We pulled into the garage of the apartment building. And went up to the top floor I flopped onto the bed. We somehow carried all the bags up in one trip, the laws of physics may have been flipping us off and telling us to go fuck ourselves every step of the way, but we did it. I got up and started putting stuff into the closet. I hung up the tunics and shirts, folded the pants into the drawers, and put the new shoes on the racks. This closet was big so everything fit fine. I turned off the orblights and closed the door on my way out of my room. I walked out to the balcony and looked out. Finally, it wasn't raining for once.
"Hey, I'm going down to Pike Place Market to pick up some produce want to come?" Ez said
"Oh! Sure I'd love to see the market," I say turning around " let me grab my shoes."
"Wait, here I got you these at the mall," Ez says giving me a small box. "You looked really lost today and these should help," I opened the box to find a pair of glasses but they were one smooth piece of polycarbonate they looked super cool. I put them on and they lit up.
"Holy Fuck you bought me HUD glasses!" I yell
"Yeah, they will identify things so you don't have to ask all the time," Ez says
"Wow um I'll go get my shoes now." I say walking away "thank you."
We walked out of the apartment into the hall, Ezra locked the door. We walked to the elevator, if we used the stairs we'd be exhausted. The elevator arrived we walked in. I sat down on the floor.
"What are you doing?" Ezra asked
"If I pass out again the ground is closer," I say sitting crisscross on the floor.
"Okay, whatever," Ezra says pushing the button. I grab the rail tightly and squeeze my eyes shut waiting for the painful flashback. But it never came thank the maker. I got up and we walked out each of us with a backpack for the food. We walked out of the building and down to the hill towards the market. Eventually, we got down there and got what we need but between me dragging my feet on the way down wanting to look at everything with the HUD glasses and wandering off to do the same in the market, it was dark.
"Fuck, when did it get so dark!" Ezra said
"I don't know?" I say shrugging
"Well I guess we're walking in the dark then," he says obviously displeased
"Oh whatever we'll just walk fast and be fine," I say waving my hand at him he just shook his head like he thought I would never understand. We started back, and I understood why he didn't want to walk in the dark. The places that were bright and illuminated during the day were dark and ominous now. I started to pick up the pace
I walked faster
And faster
Then I was jogging
I broke into a run
Different scenarios running through my head
The people who hurt me found us and they killed us
Or someone attacked us because I couldn't understand why we should have left earlier
And many many more
But they all had one thing in common
Ezra died because of me
I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice that I had run right into one of those dark ominous allies. I smacked into what I thought was a wall. Well, a wall of muscle that is.
"Owwww!" I said rubbing my nose.
"Erixa!" Ezra said running towards me
"What? I'm fine my nose was just bleeding a little," I looked up to see a group of very tough guys looking very unhappy.