I woke up still on the balcony. Ezra was hugging my back.
Oh my maker, did he stay out here all night?! How was I so inconsiderate to let myself fall asleep on him! He needs proper rest in a good bed! Maker, what time was it?! I slipped out of his very tight embrace. And gently picked him up.
When did I get this strong?
I didn't know I laid him down in his bed, I went into my room and went to get changed. I put on a white crop top with a low back, a pair of black leggings still made of carbon fiber, and a pair of black carbon fiber fingerless gloves that landed halfway up my upper arm. I tied my hair back into a braid. I sat down in the living room and decided to turn on the news.
Breaking news
12 gang members arrested after being found beaten unconscious.
What? Wait a minute did I do that? I looked at the pictures. Maker, it was that forsaken alley. HOLY I did this I covered my mouth. Not believing my eyes.
"Only one of the gang members has regained consciousness. And has only said when police questioned that a woman with white hair attacked them after they knocked her boyfriend unconscious. There were apparently multiple warrants out for these men's arrests, including but not limited kidnapping, first degree murder, r a p e, and money laundering. This woman helped bring some of the worst criminals in this city to justice, thank you." The news anchor said. I was gobsmacked. Those men all had APBs out for them. Just then Ezra walked into the living room.
"What's that face for?" He asked. I raised my hand in the air and slid it towards the left to rewind the TV. Ezras jaw dropped.
"Those guys… each one had an APB out for them?"
"Yes, I thought maybe I could just ignore my past, but I don't think that's possible anymore" I said "not after this but. I have no idea where to start."
"I have an idea where to start," Ezra says I turn surprised "we could start with your weird tattoo."
"Weird tattoo?" I was confused "I have a tattoo?"
"You didn't notice it's right on the base of your neck in between your shoulders." He poked in between my shoulders.
"Right there," I ran to the bathroom and pulled my hair aside. I'll be damned, there was a tattoo! It was a series of dots connected by thin lines inside a circle. It looked like… a constellation. It was a constellation! The constellation of Orion.
We scanned the tattoo and did an image search. There were 2 hits. One a conspiracy website saying it was the symbol of a secret military project. And that it was so classified that the only records of it were in N.A.I.N. the most secure vault of information. It was an actual place, not a digital vault, one of those old fashioned physical ones. And N.A.I.N. was right in the heart of Seattle.
The second was a government website and all it had the symbol and the word CLASSIFIED in big red letters.
"Ugh now where do we go from here!" I say slumping in my chair. "The only information about my life is in the most secure vault in the world! Now there's no chance of finding out what happened."
Then Ezra said the last thing I thought he ever would.
"Well, what if we broke in?"