It will take one week bed rest after Alpha’s claim

She just gulped, that guy, wasn't he in white suit with black shirt just now, when did he change into this royal blue night dress.

Aiye. For some reason, she was feeling like, she shouldn't enter the room. But, how could an omega disobey the alpha. So, she started walking at the speed of a snail. He just stare at her stupid way of dilly-dallying. But he didn't say anything.

And within 10 minutes, she was inside the room. Standing nearby the door, staring at him.

" Go and take a shower." He ordered again.

While she just blink. She can't take a shower, no matter what. Because if she took a shower, then her poor little secret will be revealed.

" I-I don't have any s-spare pair of clothes." She tried to come up with an excuse.

He stare directly into her eyes, then nodded as if acknowledging what she said.

He stood from his place, then started walking towards her direction, making her to step back. Can't she have her way, at least once? Can't she just live a normal life? Why? Just why? The World has to be so cruel to her?

He just stood a few steps away from her, then replied in a very low magnetice, husky voice, though, it doesn't do anything to the coldness and aloofness in it ; " Relax. You can rest here in this room, tonight. After that, no one in the clan will try anything funny with you.

It is a guest room, anyways. Let me bring some clothes for you,Okay."

He said, while she just blinked and blinked and blinked. How come, there could be such a sincere, aloof and dominant person, who is a gentleman too?

"B-But.. A-Alpha… t-that…" No matter how hard she tried to speak or express her views. She just couldn't. Her mind wasn't working at all. It was blank as white sheet of paper. Maybe, it undergoes shutdown, temporarily.

Her heart was beating thousands of times more rapidly than her beastly side. Earning a sigh from her beast. When she was with Ex-beta, she was a tigress. Then, how could she turn into a turtle, just like that.

Does she seriously have some kind of technical defect in her? He clearly doesn't want to do anything to her. Then, why is she using her low IQed brain, now.

" Or you want to do it? Then, I won't mind, either." And for the first time, he teased someone in his life, with a little smile. Except his late mother. While pointing towards the bed.

And as expected, the person who was still not able to make relation with her own senses, ended up staring downward, her cheeks were flushing red.So, was her neck, making it really a sight to see.

Then, after some time, she shook her head vigorously, as if to say, she doesn't want it. And another little smile escaped his lips.

" Then, let me bring you some clothes. Lock the main door, take a bath, then sleep well. And leave early tomorrow before the evening out of this place.

If you need anything, then knock on the adjacent door to your room. You will get whatever you want. Hope you have a wonderful stay here. Good night." He give each and every necessary instruction to her.

Then he was about to leave, what her non-existing part of brain, her dumb brain, acted out; " Before the evening?" And she asked in confusion.

" Well, as a person, claimed by Alpha, you should stay in bed for the entire week. But since you have applied for Outpass, then you have to leave tomorrow before the twilight period, to pack all your things.

Your Outpass and I will be there, the day after tomorrow, with you. As it's my duty, as an Alpha, to personally lead all the members of the clan to the city area, who wants to work in the Human World." He replied, to make her relax a little.

After all, he has never been interested in girls or sex. Just like her, he, too, is waiting for his mate. Just like her, he, too, wanted to devote himself fully to his mate.

The reason why he helped her, today. Because, somehow, somewhere, he felt their intentions and situations readily similar.

He is mostly cursed or taunted back by his father and his friends, two Ex-betas of the group, for being able to be single. For being aloof. For sleeping alone at nights and many more.

But not any more. Once a girl entered his personal chambers. Then, he is bound to become just like his father and his friend. So, maybe now he can focus on his clan and mate.

[ A little spoiler + question : What if these two are each other's mate? Or what if they are the mate of those two main characters introduced earlier? What if the life of two alphas and two sisters are inter connected somehow?]

After few minutes, she heard the knock on her door. Well, she hadn't closed it, yet. So, she still went near the door, where the Almight Alpha was standing with something hanging in his arms, maybe clothes.

She really can't believe it. The guy because of whom, she could never escape on her own from this clan, to be so caring and gentle. She accept the cloths from him and then shut the door, while lcoking it thrice, to enure any accident from hapening.

As for the person, who was still standing outside. The person, on whom she shut the door directly. Only if he hadn't used his speed, to dodge it, then the door would have definitely entrapped his poor little nose in it.

That very person, just keep on standing outside as a statue.While watching this little bunny running away. How much he hope, his little mate to be like this little brave girl?


Once, she closed the door, only then she went to the bathroom . After which, she did few clicks of her fingers and her thorny vines like hairs turn into plain, smooth, silky , beautiful, black waterfall. Her hairs were really very beautiful. Pure black in colour.

And she is the only girl, who can turn her beautiful, worth dying hair dinto thorny forest vines.

' See, you always used to blame a wrong guy. He is a savior.' Her wolf argued.

' Aren't you talking too much, today?' She couldn't help remind her beast.

' It's because, last week you promised to show me the jungle area, tonight.' It argued.

' No. Not Today.' She negotiated.

' Fine. But next week. Please.' It pleaded.

' Not possible for next six months.' She added in deadly serious expression. While removing the rug pieces she always used to wear. And. Damnit! It indeed was the typical example of Ugly Duckling being the beautiful swan of the era.

Behind her stinky, ugly disguise, there was hidden an other-worldly beauty, he beuaty, who can topple the entire Universe, just like that.

'Growl~ Growl~ Growl~' Her beast roared in disagreement, dissatisfaction and a disheartened tone.

But she ignored it. She would be a fool, if she tried to shift in Human World. After all, who wants the accident to happened, In Human World.

No shifter, at least. Or the consequences would be unimaginable.

Even courting death from the hands of the Alpha, would be thousand times better than this.

So, after taking an hour long shower, she finally let her senses relaxed, changed into the clothes, which was The Alpha's Sweatshirt, which comes upto her mid thighs and his shorts, which was covering her knees, even reaching upto her mid lower legs.

She, in white sweatshirt, black shorts, open black hair and flawless, bright, glass skin, porcelain, milky face was the combination, which emerged from the bathroom.

After which, she went directly to the nearby window and opened it, to get some fresh air. After all, the room was full of her glacial roses scent, her natural scent.

Though, she never knows, how can she have such a soothing and aromatic natural scent. Even when the body wash was Citrus mint in fragrance. It still didn't change her body scent.

After opening the window, she was stunned by the view. There was a little balcony outside the window, which shows the most beautiful view of The World, she has ever seen.

All the houses of the Clan were looking dwarf from here. Then, the little bridge in the middle, serene water was passing by below the bridge, which was leading a canal type system, making the water to flow from the back of every household.

The moon was crescent in shape in the sky, but it was bright. The clouds were trying to cover it light, but they were failing profusely in doing that. The cool, soothing breezes from the trees of the nearby forest area was more than enough to make her relax more.

And she was lost in her own Wolrd. She never finds out, why loves to gaze the moon, everynight before falling sleep. Why this moon makes her feel very familiar to itself? Why she likes to talk with this transcedental, celestial body?

Why? Just why?

She always have just question, no answer.