They didn't say anything, Maker I wish they would have just said something. They looked at each other like they were talking but their mouths never moved. Then something popped up on my HUD.

Private server in use

So they were talking. Fuck what should I do though? Apologize and leave or just run? I start to get to my feet when one of them back hands me in the jaw, but it was just his hand that hit me? What hit me was cold and hard like… the butt of a gun. Ezra comes running up and we both see it. Every guy in the ally was built like a brick wall and packing. There were maybe 12 guys there, Russian maybe Ukrainian, all of them with standard issue tactical body armor, each with 2 glocks and most likely a multitude of knives, but not much else. One of them goes to hit me again. Ezra dives in between us, taking the blow straight to the head.

Something snapped in me then, actually to be more accurate something clicked. Seeing Ezra on the ground bleeding from his temple he was hurt just because he tried to protect me.

I couldn't let someone get hurt protecting me.

Not again.

Then a flash back hit.

I was back at the river

it was raining

but I saw someone

They were dressed like me

They were face down

In a puddle of blood

I stood up the men looked at me, something had come alive. A fire burned in me. Suddenly I felt strong really strong. I charged the men, I wasn't thinking this was pure instinct. I was to fast for them to follow, I hit the closet one like a meteor. Then I punched the next one someone kicked at me. I dogged grabbing his leg, I flinged him like a rag doll. I jumped, higher than should be possible. Kicking someone in the head on the way down. It was a fray of legs and arms, curses in Russian flew even faster than their punches. But I was mowing through these guys like they were nothing. It was unbelievable.

I stood in the middle of a ring of guys out cold, then I remembered something.

"FUCK, EZRA! ARE YOU OKAY?" I ran over to him dropping on my knees. His eyes were open and looking straight at me.

"What the hell?!" He yelled

" I don't know? It was instinct. I'm still not sure what happened." I say

" that's not what I mean, WHAT THE HELL IS WITH YOUR HAIR?" He yells.

"what do you mea-" I grab a strand from my ponytail to see… it glowing? "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

It started to stop glowing and then it returned to normal, like nothing had happened at all. then I felt weak and tired. The adrenaline must have worn off that had to been how I took down those guys right? What else could explain it?

" let's just go back to your apartment and figure this out," I say

"Okay, but we're not done talking about this!" Ezra says as I help him up. We walk briskly back to the apartment.

I step inside the apartment, Ezra slung over my shoulder. I set him on the couch.

"Where is your first aid kit and medical supplies?" I ask

"In the closet, middle shelf." I grab some clean towels, bandages, peroxide, and antibacterial ointment. I go into the kitchen.

"Hey, could you grab an ice pack and bring it to the living room, thanks" the chef bot beeps in reply and goes to get an ice pack. I go back to Ezra on the couch.

"Hey," I say softly " I need you to sit up so I can take care of that wound on your head."

"Okay," he says as help him sit up.

I pour some peroxide on the towel and gently start to clean the wound.

"Why?" I can't help but ask

"Why, what?" He asks

"Why did you protect me? I mean we barely know each other?"

"I don't know, I guess it was instinct," he shrugs. I put some of the ointment on the wound and started to wrap it.

"You're lucky." I say

"Don't feel like it right now," he says

"Well this could have been a lot worse, you just have a cut and most likely a concussion and bruised ribs from the pavement, could have been a lot worse." The chef bot came up and gave me an ice pack and a glass of water, I thanked it and it went on its way. I gave Ezra the water. We sat in silence for a moment.

"I had another one," I said still wrapping the wound

"Another one what?" Ezra asked.

"Flashback, I was at the facility by the river again but somewhere new, I saw someone dressed like I was but…" I stopped

"But?" Ezra encouraged

"She was face down in a pool of blood." I say quickly

"WHAT?!" Ezra yelled spewing water absolutely everywhere.