Ezra cleaned out my wound and bandaged. I needed to go, I needed to get to that safety deposit box. I knew there was more than just maps in there. I knew it was there. I had no clue but something important, really important. I needed to get there, after Ezra was finished I made sure no blood was on me there wasn't, grabbed a jacket, my backpack and my HUD.
"I'll be back in a bit." I say grabbing the doorknob.
"What? Where are you going? Wait for me your not going alo-" Ezra started
"No. I need to go alone." I grab the doorknob and open the door and leave
I walked out of the building and popped the address into my HUD. It instructed me to get on the bus. There was one at the bus stop. I hopped on, paid, and sat down. Then I got off at my stop. I still had to walk about 2 blocks. Then I came across the sign I was looking for
5Th Avenue
Columbia Street
I made sure I had the key and walked into the bank. Walked toward the teller, wait, what name did I use?!
Then a mini flash back hit
I was walking up to the teller
I was asking for a safety deposit box
He asked for a name
I said….
I snapped back into reality, I didn't pass out this time. Nice. I stepped up to the teller.
"Hi, I would like to access my safety deposit box." I said
"Name and box number?"
"Nyx Weyer box 084A," I say cherrily
"Hello again Miss. Weyer! So good to see you again follow me," I young man said "you have your key correct?"
"Yes of course!" Say following him. We entered a stairwell down one floor to the vault. There were 2 guards positioned there. The teller opened the vault, and showed me inside.
"What did you say the box was again?" He asked
"084A," I say
"Ah found it!" He pulled out the sister of mine. And we unlocked the box "would you like to have some privacy,"
"Yes please, thank you!" I had absolutely no clue what was in this box other than the blueprints, and even those were conspicuous. He exited the room and I opened the box, there were the blueprints. And a gun and rounds for it, something in my subconscious knew this gun better than the back of my hand, I knew I could shoot it if it came down to it. There were bundles of cash in multiple currencies, passports under multiple names. Well um damn? Who was I? I grabbed the blueprints, some cash, the gun and ammo. I didn't know who to trust in this world. The teller came back in and we put the box away. I thanked him and left. I got back on the bus, paid and went home. I got in the elevator and went up to the 47th floor. I knocked on the door and Ezra opened the door face full of worry. I came in Raze was asleep on the couch, at some point someone called Zaddie I opened my backpack and tossed the blueprints on the coffee table. Zaddie slapped Raze and he woke with a yelp
"Wait a minute, are these-?" Ezra started
"Blueprints for N.A.I.N. Yes." I say deadpan
"H-H-How did you get these? These are either kept in the vault itself or burned?!" Raze asked "do you know how illegal this is! Very!"
"Remembered hiding these, I don't know how I got them but N.A.I.N. Is our best option for finding out." I say hands on the coffee table looking him dead in the eye"and I personally plan on finding out with or without you. And most are going to be illegal but I'm not letting you stop me."
"I am helping you. I promised to help you get your memories back and this includes finding out your past. So I'm in." Ezra said
"Ezra I'm with you till the end of the line no matter how stupid I think this is and I kinda want to find out what happened to Erixa to, so I'm in," Zaddie said
"We'll I kinda want you 3 alive and out of jail so, I guess I'm in too," Raze said
"Well we have a team so let's get to work on breaking into N.A.I.N. and finding my past."
We poured over blueprints for hours, we figured I would be the one going in. It was around 3:30am, Raze fell asleep around 1 am after and was now sprawled on the floor looking drunk. Zaddie knocked out not long after and Erza passed out on the coffee table, falling asleep around 2 am. I got up, took a couple pictures and dragged Ezra to his bed. I picked up Zaddie and carried her to the spare room, rolled Raze on the couch and threw a blanket on him. I laid on my bed, then I got up and changed, turning off the lights on my way to my bed and climbed under the covers looking out at the skyline from my window. Still figuring out where all the information we gained today goes, as I drifted off my mind came back to one thing that stuck out to me, that squad disappeared without a trace and reappeared out of thin air 6 months later? How can people just vanish?
Vanishing point?
What does that mean?