"Erixa. Erixa! ERIXA!" I open my eyes, then proceed to immediately regret it.
"Are you an angel?" I ask the figure bent over me with what looks like a halo over their head.
"What?!" the ask
"Oh, never mind your a jackass," I say to the figure I now know is Ezra "Fuck its bright!"
"Thank the maker you're fine," he slumped against the wall of the elevator.
"Why does my head feel like someone went back and forth over my head with their car?" I ask sitting up and rubbing my aching head.
"You passed out," he says
"I saw something," I say slowly recalling what I saw as it registers in my head storing it where belongs.
" what the floor?" he asks
"No," I say "I saw a river, I was bleeding and scared, really scared." I looked to Ezra "Ezra I think I was scared for my life,"
"Do you think its a flashback?" he asks
"Maybe I'm not sure,"
"Well, here I'll help you to the car. We can ask Zadie about this," Ezra says, pulling me to my feet.
We walk to his car and I climb into the passenger seat and buckle up. Ezra does the same in the drivers. He starts the engine and it purrs beneath us, he presses the accelerator and the vehicle glides forward like silk. Its sleek aerodynamic design is only helping it feel more like a liquid than transportation. He turns it right then straightens out to go up the ramp, and out into the busy traffic of the street. He glides into traffic like a pro, but he doesn't seem that impressed by this. I was on so many drugs when we first got there I could barely stand much less remember the ride over, I slept through most of it. He turns on to the highway heading east towards Snoqualmie where his sister lives.
We pulled up to Zadie's practice, It was a nice building, sleek and simple but stylish at the same time. Ez parked (yes I called him Ez, his sister insisted I called him that because apparently, it drives him insane) and helped me out.
"What a gentleman," I say mockingly. He just rolls his eyes and chuckles. I hobble my way in and Ez helps me find a comfortable couch to sit on. Then he walks over to the counter
"Hello, yes we have an appointment with Dr. Zadie Auster," he says
"Is it for an Erixa Adair with X-ray?" the receptionist replies
"Okay, they will call you when they're ready for you, " she replies. He turns and walks back to where he left me and flopped on the couch. And as soon he does, a woman dressed in nurses scrubs appears
"Erixa Adair!" she shouts; I hobbled to my feet, raising my hand
"That's me!" My God, I sound like a teenie bopper. With Ezra at my side, I struggle to follow this woman. Dam she walks fast. She leads us to room 4A
"Dr.Auster will meet with you shortly, " she says, showing us into the room then closing the door. We're there all about 30 seconds when a woman with fiery red hair comes in
"Hi," says " how's the leg," she asks
"Could be better," I say
"Well let's go get some X-rays done then"
She led us to the X-ray hall and showed us to the X-ray technician. He sat me down on a table and put a magnet near my leg. They all walked behind a screen and he turned it on. The machine flashed a few times then was done. The X-ray Tech helped me up and Zadie looked at the X-rays. Her face looked confused Ezra too. I looked over their shoulders at the holo screen of the computer at the picture of my leg. All I managed to say was.
"I have no medical degree I know of, but that does not look like it should be possible,"