The curse fulfiller

After all, at that time, she was just a high school student. She was just 17. The last year student at High School.

She didn't know what to do, or how to react at that moment. So, she ran away and for the rest of the year, she only met him in the classroom, that too in front of a teacher.

Poor guy. After seeing, her acting all cowardly and poor. He just stopped bothering her completely. It's been three years after that incident, once she completed her schooling and started her graduation thing. That, she started dressing like this garbage.

As she has applied for Special Study Case for herself. So, she just visit university to pay the fees and give her exams. The only time, when she showcase her trueself. Except that, she was full of stinking garbage.

And since today was her last exam, of the final year, after which she would be considered graduated woman. So, in the hurry, she forgot to cover up her entire body with dirt like always. Leading to the showcasing of her true skin.

But who would have thought, within last three years, she would be picked by that lecherous pervert today, of all the days. She is a dead meat without any doubt.

While she was busy making from each to every plan, she could make to avoid the people of the clan. Alpha's speech was finished. Everyone clapped and cheered for him. Getting her back to her senses, who, too, clap as the form of encouragement.

Well, as per the normal script of the Alpha, he should just leave now back to his room, implementing all the plans he just discussed. Luckily, he did follow the script.

He moved from the podium, then started walking towards the room door, but once he reached the exit, he stopped, then turned around and asked ; " Who was the one, who was claiming she is worth it to have me?"

Earning a pin drop silence. Even Ex-beta, who was waiting for his departure, his expressions turned sour, too. After all, he was waiting to teach this little girl a lesson. And he can't do that in Alpha's presence.

But the thing he or anyone, didn't expect happened. The Great Alpha , actually asked for the girl, who used him.

After realizing the fact that the guy was asking for her. Preeti raised her head a little, then little more, then more and finally her ugly face [ disguised one] was on complete display, earning lots of woo~~ woo~~ from the crowd.

Despite having milk white skin, her face is just a mood killer, who would want a girl like her, except Ex-beta, who knows this is her disguise too, to protect herself.

Alpha saw her face, which wasn't worth watching, but for some unknown reasons, he just couldn't take his eyes off from her so-called ugly face.

It was her sparkling brown eyes, which were making her definitely different from the rest of the crowd. Her face, was covered with pimples, acne marks, mud, dirt, but despite all they couldn't hide the shine of those sparkling eyes.

After very long moment of time, she finally raise her gaze to met his, cold , aloof and chilly emerald green gaze, which was fix on her eyes, rather than her face or her body.

Well, she hates it when people consider or treat her as a Woman. A tool to vent their desire on. But who would have thought, her Alpha is such a stick-straight man. He didn't even stare at her face, to say nothing about her body. His eyes fixed on hers.

After what seems like an eternity, she finally raised her arm and said ; " It was me, Alpha."

Damn, at that moment, she was looking so damn cute. With that, underconfident, terrified, and little embarrassing look in her eyes.

But he didn't show or say anything. Only after a moment he spat two words ; " Follow me." While his gaze was still fixed on her eyes.

After which, with utmost difficulty, he retracted his gaze, turn around and started walking. As for all the onlookers, their jaws were already landing on the ground. Their ever so straight, ever so cold, ever so aloof Alpha, actually summon someone to his personal chambers.

And that girl is none other than this ugly duckling. Can things be more chaotic? Yes, they can.

" Alpha, she is the one, I have claimed as mine, already." Ex-beta, who couldn't take his Alpha's interference , butted in.

As for the Alpha, in concern he didn't even turn around just started walking, while his two betas, rather than following him come towards the omega girl, one stand on her right, another on her left.

Then, the first-in-command was the first one to urge her ; " Shall we?"

As for Ex-beta, he got his answer. Claim or no claim, if Alpha wants her, then no one can stop him from having her. Plus, it indeed was the better way to display his dominance, also to remind the three oldies, that currently, who exactly was in the charge among them.

She could just nod and walk with them. After all, how could she, who just claimed, that only The Alpha of this clan can have her, go back on her own World. She could offend an Ex-beta, but not an Alpha of the Clan.

Not when her Outpass lies in his hand. Damn it! Are the gods of heavens testing her? How could two people, both higher in authority then another, demand her at the same night.

Can't they just let her live peacefully? Can't she just be a simple girl? Why do they have to make her life so damn complicated? Just why?

She just bowed her head and followed the footsteps of Alpha.

'Are you really going to give up on yourself, after doing so much?' The wolf side asked.

' But he is an alpha.' She retorted.

' You are an alpha , too.' The wolf side retorted.

Why does this girl have to be so damn weak? Just why?

' But, he has the entire Clan on his beck and call. If I dare try anything funny, I will be dead.' She replied back.

' Weren't you ready to kill yourself, just now?' Wolf asked back.

' Fine. You are right. Death is death. There could be nothing worse than death, anyways.' She replied, making up her mind.

So what, if the guy is an Alpha. He isn't her mate. And since, he isn't her mate. Then, she will not let him defile her. No matter what. And she was filled with that do or die intent again from her inside out.


After walking through two staircases and five corridors, she finally reached the place, she dreaded the most; Alpha's territory. If she entered this territory tonight, then no one will ever try to look down on her.

If she somehow, make it out alive. Then, only respect and happiness of the World and clan awaits her. But, can she makes it alive, out from there. Especially, when she is planning to be a suicidal lamb, at the moment.

Once, she took her step in the Alpha's territory, the cold chilly pine smell filled her nostrils. She wanted to step back. But the door was already closed. Two Betas, guarding the door.

Well, she would only choose to die, now, within this Territory. She kept walking on the hallways, to her surprise, there were actually so many rooms.

And for the first time, she felt like a lost puppy. Not knowing where to go. Whether to advance or retreat. If this Clan Meet Mansion, which was also the house of Alphas and Betas of the Clan, is just a little version of Maze. Then, The Alpha's territory would be the amusement park level of the maze. Never ending type.

She kept on walking, watching all the pictures, paintings and antiques of the place on the walls. Unknown to the fact, someone was watching her each and every single movement. As if the predator, watching its prey.

As for the beast in her, it could feel the being supervise, becoming a prey feeling from somewhere in the room. But, how could it interrupt this girl, who was acting like a little lamb right now, lost in the beauty of the art.

After what seems like an eternity, she finally reach the fork type place, from where the road leads to 5 rooms. As for her, who was still considering the fact,she can spend the entire night in this corridor type area. Because there were sitting arrangements, even on the corridors. Plus, it just takes a sofa for her to sleep, oh! She can even sleep on floor.

And in this way, she can save herself, stupidly. Well, Daniel could tell, what she was thinking by the way she was starring at the sitting area.

" Come inside." So, he finally said.

And then, she saw one of the doors, opening, while he was sitting at the edge of one of the king size bed, like a king of the place.