I was looking at my leg, but that couldn't be my leg.
"How the ever-loving fuck did it heal perfectly like it never broke in a WEEK?!" I ask completely confused.
"I don't know we scanned you for healing nanotech but you were clean, and even if you weren't only the military would have access to something this advanced, and you're not in the military database," Zadie said "this is just… weird"
"And it's not even the weirdest thing that happened today," Ezra said Zadie looked at him quizzically
"What the hell, follow me we need to talk in private," Zadie said downloading the X-rays onto her holo glass then deleting them on the computer. She thanked the X-ray tech and walked out. She led us to her private office and no one said a word.
"So what was the weirdest thing of today then?" she asked when we entered her office
"I had a flashback vision dream thing," I say
"Okay, that's common for amnesia patients to have dreams of things like that there normally nothing but a dream they wake up in the mornings convinced that there their memories they rarely are though, what makes you so sure,"
"It happened in the elevator," I say
"What! It happened while you were awake?!" she says turning around fast
"Well no I passed out as soon as the elevator moved," I say
"Do you remember it?" she says sitting down
"Yeah," I say
"Tell me everything you remember," she says
"Okay, well I'm cold and wet, its raining hard. I'm bleeding my heart is racing a mile a minute, I'm terrified for my life. But I don't know what I'm afraid of. I'm wearing white their is blood all over it but I know its not all mine. Its like a suit its protecting me, I'm wearing a helmet with a HUD I think. I look behind me both sad and guilty but terrified too. Then I grab a safety rail and jump over it into a body of water. Then I woke up," I say
"Well wasn't expecting that," Zadie says "I have a feeling that's a memory resurfacing there may be more?"
"Okay, what are we going to do about my leg?" I ask
"Well its fully healed so," she shrugs "I'll try and stop by on Tuesday,"
Ezra and I got up and walked out of the building, we climbed back into the car.
"well," he said, "to the mall!"
We stopped at an enormous building, it was absolutely huge. Like the biggest building, I have ever seen. This was as tall as a skyscraper and like 10 city blocks. It was sleek and bright, it went from sharp edges to smooth round corners. And was that a Möbius strip floating in midair right there! Holy shit this place is cool!
"Its that a fish tank?" I ask pointing to the big glass enclosure filled with water and bright things moving about inside.
"Yeah," he says sighing " the first three shattered, bad architects. They had to send flight paramedics and the coast guard to fish out the workers. Because the water main was connected and flooding the lower levels. But they figured it out now."
"Awesome!" I say turning around it was much easier to move without crutches. "Come on let's go!" I grab Ez's wrist and dragged him behind me, I ran through the big sliding doors. Just to slam to a halt.
"Woah," I said looking up there were drones of all shapes and sizes flying all over the place and big holo boards promoting new products, platforms floated around with different restaurants using maglev tech to float from floor to floor. There were entire gardens in here suddenly a hyperloop train came flying in above our heads it was amazing how they didn't even make a sound. how did I miss the vacuum tube the hyperloop ran through? There was a maze of stairs and elevators and escalators that weaved all the levels together. It was an absolutely beautiful show of the most amazing tech the world had to offer all in one place.
"This is a Hyperloop station?!" I asked excitedly.
"Yeah, it was one of the first, here how bout we go look at it after we buy you some clothes.
"Okay," I say fake moping then Ez brought me to a store and shuffled me inside.
A couple of hours later
After stopping in a million stores we got all the clothes we could possibly need and eating way too much food, we decided to put the bags into the car then go back to look at the Hyperloop since I was laid out for a week I decided to read up on stuff and the Hyperloop fascinated me. We walked up to the glass to look down on the station from the Hyperloop viewing platform.
"Wow," I said watching the sleek capsules fly in and out soundlessly inside their vacuum. After a while, we started back to the car. I convinced Ez to buy me a pretzel. Then we walked back to the car while I was happily munching on my pretzel. It was only about 4 o'clock. We climbed into the car then started back to the apartment.