Sad story of Preeti heard by Daniel in silence

" Hello, Dear Moon. Another day passed with little bit of fun and lots of chaos again. I was saved again. Another night to celebrate my safety, my dignity and my life.

May I ask you one question, though, I won't be expecting any answer, anyways?

Why I feel, so familiar, so close, so connected with you? I don't even feel this much close to my family, my clan, my friends, then why?

Ah! Please, don't mind me, I am back to being a blabbering queen. You see, as per human psychology, those who feels lonely from inside, those who get fed up of people or relations around them, only they get this familiarity feeling, this closeness, with Celestial dieties like you.

Oh! Right. I won't be free in future, though. As I am shifting to Human Colony. And for next few months or maybe years, I might work my ass off to earn money. After all, father's loan is important.

Thank goodness, he didn't listen to Aunt Casandra this time, and allow me to work to pay his loan, rather than selling me to those human loan sharks, as a repayment.

2 Years. Just 2 years are all that I have to prove my worth. I hope I could prove myself, accurately within the time span of 2 years. Please, be with me in my journey.

It's not like I am asking for any huge favour. Just be there with me, for me, as an encouragement. After all, it won't be easy. Nothing is easy in this life, though. Anyways.

Ah! Right! How's my mother? Is she doing well, there, with you? Just tell her, to not to worry about me. Her daughter is strong-headed type. I will never let anyone take advantage of me.

Do tell her, to take care of her properly. You see, she is always the ignorant and careless type. She always neglect herself, when it comes to chosing others and herself.

And one last thing, do tell her, her daughter misses her every day and every night. So, if she didn't take care of her in her afterlife, then I will scold her fiercely again.

Good night. Thank you for letting me talk with you." And her lonely, sad, depressing, but smiling voice, as sweet as honey as gentle as water could be heard from her balcony window.

After sighing at the thought of her careless late mother, she finally went back to bed, to sleep. And since,they events of the evening and day took toll on her, she hit the sack just like that.

When, it was midnight and she was in a deep sleep. Suddenly her balcony window lifted and a figure entered like a ninja shadow. After walking near the bed zone, he stopped abruptly. Then, he just kept on blinking at the sleeping figure.

Wasn't the girl ugly to see? Didn't she have pimple and marks on her face? Then, who is this angel sleeping here, in her place? He just kept on starring at her.

Since, as a werewolf, they were completely immune to coldness and warmness. So, there wasn't any covers to cover her body, either. And only the person's cloth on her could be seen. Well, who else could this intruder be, except Alpha Danial Gracias.

He just kept on starring at her. She was wearing his clothes, sleeping peacefully. But her hairs, face, figure, body or anything was nowhere his imagination.

He thought, she might be some average girl, trying to protect herself in this World. But, now he knows, why she has to hide herself.

Since, she doesn't have a mate yet. Plus, she is an omega girl, then anywolf can have his way on her. An Alpha, being no exception.

' When did you become such a pervert?' His wolf asked.

' Shut up.' he replied back.

' You see, you can scare her like this. She isn't a human but a wolf, just like you. You really want to give her a heart-attack.' His wolf added.

But this time, he didn't even bother to reply back to his wolf.

' You stupid human. Don't forget, I am the Alpha wolf. At least show some respect.' The wolf growled. But as if Daniel didn't hear anything.

' Don't tell me , you suspect her?' The wolf asked, after giving up on the respect issue. This Alpha Human, never ever give a dame to his own wolf.

' Suspect?' Finally Daniel asked. Not knowing, about what suspect his wolf is talking about.

' Suspect her to be your mate.' The wolf finished and Daniel just rolled his eyes.

How could a lowly omega be the Luna of his Clan and his mate.

Then, he just went near the closet, took th covers from the closet, the went near the bed, very lightly and covered her fully with it. While doing so, his hand accidentally touched her cheek.

And he was frozed by the shock. This feeling. When, she had taken the clothes from him, at that time he got frozed to his very space ,too.

And only one in a million of possibilities came rumaging through his mind.

He finally asked his wolf ; ' How to find out, whether you are mate or not?'

As for his wolf, who has shut its mouth, because of his rudenes. Get activated again.

' Firstly admit, i am more powerful than you.'

As for the impatient he finally relented a little ; ' Fine.'

' Call me Sir, first.' The next demnad of wolf.

' Nevermind. I can ask someone else.' And his patient ran out.

' Fine. Just because we are one. That's why, I am helping you. That's why, I am forgiving the matter of you disrepecting me, being rude to me, irritating me most of the times and all are previous scores.

Touch the back of her hand, with your palm, be it right or left. If she jolted awake from her sleep, and you feel the surge of electricity passing through your body.

Last but definitely not the least, if you both feel sparks passing through each other's eyes. Then, congratulations you are mates. And you can mate.

So, can I, with her wolf. Simple.' The Wolf replied as some talkshow host.

As for the Alpha, who somehow wanted to get the answer, hold himslef back. He heard each and every word she said. He knows, she doesn't trust any werewolf of his clan, somehow including him.

If, like by any chance, if she is his mate, then he will be disturbing her sleep. And if she isn't, then he would be touching her hands without her permission.

As for the ever so curious Wolf, who was checking whether this human checked or not, yet. It neither get any answer or any explanation from its male part, who left her room just like that.


When, these two were sleeping under the same roof, one more person was busy starring at the moon.

" Why? I was thousand times better than that cubby personality. Then, why on the Earth she got chosen, but not me. That's not fair. That's so damn unfair, of this World.

Dear Moon, you know, how much I have worked, how much I tried my level best to clear the interview, then can't you just help me alittle bit? Please. You see, I have no one to rely on in this World. Then, can't you pity me and let me pass the interview, too.

Please. I am sick of staying here. These girls hates me for being smart and beautiful. Please.

Sometimes, I wish I could have a sister, either elder or younger one, or a brother, be it younger or older. At least then I wouldn't have been all alone in this World, trying to survive hard.

Dear Moon, So what, until and unless you are with me, my entire family, the entire World is with me. I know that . My family, wheresoever they are, howsoever they are, I am sure, you are taking care of them, for me.

I know. After all, who told me to be so cute and lovely, that even Dear Moon has to follow my requests. Hehe. Lols.

Dear Moon, please let me clear the next interview at all costs. I am sick of waiting for my Prince Charming to come. Please make him run all his way to me. Okay."

[ Ah! The author is stuck with a great dilemma. To whom should I match with whom? Dear Readers, please help me out. I literally can't break any of the girl's heart.

So, please do let me know, in the comment-section. ]