I looked at him in disbelief, slack jawed.
Ezra did not just say break in?!
No way Ezra would not suggest that, it's just not in his nature.
"Who are you and what have you done with Ezra Auster?! I mean I'm not a doctor but I didn't think you hit your head hard enough to lose your mind?!" I almost shout
"I am fine thank you very much and my mind is still very much in my head.
"It's just I know someone at N.A.I.N." Ezra says.
"Who," I ask in spite of myself.
"My friend Raze, he's a cyber security specialist and an engineer." He says matter-a-factly.
"Why would your friend risk his career to help us? I don't want anyone to get hurt or in trouble because of my stupid brain."
"Your brain isn't stupid it's just had a hard time, and Raze will help us because," he has a pained look on his face, "he's zaddies boyfriend."
"ZADDIE HAS A BOYFRIEND?! No I definitely don't want him involved " I stand up slamming my hands into the table, to our great surprise. The table shattered like thin ice on a hot day getting a sledgehammer dropped on it. I looked at my hands expecting them to be broken and full of slivers of the table. But they were fine… completely and utterly fine?
"H-h-how how is this possible?" I say backing away looking at my hands.
"I don't think we can just avoid this Eri, I'm calling Raze." Ezra said, pulling out his phone and dialing Raze.
I sat on the couch in shock, I still didn't understand what had happened. Just then I heard a knock at the door Ezra walked over, looked through the peephole and opened it. In came a man with brownish red hair, his skin wasn't the color you'd normally expect. It looked like one of his parents was a red head and the other Spanish.
"Hey! Heard you need help with a tabl- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE," he stopped dead in his tracks staring at the place the table was and looked at the pile of what the table is now. Then he saw me sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket.
"Wait, who are you?'' he said, walking over to me, and how did he smash his table into pieces?"
"My name is Erixa Adair, Ezra saved my life but I lost my memories, and I was the one who broke the table I don't know how I did though." I say looking at the coffee table.
"The reason I actually called you wasn't because of the table, it's because of Erixa." Ezra says
"Why would that deem you needing my help though?" Raze asked, confused.
"Because of this," I pulled back my hair and showed him my tattoo.
"Wait a minute, that is the project Orion's symbol why is it on your neck?"
"Wish I knew." I shrugged "but orion what's that?"
"Uh well it's really classified I'm not sure I really can with chain of command and stuff."
"Wait… your the woman with white hair who sent those gangsters to the hospital?" His eyes were wide, I nodded
"I guess I could fine fuck it. Ezra if I lose my job I'm moving in with you. I don't know much on Orion but here what I know about a decade ago a squad went M.I.A. On a mission in the Amazon. They were found 6 months later deep in the Swiss alps. All of the squad woke up and was in Perfect health but didn't remember what quite happened those 6 months they were missing. It was soon discovered they could do things most humans can't. So project Orion was formed, they were given experimental tech and suicide missions no one had even tried and they pulled them off and the enemy still isn't sure what happened. That's all I know, most is just office gossip but there was a rumor some went missing on a mission again recently, but that's just a rumor." Raze said shrugging.
"Thank you, I answered some questions but made a lot more I wish I could just walked in the building and take the information." I say standing up then it felt like someone hit me in the head with a sledgehammer.
I saw blueprints for a building
A big building
A big fortified building
In the center there was something extra fortified like
A vault!
I saw there was a name at the corner
It was fuzzy
Focus focus
There it read
These were blueprints for N.A.I.N.!
There were other people around me I couldn't understand them
What were they saying
They were dressed in white too?
I rolled them up and then I was in a street
I looked for signs
There a street sign!
Then I was inside a building there were rows and rows of boxes
We stopped at one
We put them in there
Then I saw where I put the key.
I sat up so fast I ran my head into Erzas head. We both let out an ow. Then rubbing my head got to my feet and made a beeline for the kitchen.
"Hey what did you see? What are you doing?" Ezra asked. I opened a drawer and grabbed out a knife and pressed it to my arm
"ERIXA! STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Ezra yelled flying towards me trying to stop me. But I had to do this. I plunged the knife in then pulled it out setting it down. Then I stuck my hand in my arm fished around for a second.
Got it
Then I pulled the bloody key from my arm. I was smiling despite the fact I was bleeding profusely. Ezra just facepalmed himself and went to get his med kit.
Then Raze broke the silence
"Okay is this normal for you guys? And would anyone care to explain WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED ?!"