speed, and the utensils are all clean."

"Thank you, ma'am "

"Overall, I'll rate this 7.5 out of 10. For the way you stack the utensils, there is a chance that some will fall and break because of your rashness.."

"Thank you, ma'am."

She's strict, but I like it. Considering that I work in a restaurant, everything should be clean. 

"Also, may I ask. How long has it been since you graduated?"

"Almost 7 months ma'am."

"Huh, seven months."

She seemed to be dazed for a moment, but she immediately regained her composure and led the both of us to the dining hall. 

"Now, your second trial will be about serving. Your timer starts now."

With the help of my kit and a tray. I'm able to clean all of the tables within 7 to 10 minutes. 

Ms. Niko is impressed based on how she looks and already has an assessment. 

"Well Kazuya, I checked the table and they seemed to be clean. I shall rate this 9 out of 10. Why?? Because of the way you place the utensils on the tray. They are messy and there's a chance that they will also fall and break like what you did in the sink. But, good job."

Phew, that was exhausting, but it's also rewarding for me. Ms. Niko smiled at me before returning to the office. 

Meanwhile, Sayuki is so happy about my performance. 

"Hey, hey Kazuya. You did great."

She also gave me a glass of water. 

"Thanks, also thanks for the water." 

"Hihi, don't mention it and drink up."

My first working experience was better than I imagined. I got to meet Ms. Niko and Sayuki, who are both kind to me.

While some of the employees have different thoughts about me as they continue to glare at me with disgust. 

"With this, you'll surely be hired by Ms. Niko."

Hmm, so this is all of it? I thought there was more. 

"So, Ms. Niko also did this to you?" 

"Yup, I gave it my all and I was hired after a few days. Still, there will be a few more trials because Ms. Niko is strict."

"Hahaha, ok then."

I see. Since this will be my first job ever. I'll do my best to serve the customers and my co-workers. 

Then, I suddenly heard familiar voices.

"Do you want juice or beer?" 

"Beer of course."

Aaaaaaah!! It's my former senior high teacher!!

I quickly hid and told Sayuki to ignore me for a moment. 

Why are they here?? Did someone tell them?? I don't want them to be ashamed of me. 

"hmm, is that you Kazuya?" 

I am caught! Oh no… guess this is the end of the road. 

"Y-yes sir, Akihito k-Kazuya."

"Quit cowering there and face me."

I am shivering in fear because I'm about to face my former and beloved teachers again after so long. 

"Yes Sir. Nagasawa."

He's Tomoyuki Nagasawa, a math teacher in Asuka high school. And one of the known teachers of the school because of his strictness in teaching math. 

"Kazuya, how dare you disgrace your teacher like that!" 

"Ah, sorry Mr. Nagasawa please don't hurt me!!" 

"Who said I'm about to hurt you. A single hug or a greeting would do instead of hiding in a table."


Well, during my senior high days, there were my father's in school.

The students will tease me because they think that im being spoiled by them, but no. 

They just wanted to have fun with me for I am a somewhat card enthusiast like Yugioh. And they were also hooked into it. 

Also, during one time I was caught by them while I and my friend Akio were playing Yugioh. 

During that time, I thought they were going to punish us. Instead, they let us continue to play until the end of the detention. From there, our relationship grew with our teachers. 

"Hahaha, you two are always cute."

"Haaa, I miss Kazuya. What's the big deal about it??" 

My other teacher who is sitting at the table is Futaba haru. A History teacher known for his pop culture references during class and is loved by almost all of the students. 

"Haha, come here Kazuya. Talk with me for a moment while Tomu orders food."

"Tch, good grief. I won't spend my money on this." 

"Don't worry, it's my treat."

"Haaa, just give me the money." 

Sir Haru gave the money to Sir Tomoyuki with a mischievous giggle. It pisses Sir. Tomoyuki off, as he heads to the counter. 

"Well Kazuya, it's been a while. How were you?" 

"Haha, well it's been great." 

"Hmm, I doubt it." 

Sir haru gave me an eerie smile. It's been so long ever since I saw it, that it makes me disgusted. 

"Well, to start the day before we ask questions from you. We challenge you to a duel!" 

"Eh, right now?!" 

Haaa… What a day. 

Chapter 1 end

To be continued.